A Book Written By The Spirits Of The So-Called Dead | by Carl Gustaf Helleberg
The communications in this little volume, purporting to come from disembodied spirits, came in the manner hereinafter stated, and all that I had to do with them was to faithfully and to the letter transcribe them from the slate on which they were written into blank memorandum books which I procured for the purpose. Before laying before the reader the modus operandi of their delivery, I deem it proper that I should give a brief outline of my own history, especially do I feel the importance of this since I am little known outside of the circle of my immediate acquaintances.
With Their Own Materialized Hands, By The Process Of Independent Slate-Writing, Through Mrs. Lizzie S. Green And Others, As Mediums.
Compiled And Arranged By C. G. Helleberg, Of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Life is real! life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal.
Dust thou-art, to dust returnest,
Was not written of the soul.
Chapter I. Introduction- It has always been my aim in life to live uprightly before God and man, and as to the success of this noble purpose, formed in early life, I may confidently refer to my neighbors, and many of the lead...
Chapter II. My Investigations Of Spiritualism Commenced With The Excellent Medium- Mrs. Laura Mosser, now Mrs. Carter, through whose mediumship I had the first slate-writing, August 31, 1879, at her residence, No. 253 Laurel street, Cincinnati, Ohio, from my spirit friend, William G...
My Investigations Of Spiritualism Commenced With The Excellent Medium. Continued- Fredrika Ehrenborg. *This has reference to forget-me-not seeds which she sent me from Sweden. On the 24th of May, from 9 to 12 a. m., the same highly esteemed spirit friend wrote on the slate:...
Chapter III. Remarkable Materialization Seance—Letters From Mrs. Ehrenborg And Others Describing Inhabitants Of Planets- In the evening of the same day I was at a materializing seance at Mrs. Cooper's, where the following persons besides myself were present: Mr. Cooper, his wife, Mrs. Annie Cooper, the medium; Dr. Josep...
Remarkable Materialization Seance—Letters From Mrs. Ehrenborg And Others Describing Inhabitants Of Planets. Continued- They live in perfect harmony; women suffer very little inconvenience in bearing children ; the families are large, with eight or ten children; they are contented and happy. They have better painters i...
Chapter IV. Madam Ehrenborg And Others Materialize- I received several other valuable letters of my spiritual friends from Louisville, and in one of them, the 18th of August, Madam Ehrenborg wrote: A request has been made for Mrs. Helleberg to writ...
Chapter V. Investigations By Mrs. Jennie M'Kee—First Letter From Emanuel Swedenborg, Etc- After Mrs. Cooper moved to Louisville I made acquaintance with Mrs. Jennie McKee, a real lady of high moral and truthful qualities, who had wonderful medial gifts, and permitted me to come to her resi...
Chapter VI. Mrs. M'Kee Passes Away And Her Spirit Arranges Her Own Funeral- When the seance was over, I at once took the flowers to Mrs. Minor's to have them arranged according to her art for preservation and now have them in all their original beauty. The 17th of November, 1...
Chapter VII. Investigations With Mrs. Green—Remarkable Dark Trumpet Seance At Which I Received A Most Beautiful Flower From My Son Emil And Miss Mary Muth- My investigations through the excellent medium, Mrs. Green, commenced the 2d of September, 1881, and I received many interesting communications from my dear and near relatives, which I value very high...
Chapter VIII. Sure Identity Of My Father-In-Law—Madam Ehrenborg Writes To Me In Swedish- On the 8th of December, 1881,1 and my wife had a slate-writing seance in the forenoon, and were present in the evening at a trumpet seance with Mrs. Green, and as my wife received a strong convincing ...
Chapter IX. Information Of A Spiritual Marriage—The Wedding And The Wedding Tour To The Planet Mars- For a long time I had regular slate-writing seances in the light and one dark trumpet seance every week at Mrs. Green's residence, No. 309 Longworth street, and at that time were generally present the...
Information Of A Spiritual Marriage—The Wedding And The Wedding Tour To The Planet Mars. Continued- Jennie. Good morning, my dear friend : As the marriage of our grand-daughter to your son has united my son Edward and your family, and that event caused or rather brought us in a positive condit...
Chapter X. Description Of The Journey To Mars, And Wonderful Information Furnished By Madam Ehrenborg- March 9,1882. Our party of tourists, after having been carefully selected in accordance with their ability to utilize the magnetic currents that connect the planets in our solar system, and their ad...
