Centennial Cookery Book | by Woman's Centennial Association
Of making Cook Books there is no end, and it may be granted that they are similar. Yet it is believed this book will be valuable to any one, as its contents were gathered by competent persons from a large number of most experienced housewives, and the receipes are such, as have been thoroughly tried and approved.
Title | Centennial Cookery Book |
Author | Woman's Centennial Association |
Publisher | Times Print |
Year | 1888 |
Copyright | 1887, By Woman's Centennial Association |
Amazon | Centennial Cookery Book |
Sold For The Benefit Of The Woman's Centennial Association Of Marietta, Ohio.
" I crack my brains to find out tempting sauces".
" Cook, see all your sauces.
Be sharp and poynant in the palate, that they may,
Commend you; look to your roast and baked meats handsomely, And what new kickshaws and delicate made things".
- Beaumont and Fletcher.
"We may live without poetry, music, and art; We may live without conscience, and live without heart; We may live without friends; we may live without books;
But civilized man cannot live without cooks".
"The turnpike road to people's hearts I find,
Lies through their mouths, or I mistake mankind".
Peter Pinder.
"I own that nothing like good chew succeeds".
"When dinner has opprest one,
I think it is perhaps the gloomiest hour Which turns "up out of the sad twenty-four.
Byron. Lord Lytton.
Preface- An effort has been made to preserve some of the methods of our grandmothers which have fallen into disuse, under change of circumstances, but which are remembered to have produced most excellent resul...
How To Make Breads, Yeast, Hot Cakes, Etc- The very staff of life The comfort of the husband, the pride of the wife, And then to breakfast with What appetite you have. Apple Johnnie Cake One pint sour milk, 1 1/2 pint New Orle...
How To Make Breads, Yeast, Hot Cakes, Etc. Part 2- Light Bread (Using Potato Ball) In the evening take 1 pint warm, mashed potatoes, add a large spoonful of white sugar, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 1 small cup of potato ball, if the potatoes are dry add...
How To Make Breads, Yeast, Hot Cakes, Etc. Part 3- Haresa Cut into small pieces a fat chicken, from which the skin, heart, liver, etc., have been removed. Put into a large kettle with nearly a quart of hulled wheat and three or four quarts of water...
How To Make Breads, Yeast, Hot Cakes, Etc. Part 4- Pocketbooks Take a piece of bread dough about as large as a pint bowl, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoonful of lard, add enough flour to make it as stiff as it was before. Work well. Let it rise, and if too lig...
How To Make Wafers, Biscuits Or Crackers- Baking Powder Biscuits One quart of flour, into which rub thoroughly 2 tablespoonsful of lard, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 3 teaspoonsful of baking powder sifted with the flour, milk enough to make a ve...
How To Make Corn Bread- Vineyard Corn Bread One cup sweet milk, 1 cup corn meal, 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup white sugar, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 teaspoons Cream of tartar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 egg. Place flour, meal, sugar, cream of t...
How To Make Short Cake Or Sally Lunn- New England Short Cake One pint of sifted flour, 1/2 teaspoonful salt (scant), 1/2 teaspoonful soda, one full teaspoonful Cream tartar, 1/4 cup of butter, measured after smoothing lump. Mix salt, s...
How To Make Brown Bread- One cup of molasses, 2 cups of water, 3 cups of sour milk, 3 cups of rye flour, 4 cups of corn meal, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon salt. Steam 3 1/2 hours and bake one. Brown Bread One pint so...
How To Make Waffles Or Doughnuts- Waffles Three eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately, 1 large tablespoon butter, 1/2 teaspoon soda, a pint of salt, 1 quart of flour with milk enough to make a batter. Doughnuts Four pi...
How To Make Muffins- One egg, 1/2 cup butter and lard mixed, melted and poured into 1 pint sweet milk, 2 tablespoons baking powder, add flour enough to make a batter, not too stiff. These are excellent made of Graham flou...
Yeast- Hear ye not the hum of mighty workings. Mrs. Edgerton's Yeast Six potatoes, one handful hops, tied in a thin cloth, 1 gallon water. Potatoes and hops boiled separately, same length of time...
Roasts, Broils, Meatpies And Fish- Relations always expect Meat for Breakfast. How To Broil Steak At the time of placing the steak over the fire, put into the oven a dripping pan large enough to hold the steak without fold...
