This section is from the book "Centennial Cookery Book", by Woman's Centennial Association. Also available from Amazon: Centennial Cookery Book.
One quart of milk, 1 package of Cox's gelatine soaked in 1 cup of the milk 1 hour, 4 heaping tablespoons of grated chocolate wet with a little of the milk, 3 eggs beaten separately, 3/4 of a cup of sugar, 2 teaspoons of vanilla. Boil the milk, stir in gelatine. Beat sugar and yolks together, add chocolate. Stir into this mixture, spoonful by spoonful of scalded milk and gelatine. Return to saucepan, stirring steadily till it almost boils. Remove from fire. Beat whites to a stiff meringue and stir in saucepan. Pour into moulds. Serve with Cream and sugar. This quantity is sufficient for 12 people.
One box of gelatine dissolved in 1 cup of milk, 3 heaping tablespoons grated chocolate. Boil 2 quarts of milk, sweeten to taste, add chocolate and gelatine. Pour into moulds and cool. Eat with sugar and Cream.
1/3 box of gelatine in a little water and add it. Put in a pan placed on ice a pint of very rich Cream, flavored. When cold whip it. Pour the cream into another dish and put the custards into the pan on ice. Stir it until it becomes like jelly, then add Cream very lightly. Line a dish with sponge cake ; pour in the Charlotte and put on ice.
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