Art, Crafts & Photography Books
Learn and enjoy photography arts and crafts with these books
Airplane Photography | by Herbert E. Ives- Airplane photography had its birth, and passed through a period of feverish development, in the Great War. Probably to many minds it figures as a purely military activity. Such need not be the case, for the application of aerial photography to mapping and other peace-time problems promises soon to quite overshadow its military origin. It has therefore been the writer's endeavor to treat the subject as far as possible as a problem of scientific photography, emphasizing those general principles which will apply no matter what may be the purpose of making photographs from the air. It is of course inevitable that whoever at the present time attempts a treatise on this newest kind of photography must draw much of his material from war-time experience. If, for this reason, the problems and illustrations of this book are predominantly military, it may be remembered that the demands of war are far more severe than those of peace; and hence the presumption is that an account of how photography has been made successful in the military plane will serve as an excellent guide to meeting the peace-time problems of the near future.
Aerial Cameras, Aerial Films, And Film Processing | by Richard W. Underwood- Any discussion of the aerial camera must of necessity contain information regarding aerial films and aerial film processing, for the aerial camera is merely the instrument used to procure a precision photograph. An unbroken continuity of quality assurance procedures is mandatory from manufacture of the original aerial film through its use in the aerial camera, its photographic processing, and reproduction. A logical approach to the development of aerial photographic expertise, starting with the use of simple, low-cost systems, is outlined.
The Barnet Book Of Photography | by Herts Barnet- We want The Barnet Book to even more than ever remind Photographers throughout the world of our readiness to realise their needs, and to afford them help and advice in a manner not perhaps usual with a commercial house; moreover, this Book should keep in remembrance that vast and growing industry whence Plates, Films, Papers , Carbon tissues, etc, bearing the name of Barnet are sent forth. And that the Barnet productions are prepared only after the most painstaking scientific investigation and tests, and by means of all the great manufacturing resources of The Barnet Works, sufficiently accounts for the ever increasing demand made for them, to which it is our aim to respond in as full and liberal a mariner as that in which the Barnet Book is planned.
Beginning Woodwork At Home And In School | by Clinton S. Van Deusen- This book is intended as a definite statement of steps that may be followed by a beginner in learning the fundamental principles of woodworking.
Educational Activities For Boys | by Walter T. Diack- One of the greatest opportunities of the Young Men's Christian Association to-day is to help fill up the broad gap which indicates the difference between the instruction offered in the public schools and that which is needed by men for their life's work.
Secrets Of The Great Mysteries | by Oudini- In publishing this book a faithful endeavor has been made to present all the best tricks that the author has performed, both in public, in theatres and places of amusement, and in private. It is believed, then, that this book is complete; containing a greater number of tricks in actual usage than any other work yet published, with full explanations and illustrations in regard to the various methods of escape, as used by the author
A Manual Of Photography | by Robert Hunt- The first division contains the history of the progress of Photographic discovery, in which the greatest care has been taken to insure exactness, and to give to each discoverer the full merit of his labours: the date of publication being taken in all cases where it could possibly be obtained. The second division embraces the science of the art; and it is a section to which the attention of the intelligent student in Photography is particularly directed, as he may, by the knowledge he will thus acquire, relieve himself from many of the annoyances attendant upon frequent failures, and probably advance himself in the path of new discovery. The manipulatory details, given with all necessary minuteness, are included in the third division.
Mural Painting | by F. Hamilton Jackson- It must be premised that this handbook does not concern itself with the practice of the ordinary painter and decorator, in the sense in which those words are generally used, but only with those higher forms of decoration for which the assistance of the artist is required; The modes of decorating a wall-surface by means of paint divide themselves roughly into those in which the colour is solely on the surface of the wall and those in which the colour penetrates that surface; though this is perhaps merely a question of the thickness of the skin of colour and the thoroughness with which the colour is attached to the surface.
Nature Photography For Beginners | by E. J. Bedford- So far as I can ascertain, this is the first book treating of Nature Photography which is illustrated almost entirely by means of reproductions of stereoscopic photographs. I hope, therefore—notwithstanding the numerous existing volumes dealing in some form or other with the representation of Nature by means of the camera—that room will be found for this volume.
Porcelain Painting | by Elizabeth Lawrence Archer- Many an amateur has abandoned his first attempts at initiation, from the want of lucid and simple practical information, on the subject. Nevertheless various excellent treatises have been written, from time to time on the subject. The amateur, however, requires something more succinct than is to be found in the pages of such authorities, and with the view of supplying this desideratum, the following unpretending directions have been compiled.
Sporting Firearms | by Horace Kephart- It is assumed that the reader of this booklet is familiar with gun catalogues—hence space is saved by omitting nearly everything that catalogues have to say. Let us consider rifles and shotguns from the user's standpoint, simply as tools of sport, to be judged strictly on their merits. The " make 99 of a gun, like a horse's pedigree, may be of good or ill repute; but it is not a final guarantee of merit. To prove a gun thoroughly, it must be tested both on the range and in the field. Nobody can tell from field shooting alone just what a gun's shooting qualities are; nor can anybody tell much about its killing power and serviceability until he has used it a good deal on game.