Roasts, Broils, Meatpies And Fish. Part 2- Curing Beef Or Hams Never known to fail. Four gallons of water, 3 pounds of salt, 1 1/2 pounds of sugar, 2 ounces of saltpetre. Hams should remain in the brine six weeks. Rub the hams well with ...
Roasts, Broils, Meatpies And Fish. Part 3- Dressing For Turkey Two pounds bread, crumbed fine, 6 ounzes butter, 2 tablespoons sage, pulverized, 1 small onion, sliced fine, salt and pepper to taste, 2 teacups Cream. See Oysters for oy...
Roasts, Broils, Meatpies And Fish. Part 4- How To Pickle Beef And Tongue (Very Good) Two gallons water, 3 pounds salt, 1 ounce of saltpetre, 1 pound of sugar or 1 pint of molasses. Boil all together, skim and pour over the meat when cold. ...
How To Cook Fish- Fish Chowder fresh cod or haddock should be used, cut fish in convenient pieces, 6 slices of salt pork, fry brown in the chowder kettle, then take out the pork but leave the fat in kettle. Having s...
How To Make Fried Chicken- Fried Chicken With Mush To prepare the mush take a pint of Indian meal (for four persons) and sift. Have a pint of boiling water on the fire with a teaspoonful of salt, stir in the meal a little at...
How To Cook Codfish- Codfish Balls Soak salt fish in cold water, cut in pieces and put on the stove, let them come to a boil. Then drain off the water, draining off water several times, then pick it up, having potatoes...
How To Make Sausages- To 50 pounds of prepared sausage add 1 pound and 2 ounces of salt, 5 ounces of pepper, 4 ounces of sage. Season before grinding pork. Sausage Twenty pounds of pork before it is prepared, 1 s...
Acceptable Summer Dishes (Braised Beef)- Take a piece of rump of beef, or the chuck roast, weighing six pounds, run several strips of fat pork through the lean part with a large larding needle, bind it into shape with tape, put it into a bra...
Soups- Every cook praises his own stew. Bezique Soup One quart can of tomatoes, 3 pints of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of soda, boil half an hour, 4 tablespoons of butter, 2 tablespoons of flour, ...
Soups. Part 2- Cherry Soup One and a half quarts of cherries, 3 pints of water, boil 1 quart of cherries until the cherries are pulpy, sweeten to taste and strain. Stone the 1/2 quart cherries and with a half tea...
Soups. Part 3- Mock Turtle Soup With Variations Flour, mixed in cold water, boil five minutes longer. Put the forced meat balls into the tureen with several slices of lemon, pour the soup over and serve. Fit for...
Soups. Part 4- Tomato Soup One quart sifted tomato, 1 quart new milk, 1 teaspoon soda, a large piece of butter, salt, pepper. Heat the tomato and milk separately. When each has boiled put the soda in the tomato, ...
Hints For Cooking Vegetables- Summer vegetables are best cooked on the same day as gathered. Wash and prepare for cooking, and let them lie in cold water some time before using them, excepting corn and peas. To retain green ...
How To Cook Vegetables- If you confine a man to one article of food he will not take enough to keep up natural forces Asparagus Cut the green part of asparagus in inch lengths. Boil from 1/2 to 3/4 of an hour....
How To Cook Vegetables. Part 2- Corn Oysters Grate the corn from 1 dozen ears, mix with the yolks of 6 eggs and 3 tablespoons of flour. Season with salt and pepper. Fry in hot lard, the cakes the size of oysters. Corn Frit...
How To Cook Vegetables. Part 3- Saratoga Potatoes Select large potatoes-small ones will do but large slices can be handled in less time than small ones. It is not necessary to pare the potatoes, though of course they are nicer wi...
How To Cook Vegetables. Part 4- How To Boil Rice. Martha J. Danley Take 3/4 cup of rice, wash the flour out and put water in sufficient to start it well to boiling, after which keep filling in with milk until it has cooked slowly...
How To Make Beverages- And lucent Syrups tinct with Cinnamon. the cup which cheers. French Coffee One pint of ground coffee, to 2 quarts of boiling water. Put the coffee into the uppermost compartment of a ...
How To Make Catsups, Etc- Old-fashioned but choicely good Vinegar to keep pickles should be at least two years old. Bordeaux Sauce Two gallons chopped cabbage, 1 gallon chopped green tomatoes (drain the juice o...
