Cook Book | by Ladies of the Church of the Good Shepherd
IN sending out a new book on cookery it has been the aim of those who have prepared it for publication, to include as great a variety of thoroughly tested and valuable recipes as possible, and to exclude everything which they were not prepared to endorse personally. Our thanks are due to all those kind friends who, by furnishing formulas for cooking, or by giving advertisements, have contributed to the success of the undertaking. We trust that all who may purchase this volume will find it a real household treasure, for "civilized man cannot live without cooks, and those who cook must have good rules to rely upon, in order to prepare wholesome and delicious meals.
Title | Cook Book |
Author | The Ladies of the Church of the Good Shepherd |
Publisher | Church of the Good Sheperd |
Year | 1896 |
Copyright | 1896, Church of the Good Sheperd |

Since the day that our distant relation.
Moved out of the beautiful Eden, There seemes to have been no cessation.
In the search of choice things to be eaten. And so from the Church of the Good Shepherd.
The ladies have issued this book ; And now we can all serve good dinners,
For here are the rules how to cook.
- Milicent L. Davis, Binghamton Chronicle
A Brief History Of The Church Of The Good Shepherd- It is believed by those who have prepared this book for the benefit of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Bingharoton, New York, that all who are interested in the parish will be glad to preserve a hist...
Historical Sketch- Mrs. Wright's mother, Mrs. John A. Collier, gave the lot for the Chapel, and when a general appeal was made, it was responded to by the gift of an adjoining lot from the heirs of the estate of Mr. Haz...
Table Of Weights And Measures- 4 teaspoonsful of liquid.................... ..............1 tablespoonful 1 pint of liquid................................. .........................
How To Make Soups- Soup Stock Three pounds of lamb, neck or breast, two pounds beef shank well cut. Pour on this six quarts of cold water, let it come quickly to the boiling point and skim; set it back and let it boi...
How To Make Soups. Continued- Oyster Soup One quart of oysters, one pint of water, one pint of milk. Place the oysters on the stove in a granite kettle and add the water. After they come to a boil, skim and set bade on the stov...
How To Cook Fish- Boiled Codfish (Fresh) Lay the fish in cold water, slightly salted, for half an hour before cooking. Wipe it dry and wrap it in a clean linen cloth kept for such purposes. (The cloth should be dred...
How To Cook Fish. Continued- Codfish Stew Pick into fine pieces, allowing one-half teacupful to one pint of milk, and put on the stove in a stew pan well covered with water. Let it come to a boil, drain and add one pint or qua...
How To Cook Shell Fish- Fried Oysters Select large and plump oysters, spread on a towel and season with LeKoy salt and pepper. Roll in fine cracker crumbs, dip in beaten egg and roll again in the crumbs. Put two or three ...
How To Cook Meats- Roast Beef The best pieces for roasting are the sirloin and rib pieces. The meat should have the bone removed by the butcher and skewered. If boiling water is dashed over the meat when first put in...
How To Cook Meats. Continued- Crust For Meat Pies One quart of flour, three tablespoonfuls of lard, two and one-half cups of milk, one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in hot water and stirred into the milk, two tablespoonfuls of ...
How To Cook Poultry- Timely Suggestions Good Housekeeping says: If housekeepers everywhere would start and maintain a crusade against the sale of undrawn poultry in the markets or by farmers, it would work a most whole...
How To Cook Poultry. Part 2- Roast Goose Stuff the goose with a potato dressing. Take six potatoes boiled and mashed fine and light, one tablespoonful LeRoy salt, one teaspoonful of pepper, one of sage, two tablespoon-fuls of ...
How To Cook Poultry. Part 3- Chicken Pot Pie Cut up a large fowl and half a pound of salt pork, cover with boiling water. When it comes to a boil skim and simmer slowly till tender. Season with pepper, the pork will salt it su...
How To Make Croquettes- Chicken Croquettes, No. 2 Chop the chicken, mix with same quantity of mashed potatoes, make into cones, when cold dip in eggs and roll in cracker crumbs and fry a light brown. Mrs. Smith. Ha...
How To Make Fritters- Fritter Batter One pint of flour, one-half pint of milk, one tablespoonful of salad oil or butter, one teaspoonful of LeRoy salt, two egg8 (beat the eggs light,) add the milk and salt to them. ...
How To Make Patties- Cream For Patties One-half pint of cream, one large teaspoonful of flour, LeRoy salt and pepper, let the cream come to a boil, make the flour smooth with a little cold milk and stir into the boilin...
How To Make Sandwiches- Whether for traveling, picnics or social entertainments, there is nothing more wholesome and inviting than dainty sandwiches, in making them do not use bread that has been baked less than twenty-four ...
How To Make Salad Dressings- One egg, two teaspoonfuls of sugar, one teaspoonful of made mustard, LeRoy salt, pepper, four tablespoonfuls of vinegar, one tablespoonful of butter (small). Do not put in salt or pepper until the res...
