How To Intepret Your Dreams
In this book, we'll look at dreams and dreaming as a science as well as the various meanings that dream content can have. This is not meant to be a definitive guide to dreams. It is simply a starting point for you to look at what "movies" your sub-conscious is creating at night and how you can apply it your life and affect change if needed. Remember that a dream unifies the body, mind, and spirit. It provides you with insight into yourself and a means for self-exploration. In understanding your dreams, you will have a better understanding and discovery of your true self. So stay awhile — explore, discover, have fun, and find out what's in your dreams!
Title | How To Intepret Your Dreams |
Author | Unknown |
Copyright | "Open Source" |
Introduction- Last night, I had the strangest dream! How many conversations in your life have started that way? People are fascinated with the movies that play in their head while they're sleeping. Some believe t...
Did We Always Dream?- That may seem like a silly question, but think about early man. Have people always dreamt even when the world around them was quite simple and mundane? The answer is yes. While we cannot have definiti...
Sigmund Freud On Dreams- Sigmund Freud actually called dreams the royal road to the unconscious, That statement will probably remain true in psychology forever. Freud's classic text, The Interpretation of Dreams, contains s...
Carl Jung On Dreams- Jung studied under the tutelage of Sigmund Freud. Their differing views on dreams and dream interpretations led to a permanent rift that led them to go their separate ways. Like Freud, Jung believe...
Edgar Cavce On Dreams- Cayce was able to obtain virtually an unlimited amount of knowledge on an unlimited number of subjects. One of these subjects was dreams and dream interpretation. Cayce was able to astound people by i...
Types Of Dreams- Daydreams Studies show that we all have the tendency to daydream an average of 70-120 minutes a day. Day dreaming is classified as a level of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness. It occurs ...
Why Do We Dream?- The brain receives stimuli from many different sources all day long. There are far too many stimuli for it to process. The mind prioritizes the stimuli and makes you aware of those that need immediate...
Why Remember Your Dreams?- Your dreaming mind has access to information that is not readily available to you when you are awake. Your dreams may reveal your secret desires and subconscious feelings. In remembering your dream...
How To Remember Your Dreams- When beginning the steps towards interpreting your dreams, many people find it helpful to keep a notebook - a dream journal, if you will - right next to your bed with a pen or pencil. As soon as you a...
Interpreting Your Dreams- Interpreting your dreams can be a lot of fun. As we've said, it can also give you valuable insight. Dreams are like coded messages from your unconscious mind. When you decode them, you gain access to ...
Most Common Dream Images- One very important thing to keep in mind is to interpret symbols within the context of the dream they appear in, rather than piece by piece which would leave too much room for error. There are thousan...
Dreams About Teeth Falling Out- This is probably the most prevalent dream image that people report. It is disturbing to them because it affects vanity and personal appearance - but only in the dream! a dream about one's teeth fallin...
Dreams About Flying- Dreams about flying usually represent freedom from the physical body, as we experience in sleep & while dreaming where we don't use our physical bodies but instead use our mental & spiritual bodies to...
Dreams About Being Caught In A Tornado- This symbol points to emotional turmoil, as in a whirlwind of emotions; and/or rapid or sudden changes in your life. It is a sign to get a grip on what is possibly spinning out of control & deal m...
Dreams About Being Naked- Dreaming that you are completely or partially naked is very common. Nudity symbolizes a variety of things depending on your real life situation. Becoming mortified at the realization that you are w...
Dreams About Being Chased- Chase dreams often stem from feelings of anxiety in your walking life. The way we respond to anxiety and pressure in real life is typically manifested as a chase dream. Running is an instinctive respo...
Dreams About Falling- Falling dreams are another theme that is quite common in the world of dreams. As we said earlier, contrary to a popular myth, you will not actually die if you do not wake up before your hit the ground...
Dreams About Taking An Exam Or Test- To dream that you are taking an exam indicates that you are being put to the test or being scrutinized in some way. Such dreams highlight your feelings of being anxious and agitated. You may find that...
