Moose-Hunting Salmon-Fishing And Other Sketches Of Sport Being The Record Of Personal Experiences Of Hunting Wild Game In Canada | by T. R. Pattillo
Although there are, of course, some things in this work which are not quite "on all-fours" with our views of sport, yet I feel certain that most sportsmen on this side the Atlantic will read Mr. Pattillo's pages with great appreciation.
Preface- As it was to be printed in London, and required some little revision and making up into chapters, I went through the original manuscript for this purpose, and if the author's unvarnished but bright, f...
Chapter I. Moose-Calling In Nova Scotia- South-Western Nova Scotia, particularly the counties of Queen and Shelburne, has always been noted for its big game moose, cariboo, and bear being abundant. One Monday morning in September, 1870, a...
Chapter II. Moose-Calling In Nova Scotia Continued- At the hour of calling we went to the meadow, but nearer the head of it, and were not much disappointed that we got no response, as the neighbourhood had been too greatly disturbed. Nor were we any mo...
Chapter III. Moose-Calling In Nova Scotia Continued- In the morning we went to the meadow, as already stated, having no luck, so after another trip by Bob to the lake without success, and of Jack and I to the trout-pool, where we caught twenty-five more...
Chapter IV. Salmon And Trout Fishing On The Medway, Nova Scotia- Fob a number of years with a companion, I went to the Medway, the last week in May and the first in June, for a week's outing. At this particular time we found the May run of salmon had worked well up...
Salmon And Trout Fishing On The Medway, Nova Scotia. Part 2- After having lunch, we proceeded to put up the tent, then had a couple of hours' nap in the middle of the day, gathered wood for the night, and at four o'clock started for the fishing-grounds again. I...
Salmon And Trout Fishing On The Medway, Nova Scotia. Part 3- Wasn't he a bouncer? Now, Sol, look out! make sure work of it! He raised the gaff and put it into him. When the salmon felt it, he jumped towards the boat, and was clear. As I was holding him with ...
Chapter V. Fishing At Little Salmon And Rocky Falls- This portion of the river has always been the sportsman's choicest ground, not only for salmon, but for its superior trouting on the main river at the foot of the Rocky Falls, and on Murray's Brook, w...
Fishing At Little Salmon And Rocky Falls. Continued- This one was 11¾ lbs. S. secured an eight-pounder, at the head of Little Salmon, just as he was leaving for camp, disgusted at the afternoon's luck. When we had the fish ready for the team to take to ...
Chapter VI. Shooting Geese And Blue-Wings On The Port Joli Harbour And Lakes In Queen's County, Nova Scotia- For at least twenty-five years every spring and autumn found me at the settlement of Port Joli, for a week's outing and shooting blue-wings, ducks, and wild geese on its harbour and lakes. Owing to th...
Shooting Geese And Blue-Wings. Part 2- Besides the excellent bags made on the ledges, and the pot-shooting by tolling, the nearest lakes at times gave me splendid sport. All sportsmen know that ducks and geese, in flying to and from the la...
Shooting Geese And Blue-Wings. Part 3- Kahouk! everywhere; while out where they were gravelling lay seven, and in different parts of the lake we continued to hear the ouks! of our wounded birds. We soon had the dead ones in the boat, ...
Shooting Geese And Blue-Wings. Part 4- I know now that the light is all right if used on a dark night the darker the better; but the birds, either geese or ducks, must be approached slowly and from the leeward, by poling, not raising the p...
Chapter VII. Catching The Albacore, Or Horse-Mackerel- During the summer and autumn large bodies of herring and mackerel frequent the harbours of Nova Scotia, pursued thither by their relentless foes the albacores, sometimes called the horse-mackerel, fro...
Chapter VIII. A Perilous And Exciting Adventure On The Medway River At Bang's Falls- I had been having one of those successful and enjoyable experiences on the head waters of the Medway, at the foot of Ponhook Lake, in the third week in June, elsewhere related in this book, when busin...
Chapter IX. Shooting In The Canadian North-West- It was my good fortune to be located at Calgary, N.W.T., in the years 1890 and 1891. At that time game of all kinds was so abundant that it was conceded to be the Sportsman's Paradise, which title ...
Shooting In The Canadian North-West. Part 2- To show how bitter our bachelor neighbour was, the next morning I shot a chicken on the wing, that fell just inside his fence, and he forbade me going after it, nor would he allow the dog, but picked ...
Shooting In The Canadian North-West. Part 3- Well, I got out of that dilemma and got to the shore as quickly as it was possible in my unworkable apparel, not even stopping, after landing, to bid the old mischief-maker a final adieu, but left her...
Shooting In The Canadian North-West. Part 4- This, we expected, would bring the battle to an end, for the sun was coming up; but we had noticed that all the birds we had yet seen were grey geese, while in the flight the afternoon before were sev...
Shooting In The Canadian North-West. Part 5- What I noticed that surprised me was the indifference of the birds to the reports. Those we missed, as well as those that got past when we were loading, would fly a few yards distant, and drop into th...
Shooting In The Canadian North-West. Part 6- This was the last shot at ducks on my outing, and the longest remembered by me. Harry, having to return home, took the birds along with him, while Ready and I went to try our luck on prairie chickens....
Shooting In The Canadian North-West. Part 7- Not wanting the dog to retrace the long r distance he had gone, I met him at the shore opposite where he captured the gander, and left it there, then went after the dead ones still in the water. When ...
Chapter X. Salmon-Fishing On The La Have River, Nova Scotia- This river (La Have), known and recognized by all strangers who have been so fortunate as to have been on its waters or its banks, as the Rhine of America, extends 15 miles from the North Atlantic to ...
