Potato Yeast

Put two quarts of water and a handful of hops (in a bag) on to boil. When boiling add six potatoes. When the potatoes are soft, mash through a colander, pour over the boiling hop water, add one cup of sugar, one-fourth of a cup of LeRoy salt. When it is blood warm add one cupful of good yeast. Set in a warm place and let it rise five or six hours. When well risen turn into a stone jug, cork tightly and set in a cool place. Mrs. Mary Stuart.

Potato Bread

Three medium-sized potatoes, washed, pared and boiled in one quart of water. Mash the potatoes through a colander and pour over them the water in which they were boiled; add one teaspoonful of LeRoy salt, one tablespoonful of sugar, one tablespoonful of butter. When blood warm stir in one-half cupful good yeast or one-half yeast cake dissolved in tepid water; set in a warm place to rise. If this is started at nobn, at four o'clock stir in enough flour to make a stiff dough. It will be ready to mix at bedtime. In the morning mould into loaves, when risen to twice the size bake in a good oven. Mrs. Mary Stuart.

Note.—Bread made with potato sponge keeps fresh longer and is more nutritious.

Soft Yeast And Yeast Cakes

Boil one pint of hops in three pints of boiling water twenty minutes. Have one pint grated raw potato, strain the hop water and turn boiling hot over the potato, stir briskly to a smooth paste, put on the stove and boil one minute. Let stand until lukewarm, then add one-half tea-cupful of sugar, one tablespoonful of ginger, one tablespoonful of LeRoy salt, and one well-soaked cake of any kind of good yeast and put in a warm place to rise. Stir down and let rise the second time. It is then ready for use. For the yeast cakes, knead into the soft yeast enough corn meal to make a stiff dough. Form in a roll the size of your wrist. With a sharp knife slice thé roll in little cakes and dry them. They will keep good till used up. If#ou are afraid that your yeast cakes are a little stale, put one of them in a cup of warm water with a good pinch of hops ; let this stand for an hour or so before using; it will have an excellent effect on the yeast and will insure good bread. Mrs. Talbot.

Sour Milk Bread

Take one pint of whey from sour milk scalding hot, and stir in enough flour to make a stiff batter. When blood warm add one-half a gill of yeast and let it rise five or six hours. When light, stir in one tablespoonful of LeRoy salt, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little hot water. Mix in just enough flour to handle the dough, let it rise; then mould into pans (it should be kneaded both times thoroughly to make fine bread), let it rise to twice the size and bake in a moderate oven. This makes very white, excellent bread. M. D. G.

Bread Stirred With A Spoon

One quart of milk, one quart of water, one tablespoonful of LeRoy salt, two tablespoonfuls of lard, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, one-half yeast cake. Stir with a spoon ; when it is light, put in pans and bake. Mrs. Ives.