For Danish Appetites | by Lyla G. Solum
The recipes in this book have been collected over a period of years by the writer. All of them are dear to the heart of a Danish immigrant who brought this little bit of her homeland with her to the new country and all of them were donated to this book as something precious from the giver. A few of the ingredients and cooking utensils used in this book may not be obtainable everywhere. The distributor of the book will be glad to furnish information to any inquiries about where they may be purchased.
Title | For Danish Appetites |
Author | Lyla G. Solum |
Publisher | Danish Village Gifts |
Year | 1955 |
Copyright | 1955, Lyla G. Solum |
Amazon | For Danish Appetites |

How To Make Danish Pastry- Danish families call the various styles and shapes of Danish Pastry Coffee Bread and a real Danish breakfast consists of Coffee Bread and Coffee, nothing else. In America, these rich pastries are se...
How To Make Smorhorn (Butter Horns)- 1 cake Yeast. 3/4 cup Milk. 1 cup Butter. 1 tablespoon Sugar. 3 cups Flour. 1/2 teaspoon Salt. 1 Egg White, beaten slightly. Ground Almonds & Sugar. Dissolve yeast in the milk ...
How To Make Galop Kringle (Quick Coffee Bread)- 2 cakes Yeast. 1/4 cup lukewarm Milk. 1/2 cup Sugar. 1 teaspoon Salt 1/2 cup Butter. 2 Eggs, well beaten. 1 teaspoon grated. Lemon Rind 5 cups sifted Flour Chopped Nuts or chopped Dr...
How To Make Brunsvigerstang (Pastry Strip)- Pough 2 cups Flour 1/2 teaspoon Salt 1/4 cup Sugar 1/2 Yeast Cake 1/2 cup Milk 2 Eggs, well beaten. Filling 1/2 cup soft Butter 1/4 cup Brown Sugar 1/2 teaspoon Cardamom 1/4 teaspoon Almond. ...
How To Make Sosterkage (Sister S Cake)- 1 cup Milk. 1/4 cup Sugar 1 cake Yeast 3 cups Flour. 1/2 pound Butter. 3 Eggs. 1 teaspoon Cardamom 1/2 cup Raisins. Soak yeast cake in 1/4 cup of the milk, lukewarm. Bring the rest of t...
How To Make Frugt Roulade (Fruit Roll)- 1 cup Butter 21/2 cups Flour. 2 Eggs. 1/2 cup Sugar 1/2 cup Milk. 2 teaspoons Baking Powder. 1 teaspoon Almond. Extract 1 cup Raisins or Jelly or Cooked Prunes or Applesauce. Mix flo...
How To Make Klejner- These are related to the American doughnut, being fried in deep fat. 3 Eggs 1 cup Sugar 1 teaspoon Salt 1/4 cup Cream. 1/2 cup Butter. 1 teaspoon Cardamom. 2 teaspoons Baking Powder 31/2 c...
How To Make Coffee Cake- Kaffekasre (Coffee Cake) 1 cake Yeast. 2 cups Milk 1 cup Sugar 1 cup Butter. 1 teaspoon Salt. 2 Eggs, well beaten 1 teaspoon Cardamom Flour enough to make stiff dough. Soak the yeast in...
How To Make Butterdejg (Rich Butter Pastry)- Pour the vinegar into the water and set in the refrigerator to chill while you are working the butter and mixing the flour and butter. Blend half the butter with the flour, as you would for pie crust....
How To Make Kringle- 1 Egg. 1 cup Milk. 3/4 cup Sugar. 1 cup soft Butter 1 cake Yeast. 31/2 cups Flour. 1 teaspoon Salt. 1 cup Raisins. 1 teaspoon Cardamom. Make the filling for this and let it be ...
How To Make Sur Flode Kaffekage (Sour Cream Coffee Cake)- 3/4 cup Sugar 1/2 cup Butter 1 cake Yeast. 3 Eggs. 3 cups Flour. 1 cup Sour Cream 1 cup Raisins 1/4 cup Chopped Citron 1/2 teaspoon Cardamom. Dissolve the yeast in 1/2 cup warm water. Crea...
How To Make Wienerbrod- 2 cups Milk 2 Yeast Cakes 6 cups Flour 1 cup soft Butter 1/2 cup Sugar. 3 Eggs. 1 teaspoon Cardamom 1 teaspoon Salt Almonds, Cooked Prunes Applesauce or Jelly. Soak yeast cakes in 1/2 cup luk...
How To Make Danish Cookies- Danish Cookies and Danish Pastry is probably the most familiar of all cooking that has come out of Denmark. Most of the cookies in the following recipes are improved with age. You can safely bake your...
How To Make Danish Cookies. Continued- Nisse Kranse (Elf Wreaths) 1 1/4 cups Butter. 3 1/2 cups Flour. 6 hard boiled Egg Yolks. 1/4 teaspoon Salt 1 teaspoon Vanilla or Almond Extract. Cream butter. Add flavoring and egg yolk...
