Timely Suggestions

Good Housekeeping says: If housekeepers everywhere would start and maintain a crusade against the sale of undrawn poultry in the markets or by farmers, it would work a most wholesome hygenie reform. It is a vicious practice, an abuse, in fact, that the people have endured as they have endured many other abuses, because there is no remedy except in concerted action or legislation. It is impossible to keep undrawn poultry even a few hours, without the beginning of putrefaction from the effect of the gasses from the undigested food in the "crop" and intestines. The longer it is kept, the more of the poison goes into the flesh, and in the majority of cases the poultry that reaches the kitchen from the market is actually unfit for food. Housekeepers could well afford to pay a larger price to have the poultry dressed immediately upon being killed, they pay for much weight that is thrown away, as it is, besides having left a mass of poisoned flesh. It is urged that some people prefer the flavor of undressed poultry, but that fact only makes the matter more alarming, since it indicates that we are cultivating a taste for putrid meat. Can we not have a reform ?

Poultry should never be eaten in less than six or eight hours after it is killed, but it should be picked and drawn as soon as possible.

Roast Turkey

Singe by holding the bird over a blazing paper. After drawing the turkey wash in water in which a teaapoonful of soda has been dissolved. Rinse in clean water. Stew the giblets with a small piece of salt pork until tender. Put in a chopping bowl with a little fried sausage, chop fine. Dip as much bread as will be needed for filling the bird in the water in which the giblets were boiled. Season with LeRoy salt, pepper, sage, and parsley. Chop all together. Stuff the craw with this and tie a string tightly about the neck to prevent the escape of the stuffing. Fill the body of the turkey and sew it up with strong thread. With a short skewer fasten the legs together at the joint where the feet were cut off. Be careful to cut in the joint. Run the skewer into the bone of the tail and tie firmly with a long piece of twine. Take a longer skewer and run through the wings, fastening them firmly to the sides of the bird. With another short skewer fasten the skin of the neck on the backbone. Place the bird on its breast and draw the strings with which the legs are tied around the skewers in the wings and neck, pass them across the back three times and tie very tightly. By following these directions you will have the bird in good shape. Season with LeRoy salt and white pepper. Place on the rack in a double dripping pan with a teacup of hot water. Allow two hours for a turkey weighing eight pounds, and ten minutes for each additional pound. If the turkey is fat skim the drippings before making the gravy, thicken with browned flour made smooth with cold water, add hot water, boil up once and pour into the gravy boat. Serve with cranberry sauce.