Breakfast And Tea

Chop fine any kind of cold meat (corned beef is the best). Take not quite one-third more potatoes than meat, chopped fine. To three and one-half pints of the hash put one-third of a cupful of milk or hot water, season with LeRoy salt and pepper, cook about 10 minutes, put in a dish to set in the oven. Make little hollows in the hash with a spoon, break into each an egg very carefully, put on them a little salt and pepper and butter, put in the oven and cook until eggs are set. This is good as well as dainty.

Mrs. Neri Pine.

Liver Fried

Cut in slices, pour boiling water over the liver, drain, season with LeRoy salt and pepper (the latter generously), roll in crumbs and fry. Put enough salt pork in the frying pan to furnish fat for the liver, remove the pork, put in the liver and fry brown. Put on a platter, turn into the pan milk or cream, season, and when it boils up turn over the liver and serve.


Take good pigs' liver, wash and put into a kettle, pour on boiling water to cover it, add a piece of fresh pork (no lean) about one-third as large as the liver. Let it boil until the pork will fall to pieces. Remove the liver to a bowl and chop fine until cold enough to mix with the hand; pick out the skin and stringy pieces. When very fine, add the pork and mix thoroughly. Season with LeRoy salt and pepper (it needs high seasoning with pepper), add enough of the liquor in which it was boiled to make it soft enough to press. Put in a pan, lay on a weight and set away. In twenty-four hours it may be cut in thin slices and served for tea. This has been handed down for three generations from Holland ancestors. Mary D. Greene.

Kidney stew is made by washing carefully the kidneys and boiling them whole until quite tender; set aside to cool, and when cool cut into tiny squares, removing all the fat; place in a stew-pan with a tablespoonful of butter, a little LeRoy salt, a dash of cayenne pepper, a large cupful of milk and allow them to simmer gently for half an hour. Then thicken with a spoonful of flour mixed with a little cold milk, and serve upon a platter garnished with small squares of dry toast.

Pate De Foies Gras

Calf liver and tongue boiled in water a little salted; when cold, grated and moistened with oil and melted butter, one-quarter teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, one-half a grated nutmeg, one-fourth teaspoonful of cloves, one tablespoonful Worcestershire sauce, LeRoy salt to suit the taste, full teaspoonful of made mustard, one tablespoonful of boiling water with minced onion or garlic or one clove and garlic. Pack into buttered jars, inserting triangular bits of the tongue. Pour melted butter over the whole.


Philadelphia scrapple is made as follows: Stew two pounds of fresh pork until thoroughly done. Take the meat up and add enough water to the liquor in the kettle to make a quart. Remove the bones and chop the meat, then put it back in the kettle. Season, adding sage or summer savory and onion, if desired. Then sift in cornmeal, boiling slowly and stirring as if for mush. Make it thick enough to slice when cold. Turn into a dish, and when wanted for the table, slice and fry in drippings. The quantity may be increased, as it will keep a long time in winter.

A Nice Breakfast Dish

Chop one onion fine and boil. When done, add one and one-half cups of chopped cold meat with milk enough to cover; season with LeRoy salt and pepper, one teaspoonful of butter and a sprig of chopped parsley; thicken slightly with flour. Have ready six slices of nicely toasted bread, moisten slightly with hot milk or water, and when ready to serve cover with the meat. Mrs. Smith.

Welsh Rarebit

One-quarter pound rich cheese, one pat butter. When the butter is melted, add the cheese, make a hole in the center of the cheese and put in one-quarter teaspoonful of pepper and a gill of bass ale. Stir until of a creamy consistency and pour over dry toast. Louise Bunn.

Peach Shortcake

Make a rich biscuit crust and bake in two layers. When done sprinkle with sugar and pieces of butter, and place canned peaches between each layer and on top. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. Smith.

For nice strawberry shortcake use two heaping teaspoon-fuls of Cleveland baking powder sifted into a quart of flour, half a teacupful of butter, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, milk or water to make soft dough; roll out almost as thin as piecrust, place one layer in a baking pan and spread thinly with butter, upon which sprinkle a little flour, then add another layer of crust and spread as before until you have as many layers as you wish. Bake about fifteen minutes in a quick oven, turn upside down, take off the top crust (the bottom when baking), place on a dish, spread with strawberries previously sweetened with fine sugar; place layer upon layer, treating each the same way. Serve with sweetened cream. Currants or raspberries may be used the same way.