How To Make Chow Chow- Tomato Chow Chow To 1/2 bushel green tomatos take 12 onions chopped fine, sprinkle 1 pint of salt over this and let it stand over night. Then drain well and cook this in weak vinegar slowly for 1 h...
How To Make Pickles- One gallon of vinegar, 1 cup of sugar, 3 dozen black peppers, 3 dozen cloves, 1 1/2 dozen allspice, mace, red pepper, mustard seed. Boil 5 minutes. An Old Recipe For Pickles Make a brine n...
How To Make Pickles. Part 2- Cucumber Wash the cucumbers clean. Make a brine and pour scalding hot over them. Let stand 3 hours. To 1 gallon of vinegar add 1 piece of alum, size of a hickory nut. Let it get scalding hot. Put y...
How To Make Pickles. Part 3- German Pickles Two hundred small cucumbers laid in brine for 24 hours. Bay leaves, dill seed, mustard seed, grated horse radish. Put the cucumbers in a jar with the leaves, and seeds, and horse rad...
How To Make Salads, Salad Dressings, Oysters, Etc- to make it one must have a spark of genius. My salad days, When I was green in judgment. -Shakespeare. Baked Salmon Boil 6 pounds of lake salmon. Boil it, in the cans, 20 minutes, ...
How To Make Salads, Salad Dressings, Oysters, Etc. Part 2- Mint Sauce Two tablespoons of chopped mint, one tablespoon of sugar and a half tea cup of vinegar. Made an hour or two before serving. Mint Sauce Chop or cut into small pieces a handful o...
How To Make Salads, Salad Dressings, Oysters, Etc. Part 3- Slaw One-half head cabbage, cut fine; 1 large stalk of celery, cut fine, 1 hard-boiled egg, 2 ounces grated horseradish, 2 teaspoons musttird. Mix with vinegar, pepper and salt, to taste. Sa...
How To Make Potted Meats- No way of preparing cold meats is so successful as potting. This process is in England an every-day affair for the cook. If there be ham, game, tongue, beef or fish on the table one day, you are quite...
How To Make Salad Dressings- Sydney Smith's Salad Dressing Two boiled potatoes, strained through a kitchen sieve; Softness, and smoothness to the salad give ; Of mordant mustard take a single spoon Distrust the condiment that ...
How To Make Cabbage Dressings- For one head of cabbage take one coffee cup of Cream, sweet or sour, one tea cup of vinegar, a large spoonful of sugar, a large spoonful of butter, teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon mustard, 1/2 teaspoon...
How To Make Mayonnaise- Yolks of 2 eggs beaten light, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of dry mustard, 1 tablespoon of olive oil or melted butter, a little pepper, 4 tablespoons of hot vinegar, which must ...
How To Make Veal Loaf- Three pounds of finely chopped veal (lean), 3 eggs (raw), 6 crackers, powdered, 2 tablespoons of milk or Cream, 1 heaping tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of thyme, 1 tablespoon of pepper. Mix all wel...
How To Make Chicken Salad- Four chickens, 8 bunches celery, 8 eggs (yolks only) well beaten, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon salt, 2 tablespoonsful prepared mustard, a little cayenne pepper, 1/2 cup sweet Cream, 1 pint of vine...
How To Make Chicken Croquettes- Chop the meat of one chicken fine, also add of a middling sized onion, fry the onion with 1 ounce of butter, add 1 teaspoonful of flour, stir half a minute, then add the chopped meat and a little over...
How To Cook Oysters- Stewed Oysters Drain the liquor from 2 quarts of firm, plump oysters; mix with it a small teacupful of hot water, add a little salt and pepper, and set over the fire in a saucepan. When it comes to...
How To Make Escaloped Oysters- butter the bottom and sides of your baking dish. Then put in a thick layer of oysters, each of which has been examined carefully for pieces of shell; put lumps of butter thickly over the top, and pepp...
How To Cook Eggs, Etc- The turnpike road to people's hearts I find lies through their mouths, or I mistake mankind A Delicate Way To Boil Eggs Have a pan of boiling water, put the eggs in and cover up closely, ...
How To Make Omelettes- Three eggs beaten separately, 1/2 cup milk, 2 tablespoons corn-starch, a little salt, a small half teaspoonful baking powder. Mix quickly adding the whites last, and pour into a moderately hot skiliet...