Dreams About Animals- To see animals in your dream represents your own physical characteristic, primitive desires, and sexual nature, depending on the qualities of the particular animal. Animals symbolize the untamed and u...
Dreams About People- Every person that appears in a dream is supposed to represent an aspect of ones self, and not actually be about that other person at all; rather, it is a quality or characteristic about that person th...
Dreams About Babies Or Pregnancy- To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. This may also ...
Dreams About Sex- To dream about sex, refers to the psychological completion and the integration of contrasting aspects of the Self. You need to be more receptive and incorporate aspects of your dream sex partner into ...
Dreams About Snakes- Snakes are complicated dream symbols and have both positive and negative meanings. To see a snake or be bitten by one in your dream signifies hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. Your...
Dreams About Fire- Depending on the context of your dream, to see fire in your dream can symbolizes destruction, passion, desire, illumination, transformation, enlightenment, or anger. It may suggest that something old ...
Dreams About Trains- To see a train in your dream represents conformity and go along with what everyone else is doing. You have the need to do things in an orderly and sequential manner. In particular, if you see a freigh...
Dreams About Driving- To dream that you are driving a vehicle signifies your life's journey and your path in life. The dream is telling of how you are moving and navigating through life. If you are driving and cannot se...
Dreams About Ex-Partners- To dream about your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or ex-husband/wife or that you and your ex got back together again, suggests that something or someone in your current life that is bringing out similar fee...
Dreams About Cheating- To dream that you are cheating on your spouse, mate, fiance, or significant other suggests feelings of self-guilt and self-betrayal. You may have compromised your beliefs or integrity and/or are wasti...
Dreams About School- This type of dream relates to your current lesson in life, and if you learn how to interpret it, you'll find out how you are progressing. Think of it as taking a test and getting graded on it! Ou...
Dreams About A House- Dreams about a house symbolize a larger aspect of your Self, and the aspects of Self which make the whole. Each room is said to symbolize a different aspect of your Self; for example: An Attic A...
Meanings Of Colors In Dreams- Experts believe that almost everyone dreams in color. If a major portion of your dream reflects a consistent color theme, this could have some type of meaning in interpreting that dream. Below are the...
Dreams About Death- To dream about the death of a loved one, suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what do you like about hi...
Dreams About Love/Lust- To dream of love of being in love suggests intense feelings carried over from a waking relationship. It implies happiness and contentment with what you have and where you are in life. On the other han...
Dreams About Aliens- To dream that you are an alien, symbolizes the undiscovered part of yourself. Your manifestation as an alien may be your way of 'escaping' from reality. Dreams of this nature also symbolize your outla...
Dreams About Angels- To see angels in your dream signifies an unusual disturbance in your soul. Angels symbolize goodness, purity, and protection and comfort and consolation. Pay careful attention to the message that the ...
Dreams About Children- To see children in your dream signifies your own childlike qualities or a retreat back to a childlike state. It is an extension of your inner child during a time of innocence, purity, simplicity, and ...
Dreams About Dead People- To see the dead in your dream forewarns that you are being influenced by negative people and are hanging around the wrong crowd. You may suffer material loss. This dream may also be a way for you to r...
Dreams About Accidents- To dream that you are in an accident signifies pent up guilt and you are sub-consciously punishing yourself over it. To dream of a car accident symbolizes your emotional state. You may be harboring...
Nightmares- Children, especially, are prone to nightmares. Nightmares are common in children, typically beginning at around age 3 and occurring up to age 7-8. People with anxiety disorder might also experience...
Disturbing Dreams- Disturbing dreams aren't quite nightmares. They may cause you to wonder what exactly your sub-conscious is trying to tell you. First, the dreams could be unconscious advice. Maybe in some way you a...
Conclusion- Dream analysis and interpretation isn't the mystical science that it seems to be. It's simply remembering your dreams and then figuring out what your sub-conscious is trying to tell you about your lif...