This section is from the book "Centennial Cookery Book", by Woman's Centennial Association. Also available from Amazon: Centennial Cookery Book.
Take 3/4 cup of rice, wash the flour out and put water in sufficient to start it well to boiling, after which keep filling in with milk until it has cooked slowly nearly an hour. Just before taking up add § cup of sugar, butter the size of a hulled walnut, and lastly, beat up an egg and stir it in. It will be ready to take up as soon as it comes to a boil.
Cut fair, firm ripe tomatoes in two, without peeling, remove the seed and pulp. Fill with forced meal, made of uncooked rice and finely chopped bits of cold roast, seasoned with pepper, salt and chopped celery and dill or caraway leaves. Replace the tops of the tomatos and fasten with splinters. Stew for half or three-quarters of an hour in water enough to cover them, and add a bit of butter before taking up.
Cut a piece of somewhat fat raw meat into very small bits, add a little chopped onion and stir the mixture in a skillet until slightly browned. Set aside to cool. Add twice the quantity of uncooked rice, season with pepper, salt and a few leaves of celery and dill or caraway; cut very fine, mix thoroughly. Cut fair, green tomatoes in two and remove the seed and pulp without breaking the form of the fruit Fill with the forced meat and replace the top, fastening it on with splinters. Lay the tomatoes into a kettle, cover with water and stew gently until tender. While cooking add a little acid, either a cluster of green grapes, lemon juice or citric acid.
Green Cucumber Dolma is made in the same way, except that it requires more acid than the tomato.
Pour boiling water on the tomatos and remove the skin, cut in slices, and stew a half hour or longer, add butter, pepper, salt and sugar to taste, crumb up bread and thicken with it.
Pare off the skin, slice and cook with one sliced onion. Season same as ripe stewed tomatos.
Prepare tomatos same as for stewing. Put a layer of tomatos in baking dish and cover with a layer of bread crumbs, some bits of butter, salt and pepper, continue this until the dish is full, finishing with bread crumbs. Bake 1 hour. Some think it is improved by adding a few small slices of onion.
Peal, cut in slices and boil till tender in salt and water about a half hour. When done drain through a colander, mash fine, add butter, pepper and salt if not already salt enough, add a little white sugar.
Cover the bottom of a shallow earthern dish that can be placed on the table with ripe tomatos, cut in halfs, turning the skin side downward, as it forms a cup to hold butter, pepper, and salt, cover with fine rolled bread crumbs. Bake one-half hour.
Boil 1 cup of rice without stirring in 1 quart of milk or water till quite dry, add a piece of butter the size of an egg, 2 eggs. Make into rolls (or any shape desired), dip into cracker crumbs, fry in lard.
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