Salmon-Fishing On The La Have River, Nova Scotia. Part 2- I was becoming desperate : time was going, the sun was well up, the fog had disappeared, the workmen were going to their labour, and very little headway apparently was being made towards ending the st...
Salmon-Fishing On The La Have River, Nova Scotia. Part 3- We secured two others in the afternoon, each of us losing one, after being fast some time. But the only really exciting sport was with the last one that S. hooked. It was nearly dusk, and we had lande...
Salmon-Fishing On The La Have River, Nova Scotia. Part 4- He was quieting down and ready to start in for further practice, when he saw F. hook one, which seemed to make him wild, for he reeled up his line, and started to go across the river, as it was near t...
Salmon-Fishing On The La Have River, Nova Scotia. Part 5- Had they been alone when this happened, as they were likely to have been, doubtless both would have been drowned, for the suction, which is very strong the whole length of the boom, was doubly so here...
Salmon-Fishing On The La Have River, Nova Scotia. Part 6- Did you throw that stone into the pool ? Yes. Thanks. Oh, you are entirely welcome to that one. At that reply he seized my rod, and I as quickly seized him by the throat, and t...
Chapter XI. Goose-Shooting At Debet Island, Fox Hab-Bour, On The Northumberland Strait, Nova Scotia- This strait lies between Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia North, and extends far up into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The harbours on each of its shores are numerous, and many of them in deep indentu...
Goose-Shooting At Debet Island. Part 2- Not being anxious for an accumulation of game in the early part of the cruise, John, our boatman and an A 1 cook, decided to tempt our appetite at tea with a goose stew. It was done up in most savoury...
Goose-Shooting At Debet Island. Part 3- See them on the ice, close to the decoys, heads and necks up, as if trying to make out to which branch of the goose family they claimed relationship certainly not to a very noisy one. The old gander t...
Goose-Shooting At Debet Island. Part 4- On our way up over the ice with the sled-load of geese, we noticed three rise up from the decoys at the blind, and go up Fox Harbour to the channel. Seeing that, S. decided he was going to spend a cou...
Goose-Shooting At Debet Island. Part 5- The cook found a goose on the ice opposite the house that evening, which must have been one of them. As these were gathered up and spread out on the ice with the others, the sight satisfied me. The bo...
Goose-Shooting At Debet Island. Part 6- The direct flight for that tide being over, we left them feeding, and started for the shore. We paddled directly by them; but a goose is such a good judge of distance, he knows, when he can see you, j...
Goose-Shooting At Debet Island. Part 7- To commemorate this grand outing the birds were hung up in front of the house, the gunners were placed in suitable positions, and the kodak brought into requisition. Then they were stowed away in...
Goose-Shooting At Debet Island. Part 8- Scout Jack is sitting there, getting on his long leather boots, with his face as long as the Moral Law, at the probability of having to wade his boat back to the island with that prospective load. He ...
Goose-Shooting At Debet Island. Part 9- Our situation was so supremely ridiculous, all we could do for a while was to laugh and screech. This was wild-goose hunting with a vengeance. Fortunately, those fellows on the shore can't see us, or ...
Chaptee XII. Salmon-Fishing At Greenfield- For several years my business required me to be at Greenfield, the head waters of the Med-way, during the third week in June, which was the choicest time in the whole season there for salmon and trout...
Chaptee XII. Salmon-Fishing At Greenfield. Continued- Sundown was near, so I concluded not to fish more then, but land and get my rod repaired for early morning; so I poled the boat to the shore, and there met the friends mentioned before, two of them ta...
Chapter XIII. Moose-Hunting With Dogs And On Snow-Shoes- In March, 18 I was at Port Joli, Queens, Nova Scotia, heretofore spoken of in this volume, on my usual spring outing after geese and ducks. Besides this being the famous resort and feeding-ground of t...
Moose-Hunting With Dogs And On Snow-Shoes. Continued- Why in thunder don't you fire ? Are you going to let him go again ? asked R. I can't shoot that moose, helpless as he is with those dogs. Confound such sentimentalism! What did we come a...
Chapter XIV. Continuation Of Moose-Hunt On Snow-Shoes And With Dogs At Post Joli, Queen's County, Nova Scotia- On the re-start for home all (dogs and hunters) showed they were tired by the way they trudged along, but encouraged by the hope that each step carried them nearer rest, as also near a moose, which Re...
Chapter XV. Exciting Occurrences On A West-Indian Voyage. A Hurricane Adventure- Including A Hurricane Adventure, The Capture Of A Man-Eater Shark And Dolphin, Closing With An Encounter And The Killing Of A Fish Bearing The Euphonious Title Of The Devil-Fish? In A Boat On The Gulf...
A Hurricane Adventure. Continued- Do you hear anything unusual ? Yes, we all replied, as it was not difficult to hear a rumbling, roaring, terrifying sound, resembling heavy breakers, or tumbling water. Then he shouted ag...
Capturing Dolphin And Man-Eater Shark- The exciting and wearying experience of the hurricane was followed by several days of calm, in which we did little more than drift, only making two degrees to the south in five days. Life had begun to...
Capturing Dolphin And Man-Eater Shark. Part 2- Think of eight men being confined for eighteen days on a space 25 by 100 feet, and not taking advantage of such a spree and ridiculous outcome as this. The old captain laughed till he cried, and that ...
Capturing Dolphin And Man-Eater Shark. Part 3- As soon as the new bait was dropped towards him his eyes snapped. He was only a few inches under water now, and was very uneasy. As the bait was drawn back slowly and just entering the bowline, he whi...