" If you confine a man to one article of food he will not take enough to keep up natural forces"


Cut the green part of asparagus in inch lengths. Boil from 1/2 to 3/4 of an hour. Use only water enough to cook it. Dress with a tablespoonful of butter worked into a teaspoonful of flour, 1 teaspoonful of salt. It is very nice served on toast.

Boston Baked Beans

Put 1 quart of small white beans in bean jar. Parboil, and drain off the water. Then add 1/2 pound of ham, smoked fat and lean, salt, pepper, 1 teaspoonful of ground mustard, and 3 large spoonsful of Orleans molasses. Cover all with plenty of water and put them in the oven and bake slowly for 24 or 36 hours. If they are placed in the oven Friday night they are in nice condition for Sunday morning breakfast.

Boston Baked Beans

Take 1 quart beans, soak over night. In the morning drain off the water and replace with fresh. Let boil 1/2 an hour, drain again, then place in an earthern jar smaller at the top than bottom. Add a piece of raw salt pork and 2 tablespoonsful of Orleans molasses, salt a little, then cover with water and let boil away four times, having the beans covered all the time until you put the last water in, then remove the cover and let brown, when done they should be of a light brown color.

Baked Corn

Slice off the tops of kernels and scrape the remainder of the corn out. For 1 quart of corn take 1 large teaspoonful of salt, half cup of butter, 1 coffee cup of rich milk or Cream, bake 1 hour in slow oven.

Escaloped Cabbage

Chop the cabbage as for slaw, then put a layer of it in a bake pan, then a layer of stale bread crumbs, sprinkle on salt, pepper, and lumps of butter, then another layer of cabbage an inch thick, another layer of crackers or bread, salt, pepper and butter, till the pan is full, having the crumbs etc. on top. Put in a tea cup of milk and bake one hour.

How To Cook Cabbage Without Odor. From Ten Dollars Enough

Cut the cabbage in quarters, wash and lay in colander to drain, have your kettle ready with boiling water, enough to cover the cabbage well, put in the cabbage and add 1 tablespoon of salt and a scant half teaspoon of soda. As soon as it comes to the boiling point take off the cover, and leave it off all the while, pushing the cabbage under the water from time to time. Boil 25 minutes. The whole secret of boiling cabbage without filling the house with a bad odor, is- rapid boiling, plenty of water, plenty of room, and the cover off.

Corn Oysters

To a pint of grated corn, young and sweet, add 1 egg well beaten, a small teacup of flour, 1/2 gill Cream, 1 teaspoonful of salt, mix well and fry like oysters, dropping into fat by spoonsful.

Mock Oysters

One and one half dozen ears sweet corn, grate as fine as possible. Mix with the grated corn 3 large tablespoonsful sifted flour, yolks of 6 eggs well beaten, beat well. Have in frying pan an equal proportion of lard and butter. When boiling hot drop in portions of the mixture, as nearly as possible the size and shape of oysters. Fry them brown and serve hot. They should be nearly an inch thick.