Bakers and others whose work keeps them standing a great deal, are often»troubled with chafed, sore and blistered feet, especially in extremely hot weather, no matter how comfortably their shoes may fit. The Scientific American calls attention to a powder used in the German army for sifting into the shoes and stockings of the foot soldiers, called "Fusstreupulver." It consists of 3 parts salicylic acid, 10 parts starch, and 87 parts pulverized soaps tone. It keeps the feet dry, prevents chafing, and rapidly heals sore spots. Finely pulverized soaps tone alone is very good.

For a Burn or Scald, have on hand a mixture of linseed oil and lime water in equal parts, and keep the scald covered with linen steeped in this, changing as it beats. If you have not the mixture by you, hastily knead together a tablespoonful of wood soot (that from a coal fire will not do) with two taplespoonfuls of lard, until you have a smooth salve. Apply to the scald, and keep it on until the burning is allayed. The remedy is black, but marvellously efficacious in the case of burns or scalds. A tea-spoonful of soda stirred to a cream in four spoonfuls of molasses is another homely, but good application; also a coating of flour and cream, or of dry flour alone. None of these, however, equal the Unseed oil and lime water, unless it be the lard and soot.

For Hives In Children, rub the irritated skin or the pustules with castor-oil applied with the tip of the finger. Baby will pass from fretting to slumber while the process is going on, the relief will be so great and quick.

For Inflamed Eyes, bumped heads, and sprained ankles, use abundantly water as hot as can be borne.—Marion Harland.

Oatmeal Drink is much recommended to those who are undergoing great bodily labor; boiling water poured on oatmeal and flavored with lemon peel.—The Trained Nurse.

Foreign bodies in the alimentary tract, such as pennies, bullets, etc., may be removed more easily by large amounts of pulverized slippery elm taken into the stomach.

Recently a Mr. Kennett suggested through the Chicago Tribune, the juice of the pineapple as a simple means of relief in diphtheria. Mr. C. M. Whipple of Rockford, 111., writes to the Tribune that the publication reached him Justin time to permit him to try the remedy on his six-year-old daughter who was very dangerously ill with the dread disease, and says: "I at once procured a fresh ripe pineapple, pared off the rough skin, and pressed out the juice. We induced the little sufferer to take, prehaps, one good swallow through her medicine tube, and the effect was quite noticeable. Within two or three hours she began coughing up small pieces of membrane. We began this treatment Monday, and have continued it every hour since with great results. While we do not consider our little one out of danger, she is much improved. I would not say this is a sure cure for this frightful disease, as heart failure is liable to occur at any time during, or for weeks after sickness, and other medicines and the services of a physician are necessary. Permit me to thank the Tribune and, through it, Mr. Kennett, for giving publicity to the remedy".