This section is from the book "Town Gardening", by Mary Hampden. Also available from Amazon: Town Gardening.
The following have been grown in a little ' alpine ' house in the west centre of London.
While, blooming from April to July. 6 in. high.
Tall rose spikes among fine leaves.
Alba. While. Ap>riland.
May. 2 Saxifraga D e c i p i e n s.
Bright crimson. May to July. 7 in.
White. May to July. i ft.
Silver cushions of foliage, white flowers. February to April. 3 in.
The curious Cobweb house-leek.
Grey, shining trailer, with rose flowers all summer. 4 in.
Lilac. All summer, on into winter. 1 jt. MwJ not be scorched by sun.
July to September. 0 in.
February to July. Yellow, silvery foliage. 18 in.
W 0 r I, or Rose of Sharon (H y pericum Moserianum).
Trailer. All summer.
Varieties, yellow, red, white, pink, etc. All summer. 8 in.
2 ft.
Cobalt blue. Autumn and winter. 8 in.
Rosy longheads of blossom.
May to September. 2 Pot shrubs to grow, if there is space, are�
Rosy red or white. February and March.
Ivory white.
Red, rose or whitey-blush.
(Cistuses can-didissimus, florentinus, formosus, purpurens, etc.). Rose, white, yellow, red-purple. Summer.
Statices Bon d"u elli, Yellow, sinuata, lavender.
Annual Butterfly flowers.
Gentian blue annual. 9 in. Tobacco Plants. White and coloured hybrids.
Brownish red. Very graceful.
Gold, scarlet, etc. 2 ft.
Hardy annual.
Vermilion. 15 in.
While. 2 ft.
Pink. 2 ft.
White. Flower spikes. 3 ft.
While. 3 ft.
While. 2 ft.
Coloured leaves and whitish flowers, spotted with gold and scarlet. Trailing.
Pale rose. 2% ft.
Yellow, apricot, copper, etc. Quite hardy, but do not bloom unless the dead flowers of previous year have been removed to prevent seed-pods.
Tall spikes of white, vermilion or terra-colla salmon. Pot bulbs (called corms) in October or November, about one inch and a half apart, and one inch deep. Keep in cool room till about to flower, when place in sunny window.
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