How To Make Cakes- When a Danish cook speaks of baking a cake she does not have in mind the two inch thick layers nor the piled high frosting that an American cook thinks of. Her cakes are baked in four or five or six t...
How To Make Pancakes Aebleskiver- Tynde Pandekager (Thin Pancakes) These pancakes are baked one at a time, a thin layer of batter covering the whole pan, then buttered, spread with jelly or powdered sugar or sugar and cinnamon and ...
How To Cook Meats- Roast Duck Prepare duck, leaving it whole. Stuff with equal parts of peeled apple and seeded prunes. Rub salt into all sides of the duck. Cook at 225 for 4 hours. Serve with small potatoes tha...
How To Cook Finker- 1 pound liver (beef, pork or lamb) 1/2 Beef Heart. 2 Pigs heart or 1/2 Veal Heart 2 pounds Pork or a Pig's Head. 1 large Onion, sliced 1 large Apple peeled and sliced 1 tablespoon Salt 1/2 teasp...
How To Make Hvidkaalsrouletter (Cabbage Rolls)- 1 large Cabbage. 1 pound Ground Beef. 1/2 pound ground Pork. 1 large Onion. 3 tablespoons Flour. 1 Egg. 1/2 cup ground dry. Bread Crumbs 1 cup Milk. Mix all ingredients, except...
How To Cook Leverpostej (Liver Paste)- 11/2 pounds Liver. 1 large Onion 2/3 cup Milk 2/3 cup Cream. 3 tablespoons Flour. 2 Eggs. 1 teaspoon Pepper 1 tablespoon Salt 1/4 teaspoon each, Cloves, Allspice 6 slices Bacon. Put the...
How To Make Sylte (Head Cheese)- 1 Pig's Head or 6 Pork Shanks and 3 Veal Shanks. 1 Onion. 2 cups Broth. 2 tablespoons Vinegar. 1 Bay Leaf 1/4 teaspoon Cloves 1 teaspoon Salt 1 tablespoon Sugar Pickles and Lemon slices (o...
How To Make Frikadeller (Danish Meat Balls)- 1 1/2 pounds lean Beef 1/2 pound Pork 1 Onion. 1 cup very dry Bread. Crumbs 4 tablespoons Flour. 1/4 teaspoon Cloves 1/2 teaspoon Pepper. 1 teaspoon Salt. 2 Eggs. 2 cups Milk. Put...
How To Cook Chicken In Asparagus- 1 large Stewing Hen 1 Onion. 1 pound Asparagus or 1 can Asparagus. 2 Egg Yolks. 3 tablespoons Flour 1 teaspoon Salt. 1 teaspoon White Pepper. Cut chicken into serving size pieces. Dice ...
How To Make Boiler I Selleri (Celery Root With Meat Balls)- 1 large Celery Root 1 pound lean Beef 1 Onion, ground 1 Egg. 1 teaspoon each Salt, Pepper and Sage. Pinch of Cloves. 1 cup Water. 3 tablespoons Flour. Peel the celery root and cut it in...
How To Make Rullepolse (Rolled Meat)- 2 sides either Veal or Lamb Breast 2 tablespoons minced. Parsley 1 tablespoon Salt. 1 teaspoon Onion Powder 1/2 teaspoon Pepper 1/4 teaspoon each Cloves and Allspice. Remove all the bones and...
How To Make Medisterpolse (Pork Sausage)- 5 pounds Pork 1 large Onion 1 tablespoon Salt 1 teaspoon each. Pepper and Cardamom. 1/4 teaspoon each. Allspice and Cloves 1 can Bouillon or 1 cup basic Soup Stock. Grind the pork 4 times,...
How To Make A Boiled Dinner- 3-4 pounds Beef Brisket. Potatoes. Onions. Carrots. Cabbage or Turnips Salt and Pepper. Cut up onions and add to the meat which has been covered with cold water. Add salt and pepper, bo...
How To Make Blod Polse (Blood Sausage)- 1 quart Pork or Beef Blood. 2 cups Flour 1/2 cup Sugar. 2 teaspoons Salt 1 teaspoon Soda. 1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper 1 pound lean Pork, ground 1 pound pork fat, chopped 12 Apples, peeled and c...
How To Cook Fish- Kogt Fisk (Boiled Fish) Boiling is a favorite way of preparing and serving fish in Denmark. Usually only large fish are cooked in this way but slices of large fish, such as salmon, pike, halibut or...
How To Make Soup- Soup is a favorite food with Danes and will be found on the table several times a week in most Danish homes. There are many variations but the basic broth is as follows: Rice 1 cup Rice 4 ...
How To Make Blomkaalssuppe (Cauliflower Soup)- 1 head Cauliflower. 4 cups Basic Soup Stock or 2 cans Clear Chicken Soup with 2 cups Water. 2 tablespoons White Wine. 1 tablespoon Sugar. 3 Egg Yolks. 4 tablespoons Flour 1/4 cup Melted...
