Cherry Soup

One and a half quarts of cherries, 3 pints of water, boil 1 quart of cherries until the cherries are pulpy, sweeten to taste and strain. Stone the 1/2 quart cherries and with a half teacup of sago put into the soup and boil until the sago is clear, not dissolved. Serve cold.

Consomme Soup

Four pounds of shank of beef with sinew, 1 knuckle of veal without meat, have bones mashed at meat market, 1 small carrot, 1 turnip, 1 onion, 1 bunch celery, 1 bunch parsley, 12 cloves, 40 black pepper corns.

Put meat on back of stove till it begins to boil, then boil half an hour on front of stove. Next put in vegetables and boil hard one hour, then put on back of stove and simmer steadily six hours. Add 2 gallons of water, and if not enough add 2 quarts more - or if not rich enough after it is strained simmer down. Can be used several days.

Clear Soup

Five pounds of beef cut from under part of round, 5 quarts of cold water, cut beef into small pieces, add water, let it come to a boil very gradually, skim and set back where it will keep to boiling pointy (very slight motion,) 8 hours. Then strain through a colander, and set away to cool. In the morning skim off all fat, and turn soup into a soup kettle, being careful to keep back sediment, add 1 onion, 1 stalk of celery, 2 sprigs of parsely, 2 of thyme and savory, 2 leaves of sage, 2 bay leaves, 12 pepper corns, 5 whole cloves. Boil gently from 10 to 20 minutes, then strain through an old napkin, and it is ready for use.

Corn Soup

Boil a small shank of beef in 2 quarts of water for 2 hours. After it has boiled an hour and a half, add salt, 4 good sized tomatoes, and 8 ears of corn, cut, and scrape from the cob. Fifteen minutes before serving add 1 quart of milk and a lump of butter the size of an egg, and some pepper, and 4 powdered crackers. Canned corn and tomatoes can be used in the winter.

Green Pea Soup

One quart milk, 2 large cupsful peas, 1 tablespoonful butter, 1 heaping tablespoonful flour. Salt and pepper. Into the boiling milk pour mashed peas, butter and flour creamed. Season and strain.

Gumbo Soup

Put into a skillet one good sized onion and a slice of ham cut very fine. Fry them brown with a small piece of butter. When brown put in a chicken and a veal cutlet cut into small pieces, and a half pound of dried gumbo or one pound of green gumbo. Add a saltspoonful of cayenne pepper and salt to taste. Let it fry for half an hour, then turn it into a pot containing about 4 quarts of boiling water. Boil for an hour or more replenishing with boiling water if necessary. Serve with boiled rice.

Julienne Soup With Variations

Procure 5 or 6 pounds of lean beef, season with salt only. Put it in a soup kettle with 5 quarts of cold water, bring it to a boil, then set aside to simmer, closely covered, for 6 or 8 hours, or until the meat falls from the bones. Strain it and set aside until next day, when carefully remove all the fat from the top. Add a pint of cold water, 1 carrot cut in small pieces, 1 turnip the same, 1 potato sliced thin, 2 onions in rings, 5 tomatoes peeled and cut up, and half a cup of barley or rice. Bring all to a hard boil, then simmer slowly, closely covered for three hours. Season to the taste with pepper and salt. The barley or rice can be left out, and 1 root of celery cut up into very small pieces substituted.

Procure a fine large calf's head, cleanse the head thoroughly, tie the brains up in a cloth, put all together into a soup kettle, with five quarts of cold water, and one tablespoonful salt. Bring to a boil and skim well, then set aside to simmer slowly for three hours. The brains will be done in one hour and must be taken out and set aside. When you can twist out the bones remove the kettle from the fire and strain through a colander. Put the broth back in the soup pot, take out all the bones from the meat, cut it into small pieces, reserve a cup full of it and set it aside, season the remainder with half a teaspoonful of black pepper, a teaspoonful of sweet marjoram, the same quantity of summer savory, an onion chopped, a teaspoonful of powdered cloves and two blades of mace. Stir all well together and put it into the broth, add a bunch of parsley and thyme, cover closely and simmer for an hour and a half, then strain and set away for the next day. Next morning prepare forced meat balls as follows: Chop very fine one pound of lean uncooked veal, and a quarter of a pound of fresh beef suet, stir them together, add a small teacup of the brains and the same of fine bread crumbs, season with half a teaspoonful of salt, a salt-spoonful of black pepper, half a saltspoonful of grated nutmeg, a piece of onion the size of half a nutmeg, chopped very fine, and a teaspoonful of chopped parsley, mix all well together. Break up two eggs, stir them in. Flour your hands and make into little balls half the size of a walnut, brown them in butter and lard, drain them on a sieve or cloth and keep them hot until the soup is ready. Take all the fat from the top of the soup, put it over the fire and let it come to a boil, put in the cup of meat you reserved, thicken with a tablespoonful browned.