How To Make Salads- Chicken Salad Two quarts of cold chicken shredded, seflbon with four tablespoonfuls of vinegar, two of oil, one tablespoonful o LeRoy salt, one-half teaspoonful of pepper. Set in cold place three h...
How To Make Salads. Continued- Vegetable Salad Eight large cold boiled potatoes, three cold boiled turnips, four cold boiled red beets, one cold boiled carrot. Cut the above in dice. Chop separately four heads of fresh celery, t...
How To Cook Vegetables- Vermicelli One and one-half package of vermicelli. Put on the back of stove and simmer two hours. Drain off the water. Take one pint of canned tomatoes, heat and strain, thicken with one tablespoon...
How To Cook Vegetables. Continued- Cauliflower With Drawn Butter Take off the green leaves and stalk of the cauliflower, wash and cook in boiling water half an hour, turn off the water, add one pint of milk and one of boiling water ...
How To Cook Potatoes Or Sweet Potatoes- Boiled Potatoes Peel the potatoes and throw them into cold water for fifteen minutes, if old let them stand two hours, drain, cover with boiling water, put on the lid and boil slowly until soft eno...
How To Make Macaroni- Break and wash the maccaroni and boil in salted water slowly two hours. Pour off the water, drain and serve with one-half pint of cream sauce. Maccaroni With Cheese Prepare as above, turn in...
How To Make Pies- Pastry One cup of lard, three cups of pastry flour, a little LeRoy salt. Sift the flour, add the salt, and rub in the shortening. Use enough ice water to hold all together, handling as little as po...
How To Make Puddings- A bag that is used for boiling pudding should be made of thick, cotton cloth, and previous to filling it with a pudding it should be wrung out of hot water, spread with butter and floured on the insid...
How To Make Puddings. Part 2- Sauce For Pudding One-half cup butter, one cup sugar, cream together. Break in an egg, beat all together, add one-half cup hot water, slice in a lemon, set over tea kettle, steam twenty minutes. Mr...
How To Make Puddings. Part 3- Orange Pudding One quart of milk, three or lour eggs, one cup of sugar, a little butter, three teaspoonfuls of corn starch. Cook in a farina pail. After the custard is cold cut up three tart orange...
How To Make Cakes- Queen Cake One pound of flour, one pound of white sugar, one-half pound of butter, one pound of currants, one-half pint of cream, four eggs, a teaspoonful of soda, Spice to taste. Leave out the cur...
How To Make Cakes. Part 2- Layer Cake, No. 1 One and one-half cup of 0 sugar or one cup of granulated sugar, one large tablespoonful of butter, the yolks of three eggs, the whites of two eggs, one and a half cups of sweet mi...
How To Make Cakes. Part 3- Aunt Kate's Pork Cake One pound pork chopped fine. Add to it three cups boiling water, two cups molasses, three cups sugar, one tablespoon saleratus, one nutmeg, cloves, two pounds raisins or curra...
How To Make Frosting For Cake- The whites of two eggs, one cup of powdered sugar. Break the whites in a broad cold dish, throw in a little sugar on the eggs and beat with slow steady strokes with Dover beater or wire spoon. Add the...
How To Make Cookies- Cousin Ann's Cookies 1842 Two coffee cups of sugar, one of butter, two eggs, one teaspoonful of soda, three tablespoonfuls of water, one-half a nutmeg. Mix rather stiff and roll thin. Four tablespo...
How To Make Jelly- Generally cut up the fruit into small hits and nearly cover with water. It will depend on the fruit whether more or less wrater should be used; with currants do not add so much, but with quinces you c...
How To Make Jelly. Continued- Peaches In Jelly Take one can of good peaches and cook them over with a cup of sugar. Separate the peaches and syrup. Soak the peaches in a little brandy, if you wish. Put a package of Cooper's gel...
How To Make Preserves- Canning Prepare the fruit with care. Make a syrup. Allow a little more than half a pound to a quart can of fruit. For every two pounds of sugar allow one pint of water, let it dissolve, come to a ...
How To Make Marmalade- Orange Marmalade One dozen oranges,cut into very thin pieces; cut toward the core and throw that away. Put into a porcelain kettle and cover with six quarts water, cover and stand one side for twen...
How To Make Desserts- Ice Cream One quart of milk, one and one-half quarts of cream, one cup of flour, one pound of sugar. Put the milk in a double boiler. Reserve enough to dissolve the flour. When scalding hot stir in...
How To Make Icess- Lemon Ice One quart of water, one and one-quarter pounds of white sugar, the juice of four lemons and one orange. Boil the water and sugar and the rinds of three lemons and one orange five minutes....
Miscellaneous- Orange Custard Four teaspoonfuls corn starch wet with a littleeold milk. Add beaten yolks of six eggs, pour into one quart of boiling milk, stir until it thickens and remove from fire to cool. Cut ...
How To Make Pickles- Two gallons of vinegar, one-half pound of ground mustard, one-quarter of a pound of cloves, one-quarter of a pound of allspice (whole), one-quarter pound of tumeric,two ounces of mace, four pounds of ...
