Generally cut up the fruit into small hits and nearly cover with water. It will depend on the fruit whether more or less wrater should be used; with currants do not add so much, but with quinces you can put in enough to just cover the* fitiit. Cover the kettle and boil slowly until the fruit is broken to pieces. Put the fruit, juice and all, in a coarse bag, hanging the same in a warm place to allow the juice to drip. Toward the last of the dripping take two spoons and press very lightly on the sides of the bag to help the remaining juice through. Do not be too economical about getting out every bit of the juice, for the more you squeeze it the cloudlier the jelly will be when finished. Measure the juice, and to every pint allow one pound of sugar. This is the general rule, but quince jelly is much more luscious if only three-quarters of a pound of sugar is allowed to every pound of juice. Put the juice on the fire, and after it begins to boil let it continue so for just twenty minutes. Do not cover the juice, and do not let it boil too hard. Skim frequently. At the same time you put the juice on, place the sugar in a pan in the oven to heat; stir it up frequently from the bottom. If you should happen to brown it a little on top it will not harm it. When the time of the boiling is up throw the sugar into the boiling juice, stirring constantly. It will hiss as it falls in, and melt at once. Let the jelly just come to a boil and dip out with a jelly dipper. Have ready a heated pitcher with a piece of cheese cloth wet with hot water over the top. Put each dipperful of the jelly through the strainer. It will run through like water, and if the cloth is as hot as you can wring it out of the water there will be no waste of the jelly. Have the jelly glasses standing in a pot of hot water; take out, drain a moment, and turn the jelly in from the pitcher.

This pitcher arrangement is by far the most convenient. Fill the glasses full and set away to cool. If these rules are followed out no one need have poor or cloudy jelly. If it seems not quite as solid the next day as you wish set the glasses in the sun, and it will shrink to any desired consistency. Cover the glasses with white paper dipped in brandy. Dse only the best white granulated sugar, or loaf sugar if your purse is heavy.

Butterccup Jelly

One package of Cooper's gelatine soaked in one cup of cold water for half an hour. Heat one and one-half pints of milk and add to gelatine. Beat yolks of three eggs with one large teacupful of sugar and a pinch of soda, add to the jelly. Flavor with vanilla. Whip the white of an egg and stir in carefully. Pour in a fancy jelly mould to cool. When firm turn out on a glass dish and serve with whipped cream.

Louise Bunn.

Black Currant Jelly

Boil the currants until the juice flows, strain through a jelly bag, set it over the fire for twenty minutes, after which add half a pound of sugar to a pound of juice. Boil ten minutes.