How To Make Cakes And Icings- Whatever pleases the palate nourishes. We can afford no more at such a price! Shakespeare. Custard Almond. Filling For Almond Cake One cup thick sour Cream, 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 lb....
How To Make Cakes And Icings. Part 2- Cocoanut Cones 1 grated cocoanut, 1/2 pound powdered sugar, whites of 2 eggs, mix together, form in cones and bake on buttered paper. Crullers Three eggs well beaten, 3 heaping tablespoon...
How To Make Cakes And Icings. Part 3- Harriet's Cake One and a half cup of butter, 3 cups sugar, 1 cup milk, 5 cups flour, 6 eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately, 1 teaspoonful soda, 2 teaspoonsful Cream-tartar. Ice Cream ...
How To Make Cakes And Icings. Part 4- Loaf Cake Three cups bread dough, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup butter, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 lb. raisins, teaspoon soda. Spice to taste. Marble Cake White One cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 4 cu...
How To Make Angel's Food Cake- Whites of 11 eggs, 1 1/2 tumbler of powdered sugar, sifted, 1 tumbler flour, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 teaspoonful Cream of tartar. Beat eggs on a large platter. On the same platter add the sugar, then th...
How To Make Jumbles Or Jelly Cake- Nut Jumbles One-half pound of sugar, 1/2 pound butter, 3 eggs, add 1/2 pound chopped almonds and a little lemon juice. Stir in lightly from 1/2 to 3/4 of a pound of flour. Flavor with rose water or...
How To Make Cookies- Two cups of sugar, 1 cup of butter, 1/2 cup of water, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon soda. Cookies One cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 3 eggs well beaten, 1/4 teaspoon of soda. One teaspoon of nutmeg...
How To Make Fruit Cake- One large cup of butter, 2 of brown sugar, 1/2 cup Orleans molasses, 4 cups flour, 1/2 pint sweet milk, 3 eggs, 3 teaspoonsful baking powder, 3 teaspoonsful cinnamon, 1 teaspoonful cloves, 1 nutmeg, 3...
How To Make Icing For Cake- To the white of 1 egg, allow 5 tablespoonfuls of powdered 6ugar. Put the sugar into the egg before beating it. Stir briskly in a deep bowl. Flavor to taste. Boiled Icing Boil 1 cup of sugar in w...
How To Make Sand Tarts- One pound of butter rubbed into 2 pounds of flour, add 2 pounds of sugar, and wet the whole with whites of 3 eggs and the yolks of 4. roll very thin, cut in diamond shapes, glaze with the white of 1 e...
How To Make Sponge Cake- Perfection Sponge Cake Six eggs, 1 pint flour, 1 pint sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls water. Beat the sugar and yolks well together. Beat the whites separately. Then put the whites into the sugar and yolks...
How To Make White Cake- Mother's Best White Cake One pound of flour, 1 pound of sugar, 3/4 pound of butter, 15 eggs, whites only. White Perfection Cake. Recommended By Mrs. Northrop, Belpre, And Three cups of su...
How To Make Seed Or Tea Cake- Seed Cake Four eggs, 4 cups of sugar, 1 cup of butter, 1/2 cup of milk, 4 spoonfuls of caraway seed, baking powder, flour enough to roll well. Roll thin. Seed Cakes Three and a half pound...
How To Make Ginger Bread- Soft Ginger Bread Six cups of flour, 3 teacups of molasses, 1 teacup of butter, 1 teacup of Cream, 1 spoonful of soda (tablespoon,) ginger to your taste. Hard Ginger Cakes One pint of mol...
How To Make Cream Cakes- Daphne's Cream Cakes Four teacups of flour (or less), 3/4 teacups of butter, 3 teacups of sugar, 5 eggs, 1 teacup sour Cream, cinnamon, nutmeg. Bake in small pans. When partly baked sprinkle over s...
How To Make Spice Cake- Two cups sugar, 3 cups flour, 1/2 cup butter, 1 cup milk or water, yolks of 5 eggs, 2 teaspoons of cloves, 3 teaspoons of cinnamon, 2 teaspoons of allspice, 3 teaspoons of ginger, 1 nutmeg, 2 teaspoon...
