Information Books on Outdoor Activities like Hunting, Fishing, Camping, etc.
The Book Of Woodcraft | by Ernest Thompson Seton- While I set out only to justify the Indian as a model for our boys in camp, I am not without hope that this may lead to a measure of long-delayed justice being accorded him. He asks only the same rights as are allowed without question to all other men in America - the protection of the courts, the right to select his own religion, dress, amusements, and the equal right to the pursuit of happiness so long as his methods do not conflict with the greater law of the land.
The Boy Scouts of Woodcraft Camp | by Thornton W. Burgess- In this and succeeding volumes, " The Boy Scouts on Swift River," " The Boy Scouts on Lost Trail," " The Boy Scouts in a Trapper's Camp," I have sought to portray the life of such a school camp under Boy Scout rules. " The Boy Scouts of Woodcraft Camp " has been written with a twofold purpose: To stimulate on the part of every one of my boy readers a desire to master for himself the mysteries of nature's great out-of-doors, the secrets of field and wood and stream, and to show by example what the Boy Scout's oath means in the development of character.
Camping And Woodcraft | by Horace Kephart- This book was intended as a pocket manual for those who travel where there are no roads and who perforce must go light. I took little thought of the fast-growing multitude who go to more accessible places and camp out just for the pleasure and healthfulness of open-air life. It had seemed to me that outfitting a party for fixed camp within reach of wagons was so simple that nobody would want advice about it. But I have learned that such matters are not so easy to the multitude as I had assumed; and there are, to be sure, " wrinkles," plenty of them, in equipping and managing stationary camps that save trouble, annoyance, or expense. Consequently I am adding several chapters expressly for that class of campers, and I treat the matter of outfitting much more fully than before.
The Book Of Camp-Lore And Woodcraft | by Dan Beard- Boyhood is a wonderful and invaluable asset to the nation, for in the breast of every boy there is a divine spark, materialists call it the "urge of youth," others call it the "Christ in man," the Quakers call it the "inner light," but all view it with interest and anxiety, the ignorant with fear and the wise with understanding sympathy, but also with a feeling akin to awe. This lamentable state of affairs caused the writer so much real pain and concern that he then and there inaugurated a personal crusade for the benefit of the boys, a crusade with the avowed object of winning for them the peoples' interest in the big outdoors.
American Game Fishes | by W. A. Perry- This book teaches you about American Game Fishes, Their Habits, Habitat, And Peculiarities; How, When, And Where To Angle For Them
The Art Of Angling Greatly Improved- Containing The Most Esteemed Methods Of Angling For Pond And River Fish; The Baits For Each, And How To Obtain And Preserve Them The Choosing Of Rods And Tackle; Also, Instructions In Every Branch Of Fly-Fishing, And For Tne Making Of Flies.
Fishing | by Horace G. Hutchinson- This book has many accounts and practises in catching common fish such as Bass, Pike, Trout, Mackerel etc. It is also Illustrated and detailed so that it's easy to refer and follow.
Fly Fishing | by Sir Edward Grey- Numerous pens have been engaged during the last few years on the subject of fly fishing, but the editors feel sure that the volume by Sir Edward Grey, with which the Haddon Library opens, will not be regarded by anglers as superfluous. Gardens and gardening, too, are to be treated of, and will again receive the attention of one who has never yet failed to enrich English literature when he has taken up his pen to write on the well-loved theme.
Sea Fishing | by John Bickerdyke- For those who are seeking for knowledge on any of the subjects dealt with will find the results of many years' experience written by men who are in every case adepts at the Sport or Pastime of which they write. It is to point the way to success to those who are ignorant of the sciences they aspire to master, and who have no friend to help or coach them, that these volumes are written.
Salmon Fishing | by W. Earl Hodgson- Contains authors experience on Salmon Fishing, places, and equipment involved are described in length. A detailed list of different "Flies" are also included with colour photographs.
Trout Fishing | by W. Earl Hodgson- Contains information about Trout Fishing, with instructions and expertise on the subject. Also contains a list of fishing flies that is to be used in different occasions and times.
Sport In The Low-Country Of Ceylon | by Alfred Clark- This little book on " Sport in the Low-Country " is submitted to the public by the writer with diffidence, as he feels that there are men in the Island who are more competent than he to write on the subject. He, however, believes himself to be not altogether without qualifications for the undertaking, as he has spent the greater part of twenty-five years in the forests of the low-country, and has thus had, of necessity, many opportunities of observing the habits of wild animals and of learning by experience the best, pleasantest and cheapest ways of obtaining sport. It is not expected that experienced sportsmen will learn anything new from the following pages, but it is hoped that the little book will be found useful by strangers and new-comers going on their first shooting trip to the low-country.
Bird-Hunting Through Wild Europe | by R. B. Lodge- A most interesting expedition could be made now in pursuit of the Eagles and Vultures of Southern Europe. In Spain alone there are still to be found, in the big pine-woods and rugged sierras, five different kinds of Eagles and four kinds of Vultures. Some of these are yearly decreasing in numbers, and in a few more years will be extremely rare. Hungary and the country round the Danube is also particularly rich in raptorial and marsh birds.
Horses, Guns, And Dogs | J. Otho Paget, George A. B. Dewar A. B. Portman, And A. Innes Shand- The boy who wants to ride and own horses eventually should know all about them. The engineer who hopes to get to the head of his profession has to pass through the drudgery of the workshop before he can rise to a higher plane. The smallest detail and the ordinary routine of any business or pleasure ought to be at the finger-ends of the man who wishes to become the real and not the nominal controller of the people he employs. These truisms are so well known that it may seem unnecessary to set them down here, but it is as well to impress them on your memory, as we are all rather inclined to fly before we can walk.
Hunting | by Fredrick North- When I had a bad fall in 1898 and was laid up a long time, I put a little book together of the notes I had made from my own observations and what I had learned from experience while hunting the hounds myself, and from the maxims of celebrated old huntsmen with whom I had the advantage of being acquainted. These notes are only intended as headings to draw the attention of young sportsmen to what they ought to know and what they ought not to forget.
Hog Hunting In The East, And Other Sports | by J. T. Newall- The principal sport treated of is that of Hog-hunting. I have endeavoured, both by pen and pencil, to give to the uninitiated some general idea of this sport to my mind one of the most attractive in the world as I have enjoyed it in the countries indicated. This appears to me to be the simplest maimer of bringing together a number of anecdotes of sport occurring at widely-separated periods and places.
Hunting | by Archibald Rogers- I propose to give some hunting experiences of those days, if you will accompany me to Billings, on the Northern Pacific Railway, the nearest town to my ranch, and the Mecca to which the devout cattleman drives his wagon for supplies, I will introduce you to the foot-hills and mountains, and some of the adventures therein.
Hunting: A Manual of Fox, Hare, Stag & Otter Hunting | by J. Otho Paget- Book about Hunting, A Manual of Fox, Hare, Stag & Otter Hunting
Moose-Hunting Salmon-Fishing And Other Sketches Of Sport Being The Record Of Personal Experiences Of Hunting Wild Game In Canada | by T. R. Pattillo- Although there are, of course, some things in this work which are not quite "on all-fours" with our views of sport, yet I feel certain that most sportsmen on this side the Atlantic will read Mr. Pattillo's pages with great appreciation.