Town Gardening | by Mary Hampden
This book aims at giving such plain instructions and valuable hints that the ignoramus can start flower culture with every prospect of success ; while the person who knows a little will be shown why things have gone wrong before, and how they can be made to go right for the future.
Title | Town Gardening |
Author | Mary Hampden |
Publisher | Charles Scribner's Sons |
Year | 1922 |
Copyright | 1922, Charles Scribner's Sons |
Amazon | Town Gardening |

By Mary Hampden, Author of 'Rose Gardening,' 'Bulb Gardening,' etc.

'The Home Garden' Books
Dedicated To E. M. D.
'Can all your tapestries, or your pictures, show More beauties, than in herbs and flowers do grow ?'
Abraham Cowley.
Introduction- The Town Dweller's Wants. What has been done. About Sour Soil. Watering Pot Plants. About a Sooty Atmosphere. What may be done. Way to do it. A MAN who pined to cultivate orchids in a town back yar...
Chapter I. Choosing The Right Plants, Shrubs, Bulbs, Etc- The Tree-Shaded Garden Perennials that will live. Bedding Plants for shady Gardens. Drip from Trees. The hot, enclosed Town Garden. Perennials that will live. Plants for Heated and Unheated Glassho...
Choosing The Right Plants, Shrubs, Bulbs, Etc. Continued- The very hot, because sunny, enclosed garden, in London or other towns, may be made gorgeous annually with double and single zonal geraniums, ivy-leaved and scented-leaved geraniums too, zinnias, Afri...
Chapter II. Artificial Beds And Borders, Boxes, Tubs, Barrels, Etc- The Art of 'Crocking.' Obtaining Compost. Paint Colours. Rockeries, Basket Beds. Arches and Pillars. AGREAT deal of floral display can be created by the use of ornamental boxes, urns, tubs or hangi...
Chapter III. Preparing Garden Soil And Composts- About Lime, Sand, Soot, Leaf-mould, Cocoa-nut Fibre Refuse, etc. How to detect Poverty of Soil. The necessary Tools. About patent Fumigants, Insecticides, Fertilizers, etc. IT is futile to plant in...
Chapter IV. Planting And Potting- Plants by Rail or Post. About Cheap Plants and Seeds. To keep Potted Plants from Flagging. Shading and Shielding Plants. Sticking and Tying Plants. A Beautiful Geranium Display. Another Attractive Fil...
Chapter V. Seeds, Cuttings, Etc- How to Sow and Cover. Outdoor Seed Beds. Sweet Peas. Hardy Annuals. Dahlias and Chrysanthemums. Tuberous Begonias. Small Greenhouse Plants from Seed. Clematis Jackmanii. Other Climbers to Plant. SE...
Chapter VI. Daily Routine And Seasonable Work- General Tasks For May, June And July PATHS and lawns require rolling after rainy weather, and should be frequently swept with a birch broom, as this removes ant-hills and worm-casts. Lawn sand c...
Chapter VII. Keeping Up The Flower Display- Reserve Plants. Frames in Yards and on Porch-tops. How to add to Beds and Boxes. The Art of removing Plants. Early-flowering Chrysanthemums, Kochias, Beets, etc. Refilling Window-boxes. Meadow-saffron...
Chapter VIII. How To Group Pot Plants- Hardy Plants for Groups. Foliage Subjects. How to Grow Them How to make Groups—and Where. THERE arc probably a hundred amateur gardeners able to grow pot plants to two or three individuals able to ...
Chapter IX. Preparing For Autumn Beauty- Succession of Effects. Pot Plants on Steps. Retarded Geraniums. Cork-covered Parapet Boxes. Choice of Chrysanthemums. Hardy Plants in Pots for late Blooming. Meadow-saffrons. Pot Dahlias. THE clove...
Chapter X. Window Gardens And Conservatories- How to Ventilate. About Gas and Temperature. Balcony Glasshouses for Alpines. Bulb Potting. Plants for Rooms. Flower-tables in Sun and Shade. AWINDOW garden may be in a miniature glasshouse, a sort...
Window Gardens And Conservatories. Continued- The following have been grown in a little ' alpine ' house in the west centre of London. Saxifraga Wallacei While, blooming from April to July. 6 in. high. Saxifraga Hybrioa. Splendens Tal...