How To Make Doughnut Icing- One pint of light dough, 3 eggs, 8 tablespoons melted butter, 8 tablespoons sugar, spice, 1 small teaspoon soda. Mix stiff and let them rise 5 hours. Mix again, roll out and fry them. Mrs. Dr. ...
Puddings And Pudding Sauces- the proof of the pudding lies in the eating. Every leading dish has its kindred and antagonistic one An Attractive Pudding Use pink gelatine. Make a boiled custard, with the yolks of...
Puddings And Pudding Sauces. Part 2- Blackberry Pudding A nice blackberry pudding is made of 1/2 cup of sour Cream (good), 1 even teaspoonful of soda, same of salt, 1 heaping tablespoonful of sugar, and flour enough to make a stiff ba...
Puddings And Pudding Sauces. Part 3- Delmonico Pudding One quart scalded milk, 3 tablespoons corn starch, moistened with a little cold milk; stir into the boiling milk the beaten yolks of 5 eggs, 4 tablespoons of sugar; stir it all we...
Puddings And Pudding Sauces. Part 4- Mrs. Horace Norton's Pudding • Juice of 3 lemons, 3/4 of a pound of sugar, whites of 8 eggs. Beat to a light froth and bake 10 minutes. This is complete, or you can make of the yolks a soft custard...
How To Make Suet Or Snow Pudding- Suet Pudding One cup chopped suet, 1 cup molasses, 1 cup hot water or milk, 3 1/2 cups flour, 1 cup raisins, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon cloves. Steam 3 hours. Suet P...
How To Make Tapioca Pudding- One cup tapioca in a pint of milk, set it near the fire to soak, stirring it often. Let it stand 2 or 3 hours, then add a pint of cold milk, 5 eggs, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup raisins, a little salt and spic...
How To Make Indian Puddings- Indian Tapioca Pudding Boil 1 pint of milk into which stir 5 large spoonsful corn meal which has been wet up with 1/2 pint cold milk, add 1/2 cup tapioca (soaked) and 2/3 cup of molasses, salt, the...
How To Make Fruit Pudding- One cup of sweet milk, 1 cup of sugar, 2 cups of flour, 2 eggs well beaten, 2 tablespoonfuls of baking powder. Put any kind of small fruit-tart apples are perhaps the nicest-in a well buttered dish, p...
How To Make Custard Pudding- Cup Custard One quart of milk, 4 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 1 salt spoon of salt. Boil the milk. Beat the eggs with the sugar and salt till very light and add the hot milk slowly. Pour into small cups w...
How To Make Rice Pudding- One and a half cups of rice. Put on the stove in cold water and let simmer 1 hour. Then add 3 pints of new milk and let boil for 1/2 hour. Put into a large pan 4 eggs, 2 teaspoonfuls of salt, 1/3 of a...
How To Make Pudding Sauce- One cup butter, 2 cups sugar beaten to a Cream, add 2 eggs beaten very light. Stir in 4 tablespoons boiling water and flavor to taste. Instead of water one may use syrup left over from canned fruits. ...
Preserves And Jellies- Will't please your honor, taste of these conserves. -Shakespeare. preserves, as our grandmothers used them are obsolete. A general rule for making them was a pound of sugar to a pound of frui...
Ices, Creams, Jellies, Etc- Custards for supper and an endless host of other such ladylike luxuries.-Shelly. Sweet to the sense and lovely to the eye Apple Ice Take fresh stewed apples that look white, run them th...
Ices, Creams, Jellies, Etc. Part 2- Coffee Jelly Soak one-half paper of gelatine in just enough tepid water to cover it. Take 1 scant pint of milk, put it on in a double boiler, and just before it comes to a boil stir in 4 well beate...
Ices, Creams, Jellies, Etc. Part 3- Iced Apples Pare and core nice cooking apples, make very sweet, put into a pan with a little water, cover closely, and stew rapidly on top of the stove until thoroughly cooked. Place them in a baki...
How To Make Charlotte Russe- Dissolve 1/2 box of Cox's gelatine in 1 coffee cup of new milk ; when thoroughly dissolved add 1 coffee cup of sugar. Place upon the stove and stir until the sugar is dissolved-do not let it cook, mer...
How To Make Chocolate Blanc Mange- One quart of milk, 1 package of Cox's gelatine soaked in 1 cup of the milk 1 hour, 4 heaping tablespoons of grated chocolate wet with a little of the milk, 3 eggs beaten separately, 3/4 of a cup of su...
