The Tree-Shaded Garden

Perennials that will live. Bedding Plants for shady Gardens. Drip from Trees. The hot, enclosed Town Garden. Perennials that will live. Plants for Heated and Unheated Glasshouses. Old and New Floral Schemes.

AS seeds, roots, trees, shrubs, bulbs, etc., have to be bought, perhaps ordered from a distance, the first task in town gardening is to decide what to cultivate. Choosing cleverly is half the battle against adverse circumstances and three parts of the conquest of Triumph.

Is the back garden tree shaded, and enclosed by high walls ?—If so, plants that will live all the year round, and do well each year, include the following:—

Monkshood (Acouitum Napclhis)

Blue. Tall.

Wolf's Bane (Acouitum Lycotoiium)

Yellow. Tall.

Bugle (Ajuga Rep Tans)

Purple-blue. Dwarf.

Japanese Anemone (Anemone Japonica)

White or pink. Tall.

Ox-Eye Chamomile

(Anthemis tinctoria).

Yellow. Med iiDii.

Wood Ruff (Asperula Odorata)

White. Dwarf.

Michaelmas Daisies

(Asters Nova>Anglia and Novi-Belgii). Of many shades of blue, violet, rose, lilac a)id white. Tall.

Goat's Beard (Astilbes Davidii And Grandis)

Majcnta - rose. White. Tall.

Violet Bells (Campanula Glomcrata)




(Corydalis che^ilantbifolia). Yellow.

Fern-like leaves. Dwarf.

Lyre Flower (Dicentras Spectabilis And Eximia)

Pink. Deep rosy red.

Medium. Dwarf.

Foxgloves (Digitalis Purpurea, And P. Alba)

Purple. White. Tall.

Leopard's Bank (Doronicum)

Gold. Tall and medium.

Plantain Lily

(Funkia Fortunci robust a).

Silvery lilac. Handsome foliage.

Med iuni.

St. John's Wort (Hypericum Reptans)

Yellow. Medium, but spreading.

Rose Of Sharon (Hypericum Calycinum)

Gold. Medium.

Iris, Or Flags (Iris Ger-Manica)

Violet, Blue, Gold, Bronze, Lilac, Crimson, White, and blends. Medium.

Yellow Water Flag (Iris Pseudo-Acorus)

Yellow. Tall.

Creeping Jenny

(Lysimachia mini 1 in 1 laria).

Yellow. Trailing.

Loosestrife (Lysimachia Vulgaris)

Gold. Tall.

Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum Salicaria Rosea)

Purplish rose. Tall.

Monkey Flower (Mimulus Lutcus)

Yellow, Medium.

Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum Multiilorum)

Whitey green. Tall.

Primrose (Primula Vulgaris)

Primrose yellow, or coloured hybrids. Dwarf.


(Pulmonarias augustifolia and saccharata). Blue. Rose.


London Pride (Saxifraga Umbrosa)

Whitey pink.


Golden Rod

(Solidagos spectabilis and serotina lepida). Gold. Tall. Very tall.

Periwinkle (Vinca Major)

Lavender blue. Trailer.

This list does not exhaust the plants that will thrive in shade ; there are other families, such as the cultivated blue-flowering lettuces (latucas), the crowsfoots (ranunculuses), meadow-sweets (spiraeas), ragworts (senecios), perennial phloxes (phloxes decussata and suffruticosa), hardy maidenhair (thalictrums), and spidersworts (tradescantias), for example, that are quite likely to do well, as will double paeonies and single hollyhocks, unless the tree shade is ubiquitous. Many plants thrive without more than glimpses of sunshine, but cannot endure drip from overhead branches.

If any shrubs are wanted in tree-shaded gardens, privets, euonymuses, berberis aquifolium, common elder, common laurel, are the safest to choose. In open spaces the following should be tried :—

Veronica Glauco-Ccerulea

Blue - purple.

Veronica Buxifolia


Salix Purpurea Nana

The purple-stemmed dwarf willow.

American Currant (Ribes Sanguineum)

Rosy red.

Mock Orange (Philadelphus Coronarius)


Spray Bush (Cotoneaster Horizontalis)

White ; autumn tinted.

Berberis Thunbergii

Splendid autumn tints.