Ice Cream

One quart of milk, one and one-half quarts of cream, one cup of flour, one pound of sugar. Put the milk in a double boiler. Reserve enough to dissolve the flour. When scalding hot stir into it the flour. Let it boil twenty minutes and add a pinch of LeRoy salt. When cold add the cream, sugar and flavor with vanilla. Freeze. M. D. Greene.

Ice Cream

One pint of milk, one cup of sugar, one-half cup of flour (scant), two eggs, one quart of cream, one tablespoonful of flavoring. When the cream is added, one more cup of sugar. Let the milk come to a boil. Beat one cup of sugar, flour and eggs together and stir into the boiling milk. Cook twenty minutes, stirring often. Set away to cool. When cool add sugar, flavoring and cream, and freeze.

Pineapple Cream

Three pints of cream, one pint of milk, two ripe pineapples, two pounds of sugar. Slice the pineapples, thin, sprinkle sugar over them and let stand three hours. Chop the fruit into the syrup and strain through a bag of coarse lace. Beat gradually into the cream and freeze. Reserve a few bits of the pineapple and stir into the cream when half frozen. Peach cream made in the same way is delicious.

Chocolate Ice Cream

One quart of rich milk, one and one-half cups of sugar, a pinch of LeRoy salt. Put in double boiler and when scalding hot, add two squares of Huyler's chocolate thoroughly dissolved in milk and the beaten yolks of four eggs. Stir constantly until it thickens. Remove from fire, straiti through a wire seive and set aside to cool. Just before freezing add the whites of four eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Flavor with one teaspoonful of vanilla. Norwich Cook Book.

Ice Cream With Eggs

Three quarts of milk, one quart of cream, three table-spoonfuls of flour, seven eggs, one teaspoonful of LeRoy salt. Sweeten to taste and fla vor. Put one quart of milk in double boiler, add the sugar and LeRoy salt. Dissolve the flour in cold milk and when scalding hot add the flour and eggs well beaten. Cook twenty minutes,stirring often. When cooked put into the freezer, adding the rest of the milk. When cold stir in the cream and flavor. Beat for ten minutes. Freeze.

Mrs. Dudley T. Greene.