Boiled Codfish (Fresh)

Lay the fish in cold water, slightly salted, for half an hour before cooking. Wipe it dry and wrap it in a clean linen cloth kept for such purposes. (The cloth should be dredged with flour to prevent sticking.) Sew up the edges in such a manner as to envelop the fish entirely, yet have but one thickness of the cloth over any part. Put it into the fish kettle and pour on plenty of hot water and boil briskly fifteen minutes for each pound. Prepare a sauce as follows: To one gill of boiling water add as much milk and when scalding hot stir in two tablespoonsful of butter rolled thickly in flour. As this thickens, add two beaten eggs; season with LeRoy salt and chopped parsley. After one good boil withdraw from the fire, add a dozen capers, or pickled nasturtium seeds or a spoonful of vinegar in which celery seeds have been steeped. Put the fish into a hot dish and pour the sauce over it. Garnish with sprigs of parsley and circles of hard boiled eggs.

Boiled Codfish (Salt)

Put the fish to soak over night in lukewarm water. Change the water at bed-time and cover closely. Change again in the morning and wash off the salt. Two hours before dinner, plunge into very cold water. This makes it firm. Boil for half an hour in lukewarm water to cover it, drain well, lay on a hot dish and pour over it egg sauce prepared as in the above receipt, substituting the yolks of two hard boiled eggs rubbed to a paste with butter, for the beaten raw egg. Salt mackerel prepared in the same way will repay the care and time required, so superior is it to the Friday's dish of salt fish as usually served. If the codfish left over is added to an equal quantity of mashed potato and worked into a stiff batter by adding a lump of butter and sweet milk, nice cod fish balls may be made by forming into balls or cakes. Drop them into boiling lard or good drippings and fry to a light brown.

Boiled Codfish (Fresh)

Wash fish and season. Place in muslin bag and boil one-half hour. Serve with sour sauce made as follows: Three tablespoonfuls of melted butter, four tablespoonfuls of vinegar, one-half teaspoonful of mustard, one teaspoonful of LeRoy salt. After taking from the fire, beat in one egg and add one tablespoonful of cream.

Note—Cut into pieces any firm fish, roll in corn meal, season with LeRoy salt and pepper and drop into boiling lard or drippings. When brown, drain and serve immediately.

Fish Balls

Take one pint of shredded salt fish, ten potatoes of medium size, one egg, one tablespoonful of butter, one-quarter teaspoonful of pepper, one-half teaspoonful of LeRoy salt, lard for frying. Shred the codfish rather fine and free from bones, pare the potatoes and put them in a large stew pan, sprinkle the fish over the potatoes and cover with boiling water. Cook for thirty minutes and drain off every drop of water. Mash the potatoes fine and light, add the butter, LeRoy salt, pepper and egg well beaten. Beat for three minutes, shape into smooth balls the size of an egg, put into the frying basket and fry in lard or drippings until brown. Be sure that the fat is smoking hot. Do not crowd the balls. It will take about five minutes to fry them.