How To Make Lemon Ice Or Jelly- Lemon Ice Five lemons, 4 cups of sugar, 1 1/2 quarts of water, 1 large tablespoon of gelatine dissolved in a little water. When almost frozen add the whites of 2 eggs beaten stiff, then finish free...
How To Make Pies, Pastry, Etc- Compounded of many simples Mother's Apple Pie roll out the paste to fit the pie-plate and fill with early Chandlers, pared and quartered. Cover with a rich crust. Do not press the edges t...
How To Make Pies, Pastry, Etc. Continued- Cream Pie One pint of Cream, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of flour, a little nutmeg, white of 1 egg-not beaten separately but stirred thoroughly with the flour and sugar. Bake with 2 crusts...
How To Make Lemon Pie- Lemon Pie One lemon cut in 1 cup of cold water. Heat slowly and simmer a few minutes. Strain out the rinds and seeds, pressing all the juice out. Add 1 cup of sugar and 1 tablespoonful of corn star...
How To Make Pumpkin Or Potato Pie- Pumpkin Pie For 1 pie a full 1/2 pint of rich milk, 1 heaping tablespoonful of pumpkin, 1 egg, beat white and yellow separately, 1/2 teaspoon flour. Sugar to suit your taste. A little ginger, cinna...
How To Make Mince Pies- Mrs. Gov. Meigs's Mince Pie-1830 Three pounds of beef, parboiled, 23/4 pounds suet, 9 pounds apples, 2 1/2 pounds sugar, 4 tablespoons salt, 2 tablespoons fine pepper, 1 table spoon cloves, 2 table...
How To Make Puff Paste Or Pie Crust- Into 1 quart of flour stirr 1 teaspoonful of salt, if you intend to use butter as shortening. If you intend to use half butter and half lard stir in 2 teaspoons of salt. Cut \ pound of shortening into...
How To Make Candies- Sweetmeats, messengers of strong prevailment in unhardened youth.-Shakespeare. For all candy making it is important to have suitable kettles to boil in. Copper or porcelain lined are the best; ir...
How To Make Candies. Continued- Nut Candy Three cups of brown sugar, 1/2 cup of vinegar, 1/2 cup of water, butter the size of an egg. Test in cold water. When done pour over a buttered plate that has been lined with hickory kerne...
Butter And Cheese- She brought forth butter in a lordly dish. How To Make A No. 1 Butter. James West In order to make a number one grade of butter, have no stagnant ponds or mudholes in the pasture, but perf...
Sick Room Food- It is a dangerous thing to constantly carry exercise to the fatigue point. Every woman should make an inflexible law of her life to lie down in the middle of the day at least fifteen minutes, closing ...
Miscellaneous- Who sweeps a room as for Thy law, Makes that and th' action fine. -Herbert. Beef Gall Get it fresh from your butcher. Use 1 tablespoon to a gallon of water. Put in a large tablespoon of...
Miscellaneous. Part 2- Excellent Hair Wash Take 1 ounce of borax, 1/2 ounce of camphor; powder these ingredients fine, and dissolve them in 1 quart of boiling water. Damp the hair frequently. This wash cleanses and stren...
Miscellaneous. Part 3- How To Cure A Felon Put your finger in a bag of salt.-H. Fearing. How To Keep Off Flies Sponge the pictures with onion water. This will not injure gilt, wood or glass, and will prevent fl...
Washing Recipe- Ten pints of water, 1 pound of soap, shaved finely so as to form a thick soap suds, to this add 2 1/2 tablespoons of kerosene-if you find any oil on the top add more soap. To every gallon of water add...
Emergencies. How To Avoid And How To Meet Them- For Poisons Give a tumblerful of sweet oil, Cream or milk, or white of egg beat up in water. Then cause vomiting as soon as possible by large draughts-at least a pint of luke-warm water, or mustard...
Cooking Husbands- A Baltimore lady has writteri a receipt for cooking husbands so as to make them tender and good. It is as follows : A good many husbands are spoiled by mismanagement. Some women go about as if the...
How To Purify Your Blood- good health depends upon pure blond : therefore, to keep well, purify the blood by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine is peculiarly designed in act upon the blood, and through that upon all the...