Educational Activities For Boys | by Walter T. Diack
One of the greatest opportunities of the Young Men's Christian Association to-day is to help fill up the broad gap which indicates the difference between the instruction offered in the public schools and that which is needed by men for their life's work.
Title | Educational Activities For Boys |
Author | Walter T. Diack |
Publisher | Young Men's Christian Association Press |
Year | 1907 |
Copyright | 1907, Young Men's Christian Association Press |
Amazon | Educational Activities for Boys |

By Walter T. Diack, General Secretary, West Side Branch, New York City.
Educational Work For Boys- The small percentage of boys who are really equipped for their life work when they enter business appalls one. In Greater New York alone there are 280,000 boys between the ages of twelve and sevent...
Weakness Of Public Evening School Instruction- So far we have had in our evening educational classes about 5,000 boys and most of them have simply studied mechanical drawing or the commercial branches. There are those who maintain that because the...
The Association's Opportunity- If the schools and colleges are not ready to give vocational and industrial instruction, is not this an opportunity for the Association? Can we not just here fit into the great scheme of instructional...
Things Important To Consider- It is a high aim to help boys fill up their leisure hours and make such use of them as will count for their future happiness and advancement. In doing so, however, I believe that we should follow the ...
What Can Be And Is Being Done- There will always be need of instruction in the elementary branches for some boys and in the business or commercial branches for others, but by far the largest number will be attracted and held to som...
Public School Manual Training And The Association- About five years ago there was not a single manual training school in Portland or in the state of Oregon. To-day the public schools of this city are thoroughly equipped to train the hands as well a...
A Boys Summer School- No other feature of our work for boys has evoked such hearty expressions of gratitude and pleasure from parents as the last year's summer school, nor in any other feature have I seen the boys themselv...
Observation Parties And Educational Tours- Observation parties and educational tours should not be confused with outings. Their object is to develop the observation habit in boys and to educate them through the eye and ear. This may be accompl...
Essay Competition- The boys of the party are invited to participate in a friendly competition by writing a descriptive essay of the tour. A committee of three has been appointed, who will examine all papers. The boy wri...
The Demand For Vocational Training- The American boy, on the average, spends about four years in school, and those before he is twelve years old. In Massachusetts eighty per cent of the boys fifteen years of age have dropped out of s...
Practical Talks—Their Operation And The Secret Of Their Success- A careful definition of terms employed should precede a discussion upon any given subject. A common meeting ground is thus provided, and a basis for treatment established. Hence, in the present instan...
Manual Training For Association Boys- The success of any venture in one Association is not a guarantee of its success in another unless similar conditions exist. Particularly is this true of manual work for boys. By way of illustration pe...
Some Common Fallacies- Because occasionally there appears on the side streets a boy with a soap-box cart and improvised dog harness, or a hand-wrought juvenile edition of a wooden auto; or because the neighbor's boy tampers...
A Practical Experiment- The very practical value of manual training work planned from the recreative and esthetic standpoint may be illustrated by the work of the boys of the Springfield, Ohio, Boys' Department in putting to...
Problems Of The Working Boys' School- Not long ago a student of our educational work put this query to educational directors and boys' secretaries: Should all employed boys who join the Association be expected to take some form of edu...
Training For Office Work- The problem of training the office boy has been a perplexing one to business men. The instruction received by boys in the public schools does not seem to give them the power of application. When they ...
Physical Education- Physical training is not so much muscle making as muscle training. It is not only health producing, but habit forming; not only tissue building, but also brain organizing. Dr. Hartwell has said, t...
The Advantages Of A Large Social Room- The advantages of a large social room for boys is well demonstrated in the boys' building at Duluth, Minn. The building occupied by the boys was originally built and used by the German Turners, but ha...
When It Was Discovered At Bar Harbor- When it was discovered at Bar Harbor, Maine, a year or more ago that there were older boys in the Association who were not interested in any form of educational, physical or other kind of work then ca...
Separate Classes For Employed Boys- Separate classes for employed boys are conducted in the Cincinnati Association. Those working in offices and who wish to enter offices are in charge of one instructor and are taught arithmetic, penman...
The Harlem Boys' Department Orchestra- The Harlem Boys' Department Orchestra has been in existence three years, meeting regularly for rehearsals. It has a membership of twenty-two. During the past two years it has had a number of engage...
Let People Know More About What Our Boys Are Doing- I have come to the conclusion that we do not tell enough about our boys' work. The public these days are apt to discount statements and claims. I often think it divides them by two or four. Let us at ...
Libraries For Boys 'Departments, Hardly a Boys'- Department has not in the past or at the present time does not face the problem of keeping an up-to-date library in the department on the small budget which is provided for books. An experiment has pr...