Chapter XI. Life In Town Gardens- Seats, Summer-Houses, Shelters, Rain-water Butt, Screens, Tents, Furniture, Lawns, Birds, Tortoises. Keeping out Cats. NO matter how small the town garden may be, there should be a seat in it. The ...
Chapter XII. Daily Routine And Seasonable Work- General Work For August, September And October DISBUD dahlias slightly to secure fine blooms. See to the ties of dahlias, or heavy storm rains may bend them double. Go over rose-trees to cut awa...
Chapter XIII. Bulb Potting, Etc- List of Bulbs to Plant or Pot, with Instructions for Culture. Hyacinths in Glasses. Bulbs to Cultivate in Peat Fibre Mixture. FREESIA potting is described in a previous chapter. It can be continued...
Bulb Potting, Etc. Continued- Lebanon Squill (Puschkina Libanotica Compacta) Charming little uncommon flower, white, striped with blue. Pot, October to March, half an inch deep, an inch apart. Keep uncovered in cool place until...
Hyacinths In Glasses- Nearly fill a hyacinth glass with water, rain-water if possible, and put two nuggets of pure wood charcoal in it. Lay a small round of fish-netting over, and place a bulb on this, so as its base just ...
Chapter XIV. Bedding Out For Spring- The Need for Hoeing. Why Plants die in Winter. Wallflowers. A Representative Filling for a Bex Bed. Shrubs, Pinks, Pansies, etc. Erect Ivies for Window-Boxes. Spring Planting. THE subject of fillin...
Chapter XV. Roses, Trees, Shrubs, Etc- How to Plant Deciduous Trees. Evergreen Trees. Clematises Again. Roses for Town Gardens. Why Roses fail. The Hardiest Roses. Rose varieties for the Suburbs. Shrubs for Suburban Gardens. WE have alr...
Chapter XVI. The Hardiest Perennials And Biennials- Making Special Displays. German Irises. Phloxes. Michaelmas Daisies. Biennials. Hardy Plants in Pots. Oriental and Iceland Poppies. Lupins and Hybrid Pyrethrums vv perennials are likely to thrive, eit...
Chapter XVII. Fine Winter Effects- Paved Gardens. Dutch or Formal Gardens. Dwarf Shrubs. Winter Flowering Plants, Bulbs, etc. 'Everlasting* Flower and Seed Sprays. How to Dry Them. WHEN the town gardener has become sufficiently expe...
Crocus Susianus- Goldand-bronze. Crocus Suaveolens. Violetand-fawn. Crocus Vitellinus. Yellow, sweetly scented. Hepaticas (Anemone hepatica). Blue or rose ; double or single. Begin in February. Semi - shade desirable....
Chapter XVIII. Daily Routine And Seasonable Work- General Work For November, December And January IMPROVE vacant soil by adding manure, if it is poor. Ground that is enough manured can often be made better for plant-life by forking in plenty of ro...
Chapter XIX. Home Raised Plants- When and how to Sow. Seeds that should Succeed. 1 Everlastings.' Sweet Peas. Ornamental Grasses. Novel Suggestions for Pot Plants. IT may seem discouraging, but I cannot advise the town gardener to...
Chapter XX. Buying Trees, Climbers, Etc- From Whom to Buy. How to Order. Selections of Climbers for. VV trees, or gaps filled up where trees have failed, a nurseryman with knowledge of the locality should be consulted. This does not neces...
Chapter XXI. Violets, And Other Buttonhole Flowers- How to grow Violets in Borders and Frames. Carnations, Double Primroses. Ranunculuses. VIOLETS may be grown, in absolute perfection, in frames not only'within sound of Bow Bells,' but within sight ...
Chapter XXII. Rock Gardening And Alpine Plants- Why Plants are safer in Rockeries. Where to make Rockeries. Small Perennials and Alpines. Other Plants to Try. Rockeries all for Bulbous Plants. ROCKERIES are homes in which many plants will keep i...
Chapter XXIII. A Number Of Novel Suggestions- Blue, Gold, other Self-coloured Gardens. Suiting Flower Colours to House Colours. Climbers for Balconies without Pillars. Dahlia Gardens. Various Novel Gardens. Wild-flower Culture. Rare Plants. Makin...
Chapter XXIV. Daily Routine And Seasonable Work- OBTAIN ingredients for potting and seed-sowing compost, and clean pots, pans, boxes, etc. Prepare crocks for drainage by breaking up broken flower-pots and passing the pieces through wire sieves, keep...