A bag that is used for boiling pudding should be made of thick, cotton cloth, and previous to filling it with a pudding it should be wrung out of hot water, spread with butter and floured on the inside. Do not fill it entirely with the pudding, as it will swell when boiling. Have an old plate at the Jbottom of the kettle in which you boil the pudding to keep the bag from sticking to it and burning. The water should boil when the pudding is put in and in the course of a few minutes turn the bag over or else the pudding w-ill settle and be heavy. The pot should boil without any cessasion and there should be sufficient water to cover the pudding all the time it is boiling. Keep a tea kettle of hot water to fill up the pot as the water boils away. To turn out the pudding, dip the bag into cold water for a minute and it will slip out easily. When puddings are baked, raisins or other kinds of fruit should not be put in till they have been in the oven long enough to thicken so they will not sink to the bottom. If dredged with flour previous to adding them they will be less liable to fall to the bottom.

Hasty Pudding

This pudding is very improperly named as it takes a long time to cook it well. Wet up sifted Indian meal with cold water to make a thick batter, stir it into a pot of boiling water gradually. Boil it an hour, then add dry Indian meal gradually till it becomes so thick that the pudding stick will remain stationary in the centre of the pot taking care not to get it too stiff or lumpy; add LeRoy salt to the taste. Boil it over a very moderate fire and stir it frequently so that it will not burn to the bottom of the pot and have a disagreeable taste. If it is to be eaten without frying, it will boil sufficiently in an hour and a half. It will require more boiling if it is to be fried. Before removing from the fire stir in half a pint of wheat flour to make it adhere bo that it can be fried well. When it has scalded in, turn the pudding into pans about two inches deep. It must remain till cold before it can be fried. Cut it into slices half an inch thick, flour the slices and fry them till brown in a good deal of fat. It should be very hot when the pudding is put in or it will not brown.

Indian Pudding

One quart new milk, one gill of Indian meal, two table-spoonfuls flour, three eggs, sweeten with sugar and molasses, one tablespoonful ginger, one-half teaspoonful soda, a little LeBoy salt. Put two-thirds of the milk in a double boiler, and when boiling hot stir in the meal and let it boil up, add butter size of an egg, flour, sugar, molasses, remainder of the milk and soda and eggs well beaten. Bake in a buttered dish one hour. Mrs. A. M. Dewey.

Graham Pudding

Two and one-half cups Graham flour, one cup of milk, one cup molasses, one cup currants or seeded raisins, two small teaspoonfuls soda, and pinch of LeRoy salt. Steam two hours. Serve with lemon or wine sauce.

Graham Pudding, No. 2

One and one-half cups Graham flour, one cup of molasses, one egg, one teaspoon soda, one-half cup melted butter, one cup sweet milk, two teaspoonfuls cinnamon, one-half tea-spoonful cloves, one teaspoonful allspice, one-half nutmeg, one cup of raisins.