The Harlem Boys' Department Orchestra has been in existence three years, meeting regularly for rehearsals.

It has a membership of twenty-two. During the past two years it has had a number of engagements at church concerts and other like occasions. The money received for outside engagements about covers the expense of instruction. The members also assist the Association work materially by providing music for the Sunday Club.

The Savings Bank In The Boys' Department

The Savings Bank in the Boys' Department of Providence is interesting more and more of the boys. They can deposit any amount from a penny upward, though the upper limit is not high. The Association holds the money in trust and deposits it in a local savings bank to the credit of the depositors when the required amount is reached. The card system is used in entering depositors. A boy must give a week's notice before he can draw on his deposit. During this time he has a chance to change his mind so there is less opportunity of his spending money foolishly as in many cases he will consult with the Boys' Secretary before drawing. Many of the boys have been consistently depositing their extra coins during the winter, with the special object of providing for camp expenses this summer. One enterprising "chap" marched in one day and deposited $5, announcing that he had made it by clearing the snow from the sidewalks. No one account is high, but each one indicates the desire on the part of the depositors to observe more thrift, to cut down unnecessary expenditure for things of fleeting pleasure and fancy, and to save for the proverbial "rainy day," though it may be the Fourth of July or circus day.