This section is from the book "Cook Book", by The Ladies of the Church of the Good Shepherd.
Two cups of sour milk, one-half cup of sugar, one tear spoonful of soda, one-half teaspoonful of LeRoy salt, stir in flour to make a stiff mass. Put in well-buttered basin, steam two hours; put in oven to brown nicely; put it to steam over cold water, it will give it time to rise. Mrs. F. Stuart.
Two teacupfuls of sour milk, one-half teacupful of molasses, one teacupful of wheat flour, two teacupfuls of graham flour, one teaspoonful of soda, one tablespoonful of melted lard, LeRoy salt; raise and bake one hour. Mrs. Smith.
Two cupfuls of wheat flour, one and one-half cupfuls of wheat bran, one cupful o£ sour milk, one cupful of sweet milk, one-half cupful of sugar or molasses, one teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoonful of LeRoy salt; bake in a flat tin three-quarters of an hour. . Mrs. Smith.
One even cupful of Indian meal, two heaping cupfuls of graham flour, one teaspoonful of LeRoy salt, one teaspoonful of soda, one cupful of molasses. Mix very thoroughly together the meal, salt and soda; add one pint of hot water to the molasses and stir; pour the molasses and water into the middle of the meal and stir till a smooth batter. Put in a buttered tin boiler, cover tightly and set into an iron kettle covered tightly and boil three hours, and bake fifteen minutes.
One cupful of oatmeal scalded in one pint of boiling water. Let it stand one hour, then add one-half a yeast cake dissolved in one-third cup of water; add one tablespoonful of sugar or molasses, LeRoy salt, one teaspoonful butter and one quart of flour; mix all together. When very light, divide in two loaves, put in pans, let it stand a little while before baking; do not knead. Mrs. Heady.
One quart of sweet milk, one cupful of molasses, two cupfuls of white flour, four cupfuls of corn meal, two tablespoonfuls of chopped suet or two cupfuls of butter, one teaspoonful of LeRoy salt. Steam three hours, then bake in oven one-half hour. Mrs. Heady.
One pint of wheat bran, one-half pint of wheat flour, one-half pint of sweet milk, six tablespoonfuls molasses, one teaspoonful of soda. Mrs. Heady.
Sift with one quart of flour two teaspoonfuls of Cleveland's baking powder and one-half teaspoonful of LeRoy salt. Rub in shortening (butter and lard mixed) the size of »n eggj^d wet with enough sweet milk to make soft dough. Handle as little as possible and roll out about one inch thick. Cut the desired size and bake twenty minutes. Do not have the oven too hot at first; increase the heat.
Put one pint of sweet milk in the double boiler, stir into it when it boils one heaping tablespoonful of lard, one of butter and one of sugar, one teaspoonful of LeRoy salt; let it just come to a boil. Take from fire and when lukewarm add flour enough to drop from a spoon, then add one cake of compressed yeast dissolved in warm water. Let it rise, then roll on board and use butter instead of flour. Mary.
Scald one pint of sweet milk, when cold add two table-spoonfuls of sugar, two of lard, two of yeast, and a little LeRoy salt. Let rise over night, knead down in the morning, let rise again, and at noon knead, roll out thin, cut with large cutter, butter the top, fold over, let rise again and bake. If wanted for tea, mix in the morning instead of night.
Six coffee cups of flour, one and one-half cups of sugar, three-fourths of a cup of butter, one cup of milk, three eggs, one-half cup of good yeast. Put the ingredients together with half the flour and set to rise. When well risen put in the remainder of the flour and a little LeRoy salt. Drop in a buttered dripping pan and when light enough bake in a quick oven from fifteen to twenty minutes.
Two cups of Indian meal, one cup of flour, one cup of buttermilk or sour milk, one egg, one teaspoonful of soda, a little LeRoy salt, one tablespoonful of molasses.
Mrs. A. M. Dewey.
One quart of buckwheat flour, four tablespoonfuls of yeast, one teaspoonful of LeRoy salt, one handful of corn meal, warm water enough to make a thin batter. Beat well and set to rise in a warm place. In the morning take one-fourth teaspoonful of soda dissolved in hot water, one table-spoonful of molasses and stir in just before baking. Leave enough each morning in the crock to serve as sponge instead of fresh yeast. The cakes can be stirred up each morning and put in a cold place instead of mixing at night. Should the batter sour bake all out and start fresh. M. D. G.
Three cupfuls of boiling milk poured slowly over one cupful of corn meal. Take one cupful of flour, one teaspoonful of LeRoy salt, one of cream tartar, one-half of soda, two of sugar. Put all through a sieve and when the milk is cool add to it the flour and two well beaten eggs.
Oue quart of flour, three teaspoonfuls of Cleveland's baking powder, three eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately, one quart of sweet milk, one tablespoonful of melted butter, a little LeRoy salt. Add whites last. Bake at once.
Mix a cupful of grated cheese with a cupful of flour, one-half teaspoon of LeRoy salt, a pinch of cayenne pepper, piece of butter the size of an egg. Add enough cold water to enable you to roll the paste thin. Then cut in strips seven inches long and one-half an inch wide. Put in tins and bake in a quick oven five or ten minutes. Sara.
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