Chicken Salad

Two quarts of cold chicken shredded, seflbon with four tablespoonfuls of vinegar, two of oil, one tablespoonful o LeRoy salt, one-half teaspoonful of pepper. Set in cold place three hours, then cut into small pieces, one quart of white celery put on the ice till time to serve, mix chicken and celery together, add the mayonnaise dressing, arrange in a salad bowl and pour the dressing over it. It will require twice the quantity given in the mayonnaise recipe. Garnish with celery leaves or have a jelly border and arrange the salad in it. Turkey can be used instead of chicken, but it is not so nice. The fowl is juicier if allowed to cool in the water in which it is cooked.

Chicken Salad No. 2

Meat from one chicken, equal parts of celery and cabbage, chop chicken and shave the cabbage fine, cut the celery into small pieces and mix with the cream salad dressing.

Mrs. Smith.

Cabbage Salad

One-half of a large cabbage chopped fine, (chopped celery improves it), one cup of melted butter, one cup of vinegar, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of mustard, four eggs, two hard boiled and two used raw, LeRoy salt and pepper to taste. Boil the above over the top of a teakettle and add one cup of sweet cream after it is cool, use the whites of the hard boiled eggs chopped fine, garnishing with celery leaves or parsley. Mrs. John Bloomer.

Cabbage Salad

One-half of a head of cabbage, one large or two small onions, two sprigs of parsley, chop all together, not very fine, and mix well with salad dressing made as follows: (cream salad dressing) two-thirds of a cup of vinegar, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, one tablespoonful of LeRoy salt (small), one teaspoonful of pepper, one teaspoonful of mustard, one tablespoonful of butter, two eggs, one-half cup of milk, one-half cup of whipped cream. Place vinegar, salt, pepper, mustard, butter and sugar on the stove in a granite dish. Beat the eggs and milk together, and when the vinegar boils, pour it slowly into the eggs and milk, beat hard all the time, place it all back on the. stove and let thicken, being careful not to let it burn. After it is cold add the whipped cream.

This dressing is nice for any kind of salad excepting fish or oyster salad. Mrs. Smith.

Potato Salad

Six large potatoes, two heads of celery, two onions cut into dice, and mix with cream salad dressing.

Potatoe Salad

Six medium sized potatoes cut into dice shape, two hard boiled eggs cut into small pieces, one head of celery cut into small pieces, season with LeRoy salt and cayenne pepper, mix lightly with a silver fork, add three tablespoonfuls of olive oil stirred lightly, set away for two or three hours on ice. Before placing on the table chop a bunch of parsley and mix with the salad and cover withateacupfulof mayonnaise dressing. Mrs. Neri Pine.

Lettuce Salad

Arrange on individual dishes, delicate leaves of lettuce, place on this slices of cold hard boiled eggs and dip over each the following cold cream dressing: Beat to a cream the yolks of two eggs, a scant teacupful of thick cream, two tablespoonfuls of. white sugar, three of vinegar, a dash of LeRoy salt and mustard. S. K. Baird.