This is a special course of lessons prepared after a painstaking research to meet the urgent wants of the modern inquiring public who wish to have an insight into the practical side of the world-famed Aryan Yoga mysteries and spiritual practices in daily life. This course has given entire satisfaction to many aspiring souls. This course reveals to you clearly and concisely all the mysteries of Tantra, Laya, Mantra and Raja Yoga of the Aryans giving practical methods for occultism, spiritual healing, clairvoyance, clair-audience, clair-senti-ence, spirit communion and other wonderful scientific secrets for attracting success, health, spiritual power and soul-bliss as practiced by the ancient Aryan Yogi-mystics and spiritual adepts.

The course is arranged in systematic degrees of graded lessons with expert advice and many useful exercises for your self development and higher spiritual unfold-ment. This course is printed and copyrighted. The directions given in our course for developing Yoga in all phases are complete in themselves and are written in a simple and unmistakable language. This our course stands today as the superior model text book of lessons in Yoga in all its aspects, and it has commanded universal approval and praise not only from our students who have mastered it but also from eminent scientists and researchers in this field.

Many who have enrolled for this special course have expressed great satisfaction ajt the original and rare kind of instructions of the Yogee order contained in this valuable course.

, To one like you who has long been on the lookout for these special Yoga lessons and more useful instructions for your higher un-foldment and all-round culture. This course we can safely recommend to you if you have a working knowledge of psycho occult and spiritual sciences. It will feast you with more useful higher knowledge of research. Bear in mind that there is no other useful work of a like nature given to the scientific world. All the necessary informations are given to our students. The scientific mysteries of Yoga are all laid bare before you. Remember, it is to your advantage to act now, for sooner or later you must have this if you want the best. Send your order for this course immediately.

By Dr. K. T. Ramasami, M. A., Ph. D.