This section is from the book "Centennial Cookery Book", by Woman's Centennial Association. Also available from Amazon: Centennial Cookery Book.
Ten pints of water, 1 pound of soap, shaved finely so as to form a thick soap suds, to this add 2 1/2 tablespoons of kerosene-if you find any oil on the top add more soap. To every gallon of water add 1 pint of this solution.
Ten gallons water, 1 pound soap, cut fine, 2 1/2 tablespoons kerosene oil. Boil the clothes 10 minutes (or more). Rinse in several waters. Spots should be removed before boiling.
Dissolve 1 box of concentrated lye in one quart of water, add to it 2 ounces muriate of ammonia, 2 ounces carbonate of potassa and 3 quarts of water. Keep in a stone jug or jar. Use 1/2 teacupful in the water in which the clothes are boiled (about 3 pailsfull) after rubbing them through one water.
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