How To Make Pickles. Part 2- French Pickles. No. 2 One gallon of green tomatoes sliced, four onions sliced, salt them in layers alternately, let them stand one night, then drain them well. Prepare a tablespoonful of black pepp...
How To Make Pickles. Part 3- Breakfast And Tea Chop fine any kind of cold meat (corned beef is the best). Take not quite one-third more potatoes than meat, chopped fine. To three and one-half pints of the hash put one-third of...
How To Cook Eggs- Boiled Eggs Put in a sauce pan of boiling water and boil three minutes if wanted soft; if hard, ten minutes. They are more delicate if put in cold water and allowed ten minutes to come to a boil. ...
How To Make Bread, Rolls, Etc- Potato Yeast Put two quarts of water and a handful of hops (in a bag) on to boil. When boiling add six potatoes. When the potatoes are soft, mash through a colander, pour over the boiling hop water...
How To Make Bread, Rolls, Etc. Continued- Graham Bread Two cups of sour milk, one-half cup of sugar, one tear spoonful of soda, one-half teaspoonful of LeRoy salt, stir in flour to make a stiff mass. Put in well-buttered basin, steam two h...
How To Make Muffins Or Waffles- Muffins One and one-half cups of flour, one cup of sweet milk, two eggs well beaten and two teaspoonfuls of Cleveland's baking powder. Bake in a well heated oven. Mrs. C. Moore. Quick Muffin...
How To Make Gems- Whole Wheat Gems One pint of milk, one egg, one tablespoonful of sugar, one of melted butter, one-half teaspoonful of LeRoy salt, two teaspoonfuls of Cleveland's baking powder. Flour to make as thi...
How To Make Coffee- The Use Of Coffee It is asserted by men of high professional ability that when the system needs stimulant nothing equals a cup of fresh coffee. Those who desire to rescue the drunkard from his cups...
How To Make Tea- Have the teapot clean and freshly scalded. Allow one gill for five persons. Cover with freshly boiled water and let stand for a few minutes on the back of the stove. Fill with boiling water and serve....
How To Make Drinking Chocolate- Use five squares of Huyler's chocolate cut fine, three table-spoonfuls of granulated sugar, three tablespoonfuls of hot water, one-quarter of a salt spoon of LeRoy salt, one cup of milk, one of cream ...
How To Make Beverages- Roman Punch Grate the rind of one lemon, add one quart of water, one-half pound of sugar and boil five minutes; add the juice of two large lemons, one orange, strain and set aside; when cold, freez...
Recipes For Candies Requiring No Cooking- (From The Correct Art of Candy Making, published by us at 6cL (by post, 7 1/2 d.) or 15 Cents per Copy). The following candies are made without boiling, rendering their preparation easier and produ...
How To Make Candies- Chocolate Creams Dust the moulding board with the least bit of flour, roll the cream on it, then cut in small pieces and form into balls between the palms of the hands and set on parafine paper to ...
How To Make Candies. Continued- Chocolate Creams Dust the moulding board with the least bit of flour, roll the cream on it, then cut in small pieces and form into balls between the palms of the hands and set on parafine paper to ...
Correct Service At Table. The Table And The Quests- [By Permission Ladies' Home Journal]. In setting: a table, the dishes should be placed with regularity, that the eye may not be teased by anything out of line. All elaborate folding of napkins...
Serving The Dinner- To serve a la Russe, which is at once the simplest and most elegant manner when guests are present, it is only necessary to pass the dishes of each course in rotation, beginning alternately at the rig...
Removing The Courses- In changing from one coarse to another, it is against all rules of the proprieties to remove more than one plate at a time. An assistant in the servant's pantry or in the adjoining room to receive t...
Other Important Details On Service At Table- There has been an effort on the part of some to do away with the custom of the ladies' withdrawal from the scene leaving the gentlemen to their coffee and cigars, but it has only been adopted spasmodi...
Serving A Family Dinner- It is a more difficult and complicated thing to serve well a plain home dinner that the most elaborate entertainment. There are more details to be remembered, and the attention of the servant is mor...
Hints For The Sick Room- A fever patient can be made cool and comfortable by frequent eponging off with soda water. Consumptive night sweats may be arrested by sponging the body nightly In salt water. One in a faint sho...
Cure For Swollen Feet- Bakers and others whose work keeps them standing a great deal, are oftentroubled with chafed, sore and blistered feet, especially in extremely hot weather, no matter how comfortably their shoes...
How To Cure Dyspepsia- The first relief came from the use of a kind of home-made hop beer. Two ounces of hops, two ounces of sarsaparilla, about one-third ounce of sassafras (used only for flavor, and can be left out if des...
Garnishing- Ingenuity and skill cannot be displayed alone in making salads, but much artistic taste and skill may be shown in the garnishing, thereby adding greatly to the appearance of a dish, for if we please t...