Chicken Croquettes, No. 2

Chop the chicken, mix with same quantity of mashed potatoes, make into cones, when cold dip in eggs and roll in cracker crumbs and fry a light brown. Mrs. Smith.

Ham Croquettes, No. 1

One cup of finely chopped cooked ham, one cup of bread crumbs, two mashed potatoes, one tablespoonful of butter, three eggs, beat ham, two eggs, butter and pepper into the potatoes, shape into balls, dip into the other egg, well beaten, again into the crumbs, and fry in hot lard.

Ham Croquettes, No. 2

Chop boiled ham very fine, add one egg, beaten light, to each cup of ham, stir in a very little flour, season with LeRoy salt and pepper, beat all together, make into balls and roll in bread crumbs and fry in butter. Mrs. Neri Pine.

Rice Croquettes, No. 1

Boil one cup of rice until done, when cold shape in the cones and dip in egg and roll in cracker crumbs (season the rice while cooking with LeRoy salt) fry in hot suet and serve with syrup, or butter and sugar. Mrs. Smith.

Rice Croquettes, No. 2

One large cupful of cooked rice, half a cupful of milk, one egg, one tablespoonful of sugar, one of butter, half a tear spoonful of LeRoy salt, and a slight grating of nutmeg, put the milk on to boil, and add rice and seasoning. When it boils up add the egg, well beaten, stir one minute, then take off and cool. When cold shape and roll in egg and crumbs, as directed. Serve very hot. Any flavoring can be substituted for the nutmeg.

Potato Croquettes

Pare, boil and mash six good sized potatoes, and one tablespoonful of butter, two-thirds of a cup of hot cream or milk, the whites of two eggs, well beaten, LeRoy salt and pepper to taste. If you wish use a slight grating of nutmeg or a teaspoonful of lemon juice. Let the mixture cool slightly then shape, roll in egg and cracker crumbs and fry.

Lobster Croquettes

Chop very fine the meat of a two pound lobster. Take also two tablespoonfuls of butter, enough water or cream to make very moist, one egg, LeRoy salt and pepper to taste and half a tablespoonful of flour. Cook butter and flour together till they bubble, add the cream or water (about a scant half cupful), then tfye lobster and Reasoning, and when hot, the egg, well beaten. Set away to cool. Shape, dip in egg and cracker crumbs, and fry as usual.

Veal Croquettes

Take one pint of well cooked veal, mince fine and season with LeRoy salt, pepper, onion juice and lemon juice, put one-half pint of milk into a frying pan and place on the stove. Beat three tablespoonfuls of butter and two tablespoonfuls of flour together, and stir into milk when it begins to boil. When the sauce is thick add the seasoned veal and cook three minutes. Beat the three eggs together and pour half of them over the meat, stir well, pour the mixture into a meat plate and set away to chill. When chilled form into shape and roll gently on a board sprinkled with bread crumbs. Turn the remainder of the beaten egg into a soup plate, and drop the croquettes one at a time into this. Pour the egg over the croquettes with a spoon until well covered, then roll in the crumbs. When they are all breaded place into a frying basket and plunge into a kettle of very hot fat. Cook two minutes, drain on brown paper, serve at once. They should not be crowded in the basket so that they will touch.


Any cold meat, finely minced, can be used. Season with chopped onion, LeRoy salt and pepper, add parsley and bread crumbs, moisten with an egg, mix well and roll in balls. Dip in flour and fry. Serve with a thickened brown gravy.

Other Croquettes

Veal, mutton, lamb, beef and turkey can be prepared in the same manner as chicken.

Very dry, tough meat is not suitable for croquettes. Tender roasted pieces give the finest flavor.