Porcelain Painting | by Elizabeth Lawrence Archer
Many an amateur has abandoned his first attempts at initiation, from the want of lucid and simple practical information, on the subject. Nevertheless various excellent treatises have been written, from time to time on the subject. The amateur, however, requires something more succinct than is to be found in the pages of such authorities, and with the view of supplying this desideratum, the following unpretending directions have been compiled.
Title | Porcelain Painting |
Author | Elizabeth Lawrence Archer |
Publisher | Kessinger Publishing |
Year | 1860 |
Copyright | 1860, Elizabeth Lawrence Archer |
Amazon | Porcelain Painting |
Dedicated To Mrs. Fraser
I am indebted for many of the directions contained in these pages, to a treatise on the same subject in Lardner's Cabinet of the Useful Arts.
E. L. A. , 25th March, 1860
Introduction- It is almost unnecessary to say, that the principal foundation of ceramic manufactures is clay, and that of the latter is chiefly composed the porcelain which in ordinary use, we recognise as the fine...
Porcelain Painting- The ornamental department of the Manufacture of Porcelain has at all times, more or less, been involved in a degree of mystery, which has not characterised the other arts. Many an amateur has aband...
The Principal Colours- Purple And Violet Procured by dissolving gold in aqua regia (nitro muriatic acid) and immersing a bar of pure tin therein. This is called the purple precipitate of Cassius. Carmine Prepare...
Flares- Oxides uncombined with other substances, are not susceptible of fusion, in order to promote which, a flux is added; the composition of which, varies according to the means or medium employed for dilut...
Furnishing- An agate or pebble burnisher, some white lead, a little vinegar, and a piece of sheep skin for wiping the ware, are necessary. Great cleanliness is indispensable, so much so, that the workman must nei...
Painting, Process Of Applying The Colours To The Porcelain- It may be necessary to premise, that the laborious and scientific process, by which the metallic colours are produced, belongs to the department of the Metallurgist, from whom, the pigments compounded...
The Klin Oven Baking- Glazing, Etc- The amateur in porcelain painting generally sends his work to the pottery to be glazed and fired, and to have the gilded ornamentation burnished, but such a course is not absolutely necessary, as he c...
Painting On Porcelain, With Their Prices- PER OZ. 8, d. Best Dark Purple (Crimson)........................... 8 6 Rose or Carmine......................................... 2 0 Ditto, lighter ..............................................
Terms- Triturate To rub or grind to powder. Calcine To Burn to powder. Muffle, or Oven. Precipitate Sediment. Vitrification Turning into glass. Fusion State of being melted. ...