Hunting | by Fredrick North
When I had a bad fall in 1898 and was laid up a long time, I put a little book together of the notes I had made from my own observations and what I had learned from experience while hunting the hounds myself, and from the maxims of celebrated old huntsmen with whom I had the advantage of being acquainted. These notes are only intended as headings to draw the attention of young sportsmen to what they ought to know and what they ought not to forget.
Title | Hunting |
Author | Fredrick North |
Publisher | Vinton & Co., Ltd. |
Year | 1900 |
Copyright | 1900, Vinton & Co., Ltd. |
Amazon | Hunting |
"I want you to grow up good country gentlemen, doing your duty to your Sovereign, your country and neighbours, rich and poor, and fulfilling all the obligations of your station, and versed in all those pursuits and occupations which make a country life so pleasant and happy."
To My Grandchildren

Preface- These Notes on Hunting, primarily written for and dedicated to his grandchildren by Lord North, were only intended for private circulation, but the advice given is so sound and of such a practical cha...
Hunting. Hunt Servants- Hunt servants are in a somewhat exceptional position. They should never forget, and gentlemen should always remember, that they are the Master's servants, and not the servants of the public. All hu...
Earth Stopping- Earth stopping is a very important matter, and in these days when the number of drains has increased to an enormous extent, is all the more difficult, because land owners like their own men to do the ...
The Hounds- Form your pack according to the country in which it is to hunt. Breed from the very best blood that you can get, but stick to the same sort. Without nose hounds cannot hunt, and without pace the...
Points Of A Hound- Feet Round and close like a cat, a wee bit turned in. Knees Big and flat. To be back at the knee is bad. Foreleg Straight, with plenty of good bone well carried down to the foot and qui...
Treatment And Training Of Hounds- A puppy at walk should have plenty of good nourishing food ; but he should not be allowed to get too fat, as it is apt to make him crooked, and if distemper should attack him it will go all the harder...
Treatment Of Hounds- Keep your hounds light and strong. The great art is to convert flesh into well-developed muscle. Keep their skins loose, and their coats clean, shiny and glossy. Give your hounds plenty of long ste...
Cub-Hunting- Some people now-a-days advertise their cub-hunting meets, but I think it is a bad plan, because cub-hunting is for the instruction of the young hounds, and the fewer people you have out with you, at a...
Drawing Coverts- In drawing big woods and coverts, draw up wind, or on a side wind, your second whipper-in should be handy to you, down wind, that he may hear what is going on and stop to you quick when necessary—your...
Gone Away- Get away as quickly as ever you can with your fox, but if you have only a few hounds with you, stop them till the body comes up. If the body is tied to another fox, go back to it with the hounds you h...
General Notes- Mr. Jorrocks says It is clearly the duty of every man to subscribe to a pack of 'ounds even if he has to borrow the money. The late Mr. T. Drake, speaking of a certain gentleman, remarked, He doesn...
Hints For Second Horsemen- A second horseman should always be a steady, sober, trustworthy man, a good horseman, smart in appearance, sharp and quick-witted, should always think what he is about and keep his head on his shoulde...
Poultry Claims- The claims sent in for loss of poultry have become a very serious question in hunting finance. Were you to see the enormous number sent in you would imagine all the poultry in the Empire was hatched a...