Fiction, Novels & Fairy Tales
"Fiction is something invented by the imagination or feigned" - Webster Dictionary. Loose yourself in that imagination with Fiction Books
Dream Days | by Kenneth Grahame- Contains a collection of short stories.
Foreign Magic: Tales of Every-Day China | by Jean Carter Cochran- Foreign Magic, Tales Of Every-Day China, is a novel with experiences that the authour had in China.
Household Tales | by Brothers Grimm- Contains a set of well known loved fairy tails like Hansel and Gretel, Snow-Drop(Snow-White), from the great authors them selves.
Legendary Fictions Of The Irish Celts | by Patrick Kennedy- Collection of Irish Legends and Celtic myths are included in this book.
Mart Haney's Mate: Money Magic | by Hamlin Garland- During the flush times in Cripple Creek, I was invited one evening by a writer on a Denver newspaper to visit with him some of the gambling halls in which it was his habit to spend an hour or two in search of the latest news of "strikes," "sales," and "leases," and in one of the largest of the many saloons we stood for some time studying the men engaged in games of chance. Who was he? What was he dreaming about? The answer to these questions I put into a story which I called "Mart Haney's Mate" and which was (in part) serialized under that title. Later, when the time came to publish in book form, I submitted six other titles to my editors. Out of this list they voted for Money Magic.
The Spirit Of Christmas | by Henry Van Dyke- A Collection of stories and tales of Christmas
The Skeleton Key | by Bernard Capes- The detective or mystery tale, in which this last book is an experiment, involves in itself a problem for the artist, as odd as any of the problems which it puts to the policeman. A detective story might well be in a special sense a spiritual tragedy; since it is a story in which even the moral sympathies may be in doubt
Stories From The Thousand And One Nights | by Edward William Lane and Stanley Lanepoole- The Thousand and One Nights is one of the great story-books of the world. It was introduced to European readers by the French scholar Galland, who discovered the Arabic original and translated it into French in the first decade of the eighteenth century; but its earlier history is still involved in obscurity.
To Tell You The Truth | by Leonard Merrick- This is a collection of fictional short stories.