Hindu: Occult Art Magic | by Dr. K. T. Ramasami
A short course of practical Research and experiments, based upon the Ancient Hindu Tantric Science, dealing with the Teli-Mag-netic or Tele-Kinetic force, employed to act upon Physical matter, in the production of Occult phenomena effected by the Super-conscious Will or Ego of Man.
Title | Hindu Occult Art Magic |
Author | Dr. K. T. Ramasami |
Publisher | The Marlowe Company |
Year | 1921 |
Copyright | 1921, The Marlowe Company |
Amazon | Hindu: Occult Art Magic |
By Dr. K. T. Ramasami, M.A., Ph.D., D.Sc., President, The Indian Academy of Science
Introduction- In this short course of lessons we initiate you into the mysteries of some practical tests and experiments bearing on Occult Art Magic which may properly and technically be termed Psycho-Physics, in m...
Lesson 1. Making An Inanimate Object Move As You Will Exercise- Get a cocoanut. Put it on a cement surface or a marble surface. Ask one of your sensitives or any sceptic to1 mount and sit upon it, with his feet resting upon it and let him sit having his spine erec...
Lesson 2. Magic Wheel Moving At Will- Ask a sensitive subject to hold the handle of a punkah wheel by the right hand fingers. Let the wheel rest on a smooth cement surface or on a wooden bench or table. Let the subject relax all his muscl...
Lesson 3. Marble Moving At Will On A Glass Mirror- Take a big mirror, say two feet in width and three feet in length, with frames on four sides. Put a marble or a glass ball on the centre of the mirror. Ask any subject to hold the mirror horizontally,...
Lesson 4. Human Magnetism- Man is a Micro-Cosin. Universal finer forces play in and around Man. In fact, Man is a Natural dynamo of power. All the Universal Divine energy is present in some respect in Man. So Man is a miniature...
Lesson 5. Bio-Magnetic Repulsion Between Two Hods- Take a bamboo 10 ft. long and one inch in diameter. Split it into 4 equal thicknesses. Thus you have 4 rods 10 feet long. Out of which take only 22 two rods for experiments along this line. Suppose...
Lesson 6. Bio-Magnetic Attraction Between Two Rods- Experiment Let your subjects remain in the same posture as in the previous experiment. Now suggest as follows: You see the two rods ,have gone apart, arching outwardly. As I count 15, the rods will a...
Lesson 7. Automatic Writing- You should experiment along this line with a sincere and earnest desire to know the truth. When communications are received from the Intuitive centre of Truth within you, do not reject them because so...
Lesson 8. Automatic Recorder- Sprinkle some fine sand to a thickness of one-half inch upon a common table. Take a split-up bamboo rod three feet long. Tie a pencil or a piece of stick to the middle of the rod. Select two sensitive...
Lesson 9. Intuitional Telepathy- A more advanced stage in this is not only to record the messages thought of, but also to give an intelligent Intuitive answer to it, if the message is in the form of a question. For this proceed as fo...
Lesson 10. Tracing Out A Hidden Object- Ask some of your friends to hide a small object in a room. Let yourself and your subject be away from the room while they hide the object. Now when ready for experiment, ask your subject to hold the h...
Lesson 11. Nerve Force Healing- Experiment All kinds of nervous affections, such as derangement of nerves, congestion of blood, swellings in arms and legs, stomach disorders, fever, rheumatism, rat poison, snake poisons and blood po...
Principal Objects As An Institution Of The Indian Academy Of Science- To facilitate the study, practice and research of Mental, Psychic, Occult and Spiritual Sciences and Philosophy. (Occidental and Oriental.) We coach up pupils in the above arts, Personally and by Corr...
A-Series. A Complete Course Of Lessons In Mental Science Hrenology And Physiognomy- Our correspondence course in Mental Science contains 84 lessons; and they are exhaustive and interesting. It gives you the methods of studying human nature by a quick observation of the head and face ...
B-Series. Psycho-Occult Science- This Is a Complete Correspondence Course of 79 Practical Lessons in Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Personal Magnetism, Mind Reading, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Occult-Healing, Clairaudience,~Etc. What Is Psyc...
What Is Hypnotism?- Hypnotism is that mysterious-subtle, marvelous power that enables you to control mankind, to direct their thoughts, change their desires, improve their talents and banish sickness, suffering and ill-l...
What Is Personal Magnetism?- Personal magnetism is still another form of hypnotism. It is a sort of personal trust or personal attraction created in you. Personal magnetism enables you to convince and influence others without hav...
What Is Occult Healing?- Occult healing is the art of relieving pain or diseases by the transmission of vital and mental force, through the medium of the hands, etc., from healer to patient. This branch of science deals in ma...
What Is This Occult Healing Power?- Public curiosity has been greatly aroused on the subject of this healing force. Even students of hypnotism, though they are shown a mighty healing influence, through that art, are eager to learn what ...
What Is Magnetic Control Or Influence?- Among men we see the wonderful influence that one speaker may wield over the emotions of an audience, while another, with a better education, language and appearance may have a stronger power over int...
What Is A Natural Talent?- One thing, however, we can tell you very plainly. The same power, in our opinion, lies dormant in every human being and only needs attention and cultivation to develop it. When it is so developed you ...
What Is Our Course Of Instruction For Occult Healing?- And what can be more inspiring or precious than the gift of healing made possible by the course of instruction now offered to you? Where is the person who does not sympathize with those who are strick...
C-Series. A Correspondence Course In Spiritual Science, Psychometry, Yoga And Spiritualism- One Dollar This course covers 22 lessons in one volume. Here you are taught the mysteries of developing yourself or others as a psychometrist as to how to arrive at the secrets, character or history c...
D-Series. A Correspondence Course In Health Culture- This course contains fine graded lessons in the interesting psycho-physical science of well-being. The drills ^nd exercises are simple in themselves and when they are systematically and daily practice...
E Series. A Correspondence Course In Aryan Initiation Or (Yoga In All Aspects)- This is a special course of lessons prepared after a painstaking research to meet the urgent wants of the modern inquiring public who wish to have an insight into the practical side of the world-famed...
Publications of Indian Academy Of Science- Are all books which are practical and teach. They are purposely concise, meet of them fit the pocket, so aa to be glanced at when one has a few minutes to spare In car, train, Iras, or when waiting an...