Gardening And Planting Books
For everybody who like to make their gardens beautiful and useful, a set of informative books are available here
Culinary Herbs: Their Cultivation, Harvesting, Curing and Uses | by M. G. Kains- If this book shall instill or awaken in its readers the wholesome though "cupboard" love that the culinary herbs deserve both as permanent residents of the garden and as masters of the kitchen, it will have accomplished the object for which it was written.
Flower Gardening | by H. S. Adams- What is a flower garden ? Doubtless some would say, if one may judge them by their works, that it is a highly decorative frame for the house, or a showy adjunct thereto; or again that it is a colorful possession the joy of which would be materially lessened were the effect not boldly planned for the eyes of the passerby, or. a mere place for the growing of the flowers that one must have.
Economic Tree Planting | by Birdsey Grant Northrop- This paper is reprinted from the Report of the Connecticut State Board of Agriculture. A few local allusions are retained to show the original aim of the writer and the application of kindred facts and plans to other fields.
A History Of Gardening In England | by Alicia Amherst- This work does not pretend to be a history of the Gardens of England, which would indeed be a delightful task to carry out, therefore many well-known gardens have not been mentioned in the following pages, only a few examples having been cited to serve as illustrations of each successive fashion ; and to enumerate others would only have been to multiply instances. It is hoped rather that this work, inadequate though it is in comparison with the vastness of the subject, may in some measure serve as a handbook by which to classify gardens, and fix the dates to which they belong. In many cases it must always be difficult to assign an exact date to a garden, as although frequently a garden adjoining the house has existed from very early times, the changes, though few, have been so gradual that it is almost impossible to determine for certain the time at which they assumed their present condition.
Indoor Gardening | by Eben E. Rexford- THIS book is not a scientific treatise on plant-culture. Nor is it the work of the professional plant-grower. It aims to give, in plain and simple terms, such information as the amateur gardener stands in need of.
Landscape Gardening | by Andrew Jackson Downing- In the following pages I have attempted to trace out such principles, and to suggest practicable methods of embellishing our rural residences, on a scale commensurate to the views and means of our proprietors. While I have availed myself of the works of European authors, and especially those of Britain, where Landscape Gardening was first raised to the rank of a fine art, I have also endeavored to adapt my suggestions especially to this country and to the peculiar wants of its inhabitants.
The Natural Style In Landscape Gardening | by Frank A. Waugh- We may fairly claim to have achieved a full freedom in these matters. Every well-trained landscape architect in America designs freely if either the formal or the natural style, frequently using both styles in different parts of the same project. The ill-natured polemics of the seventies have disappeared altogether from the garden literature of the present day.
Rubber And Rubber Planting | by R. H. Lock- In endeavouring to make this book suitable for the needs of as wide a circle of readers as possible, it has been the aim of the author to combine an accurate account of the scientific side of rubber planting with a certain amount of practical information which may be of use to the prospective planter. The space available in a book of this kind only admits of treating the subject in the form of an introductory outline, but it is hoped that the information given will be found reliable as far as it goes.
School Gardening | by W. Francis Rankine- Gardening is the oldest and at the same time the most interesting industry in existence. It offers pleasure to all and profit to many ; there is a pleasure in the beauty of the flowers that may be grown ; there is a great profit in the health-giving exercises it affords us, and in the knowledge that the observant gardener acquires in the course of his work.
A Few Suggestions On Tree Planting | by C. S. Sargent- Every year the destruction of the American forests threatens us with new dangers. Every year renders it more imperative to provide some measures to check the evils which our predecessors in their ignorance have left us as a legacy with which to begin the second century of the Republic. It may not, then, be entirely without interest to examine briefly what the dangers are which follow the destruction of the forests, and the methods of counteracting them, which, so far as Massachusetts is concerned, arc fully within our reach.
Tree Planting On Streets And Highways | by William F. Fox- Tree Planting is one of the best expressions of altruism. The man who plants trees is thinking of others rather than himself. He enables people to gratify their love of the beautiful, to enjoy better health, to become more prosperous; he makes the world better and happier. Trees purify and cool the air, increase the value of surrounding property, and are pleasing to the eye. They should be placed along the highways, on our village and city streets, on lawns and in parks, on schoolhouse grounds, on the farm, in the dooryard, and wherever shade or shelter may be needed. Planted in commemoration of persons or events, they become living monuments that endure when the inscriptions on the yellow, moss-covered marbles of the churchyard are no longer legible.
Town Gardening | by Mary Hampden- This book aims at giving such plain instructions and valuable hints that the ignoramus can start flower culture with every prospect of success ; while the person who knows a little will be shown why things have gone wrong before, and how they can be made to go right for the future.
Tree Planting For Timber And Fuel | by C. B. Mcnaughton- A report on Tree Planting For Timber And Fuel is presented in this book.
Trees And Tree-Planting | by James S. Brisbin- To destroy the forests of America has been a brief work; to replant and reproduce them will be the labor of forty generations, but it can be done. I have written many books and submitted them to my countrymen for their approval, but never have I approached a subject with such diffidence and consciousness of my inability to cope with it as the one treated of in the following pages.
Vegetable Gardening | by Ralph L. Watts- In the preparation of this volume the author has had a twofold purpose, first, to meet the demands of instructors desiring a textbook on vegetable gardening and, second, to present in an organized form data of value to all classes of vegetable growers. The work relates to the culture rather than to the systematic study of vegetables, although some attention is given to a description and classification of the more important garden crops. A special effort is made to state the fundamental principles involved in the various operations of vegetable gardening, while at the same time methods are discussed fully, and frequent reference is made to the practice of vegetable growers in various sections of the United States and Canada.
Window Gardening | by S. T. Maynard- The growing of house plants or "Window Gardening," as it is happily termed—is rapidly increasing. The rich and the poor are alike engaged in this beautiful pastime and it is gratifying that the poor, as well as the rich, can possess and enjoy all the beauty and fragrance and refining influence which attend the cultivation of flowers by the household.
What England Can Teach Us About Gardening | by Wilhelm Miller- This book is intended as a radical departure in the literature of horticulture in purpose, method, and manner. The purpose of Old World gardening books and periodicals is usually to record progress — not to stimulate it. The purpose of this book is to inspire people to make more and better gardens.