How To Make Mel-Boiler and Kod Boiler- Mel-Boiler (Dumplings) 1/2 cup Butter 1 cup Flour. 3/4 cup boiling Water. 5 Eggs. Melt butter in a kettle. Add flour and stir well. Gradually add the boiling water and stir until the mixtu...
How To Make Kodsuppe (Meat Soup)- 1 Chicken. 1 large Beef Knuckle. 2 Veal Shanks. 2 pounds Shoulder Clod, in one piece. 1 large Onion 4 Carrots Parsley Salt. Any one of the meats may be used or any combination of them. ...
Sauces And Gravies- Danes have many wonderful sauces that are served over their fish and meat. For a boiled dinner or with soup meat, try this: What's Cookin? Peberrods Sauce (Horseradish Sauce) 2 tabl...
How To Cook Vegetables- Stegte Tomater (Fried Tomatoes) Either firm, ripe tomatoes or green tomatoes may be used for this. The taste of each is quite different from the other but both are good. Allow 3 slices for each ser...
How To Cook Vegetables. Continued- Varm Kartoffle Salat (Hot Potato Salad) 4 large Potatoes 1 Onion. 3 tablespoons Bacon Grease. 2 tablespoons Vinegar. 1 teaspoon Salt. 2 tablespoons Sugar. Boil potatoes with their ja...
How To Make Salads- Salat Med Flode (Lettuce With Cream) Loose leaf lettuce is best for this, but head lettuce may be used. 1 head Lettuce. 1 tablespoon Sugar. 1/4 teaspoon Salt 1 cup Sour Cream. Break let...
How To Make Sildesalat (Herring Salad)- A good Danish cook always prepares her own herring for this salad, using one large salt herring that has been soaked in cold water over night; then skinned and boned and cut into bits. However, this f...
How To Make Desserts- Rod Grod (Danish Fruit Juice Pudding) 2 cups red Fruit Juice— currant, red raspeberry, satsuma plum or cherry; or mixture of any of these. 1 sm. Cinnamon stick 3/4 cup Cornstarch 1/4 teaspoon Sa...
How To Make Flodebudding (Cream Pudding)- 2 tablespoons gelatin 1/4 cup cold Water 1 teaspoon Vanilla Pinch of Salt. 3 Eggs, separated. 4 tablespoons Sugar 1 cup Milk. 1 cup Cream. Soften the gelatin in the cold water. Scald the m...
How To Make Makrondessert (Macaroon Dessert)- 4 Eggs, separated 1/2 cup Sugar 10 Macaroons. 2 tablespoons gelatin. 2 cups Milk. 1 teaspoon Vanilla. Soften the gelatin in 1/4 cup cold water. Bring milk to scalding point and dissolve th...
How To Make Ris A La Mande (Rice Pudding With Almonds)- 3 tablespoons Sherry. 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla. 1/2 cup slivered Almonds. 1/4 cup Rice. 2 cups Milk. 1/2 cup Sugar. 2 tablespoons Gelatin. Cook the rice and the milk together until th...
How To Make Aeblekage (Apple Cake)- This is probably Denmark's most popular dessert. 2 cups dry Bread Crumbs. 1/2 cup Butter. 2 tablespoons Sugar. 2 1/2 cups sweetened. Applesauce 1/2 pint whipping Cream. The crumbs ar...
How To Make Strawberry Cream Tarts- 2 cups Milk 1/2 cup Sugar. 1 tablespoon Cornstarch. 2 Egg Yolks Pinch of Salt. 1 teasp. Rum Flavoring. Mix. 1 cup crushed Strawberries with 1/2 cup Sugar 1/2 pint whipping Cream 6 Patty...
How To Make Pate De Foie Gras- 10 - 12 Chicken Livers. 3 - 4 Anchovies. Grind together twice. Set aside while you mix: 1 cup Cream. 1/2 cup Flour and 3 tablespoons butter to a smooth paste Add:. 1 teaspoon Salt. 1...
How To Make Pickles- Asier (Danish Cucumber Pickles) 12 large Cucumbers. 1 teaspoon Celery Seed. 2 tablespoons grated. Horseradish 1 teaspoon ground Ginger 1 teaspoon dry Mustard 1/2 cup Salt. 1/2 teaspoon ...
How To Make Smorrebrod (Sandwiches)- Translated literally, Smorrebrod means bread and butter. But a Danish Smorrebrod is a long way from being plain, old-fashioned American bread and butter. To be sure, you start out with a slice of brea...
How To Make Cheese Smorrebrod- The variety is wide. These are usually made on crackers and sprinkled with paprika. Often served for dessert. Always be sure to give a lift of color, both on your platter and on the individual sand...
How To Make Little Mermaid Omelette- Perfect for one. First, take 2 big ranch eggs. Get out 2 medium-sized bowls. Separate the whites and yolks, putting the whites into one bowl, the yolks into the other. Put a pinch of salt into t...