Fried Oysters

Select large and plump oysters, spread on a towel and season with LeKoy salt and pepper. Roll in fine cracker crumbs, dip in beaten egg and roll again in the crumbs. Put two or three layers of the oysters in a frying basket and plunge into a kettle of hot lard or drippings. Cook for one and a half minutes. Drain and serve immediately. Remember the fat must be so hot that blue smoke rises from the center. If allowed to stand after frying, oysters spoil very quickly.

Mrs. Heady.

Scalloped Oysters

Crush and roll Boston crackers. Put a layer in a buttered dish and moisten with the liquor and milk warmed. Put on this a layer of oysters and season with LeRoy salt and pepper, and lay small bits of butter upon them. Then another layer of moistened crumbs, another of oysters and so on until the dish is full. Let the top layer be of crumbs thicker than the rest. Beat an egg into the milk you pour over them, stick bits of butler thickly over it, cover the dish and bake half an hour. Remove the cover and brown by setting upon the upper grating of the oven.

Marion Harland.

Stewed Oysters

Fifty oysters, two tablespoonfuls of butter, one table-spoonful of flour, two gills of cream. Cook the oysters with a few blades of mace in a sauce pan until the edges curl. Stir smoothly the butter and flour and cook with the liquor of the oysters. Then add the oysters and cream. Let it simmer a few minutes. Do not let it boil after the cream is added.

Oyster Pie

Fifty oysters drained from the liquor, one hard boiled egg, two tablespoonfuls of batter, one-third cup of bread crumbs, crumbled fine. Season to taste with LeRoy salt and pepper and powdered mace. Line sides of a dish with pie crust, but not the bottom. To each layer of the oysters add some of the mixture. Continue till the dish is full. Cover with crust and bake half an hour in a good oven.

Oyster Omelette

Beat three eggs separately, add by degrees one-half gill of cream. Season with LeRoy salt and pepper, add the whites of the eggs well beaten. Have ready one-half dozen oysters cut in half or chopped. Put it into a sauce pan to heat, with one tablespoonful of butter. Pour eggs into it, drop the oysters on evenly, fry a light brown, then set in the oven to brown, or turn as an ordinary omelette.

Oyster Patties

Cut with a biscuit cutter puff paste rolled three-quarters of an inch thick. Cut a smaller sized one, dip in hot water and cut half way down in the center of the large one, bake half an hour. When done take off the cut top, take out any heavy part and fill with oyster filling. For the filling, let one pint of milk come to a boil, thicken with a smooth paste made of a piece of butter the size of an egg, mixed with one tablespoonful of flour. Stir until it thickens, then add the oysters, which season with cayenne pepper and LeRoy salt. Cook only a few minutes.

Note—Sweet breads and chicken prepared in the same way make a nice filling.


One pint of flour, one-half pound of butter, one egg, well beaten, use yolk only, one gill of ice-water, then mix the flour, a tablespoonful of butter, the beaten egg and ice-water into a paste with a wooden spoon. Flour your pastry board and roll out your crust very thin. Put the rest of the butter, when you have washed it, in the center of this sheet, in a flat cake. Turn the four corners of the paste over it, and roll out carefully, not to break the paste. Should it give way, flour the spot, that it may not stick to the roller. When very thin sprinkle lightly with flour, fold up and roll out four times more. Set in a cool place for an hour, roll out again, and cut into tartlet-shells or top crust for pies. The bottom crust of pies may often be made of plainer pastry than the upper.

Clam Chowder

Wash twenty-five clarns perfectly clean and boil in a kettle until they open easily, when they should be taken out. Chop the clams and mix with them three slices of salt pork, previously fried and chopped. Slice one large onion on the bottom of the pot in which you are going to cook it, slice or chop six raw potatoes. Add some cracker crumbs, place in layers in the following order: Onion, clams, potatoes and cracker crumbs; the last named on top. Season with LeRoy salt and pepper. Pour in the water in which the clams were boiled, adding enough water to cover the chowder and cook until the potatoes are done.

Fried Clams

Chop the clams fine, season with pepper and LeRoy salt, dredge with flour enough to make them hold together and fry in butter or lard.

Clams On Toast

Brown a sufficient quantity of bread, and butter each slice. Boil enough clams to allow three or four to each slice of bread. Strain the liquor the clams are boiled in, and to each teacup of clam broth add an equal quantity of hot water, thicken slightly with flour made into a paste with * butter, season it with pepper and LeRoy salt to taste. Pour enough of it over the toast to soften it. Then lay the clams on the toast. Serve on hot plates.