Description Of The Journey To Mars. Part 2- As I caught the eye of this great presiding spirit 1 perceived the idea emanating from his mind, ' I am glad to meet you,' yet not one of these words was spoken. I essayed to answer to express my th...
Description Of The Journey To Mars. Part 3- April 3. In your solar system you only claim eight planets, exclusive of the Asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, but the truth is there are thirteen in number; five of them have long since passed int...
Description Of The Journey To Mars. Part 4- April 10: If you could be instantaneously transferred to the planet Mars just as you are in the form you could not live a moment of time. The intensely rarefied and etherealized atmospheres surroundi...
Description Of The Journey To Mars. Part 5- April 20. Your candidates for matrimony, first obtaining each other's consent, and the approval of parents or guardians, apply to the legally constituted authorities for. a license or permit to ente...
Description Of The Journey To Mars. Part 6- April 27. We have been*expecting you to inquire of us how the people live on the planet Mars, what kind of architecture in the construction of their business houses, habitations, etc.; what kind of ...
Description Of The Journey To Mars. Part 7- It is often asked in your intercourse with the world of spirits: What are the employments of spirits? what are they about ? what do they do ? etc. It is pertinent to inquire, What are the employment...
Description Of The Journey To Mars. Part 8- May 5. There being, at this stage of development on Mars, no winter with its concomitants of winds and storm, snow and ice, you have no difficulty in apprehending that very light material only is ne...
Description Of The Journey To Mars. Part 9- In some portions of Mars no structures are used at all, owing to the mildness of the climate and the total absence of inclemency in the slightest degree. In other portions the beautifully developed ...
Description Of The Journey To Mars. Part 10- According to this Christian doctrine we behold in man a combination of good and evil, and in the struggle for the mastery the evil is to be mightier than the good. The good emanating from and partaki...
Description Of The Journey To Mars. Part 11- At one period in the history of Mars the art of photography was discovered. Of course it attracted great attention and challenged admiration. It was regarded not only as wonderful but marvelous. The...
Description Of The Journey To Mars. Part 12- June 1. The people of Mars are not so large in stature as on your earth, nor are they as large as at former periods of their history. The process of progression in casting off the gross, and also by ...
Description Of The Journey To Mars. Part 13- The denizens of earth may wonder at and disbelieve these relations, but nevertheless they are as true as that the eternal God is truth. They point to the destiny in store for the future inhabitants ...
Chapter XI. Communications From Emanuel Swedenborg- The following communications, purporting to come from the spirit of Emanuel Swedenborg, at Mrs. Green's, are arranged in the order of their reception: September 26, 1881: I greet you; good mor...
Communications From Emanuel Swedenborg. Part 2- June 12,1882: If we concede for the sake of argument that there really exists a literal hell, as depicted by theological teaching, and which constitutes an article of faith in most of the Christi...
Communications From Emanuel Swedenborg. Part 3- June 19,1882: The original conception of a literal local heaven and hell was a feeble monstrosity and far exceeding the intuitions and anticipations of its originators, it has assumed huge and ala...
Communications From Emanuel Swedenborg. Part 4- June 29, 1882: Since I have been inducted into higher light and blessed with the true knowledge I have been utterly amazed in reviewing my writings, resulting in the discovery of two facts, namel...
Communications From Emanuel Swedenborg. Part 5- July 6, 1882: Before the mythologists of antiquity had constructed a hell they had on their hands a personal, individualized spirit of evil, known as the serpent or satan, and more modernly as th...
Communications From Emanuel Swedenborg. Part 6- July 27, 1882: Why seriously discuss questions that are fast fading out of sight? The advancement of mind and the development of spiritual discernment are on the eve of relegating old antiquated ...
Communications From Emanuel Swedenborg. Part 7- July 31, 1882: Instead of there being one, two or three states of the dead, the truth is there are an infinite number and variety of conditions in which the children of men exist in the spiritual ...
Communications From Emanuel Swedenborg. Part 8- August 10, 1882: While the Universalists are considered liberal and progressive, yet their doctrine is equally dangerous and untrue. Indeed, I have more respect for the others. They (the Universal...
Chapter XII. George Washingtons Spirit- On the 16th of June the following communication was received, and those following at the dates mentioned, from the spirit of George Washington : u From my home and congenial associations in the spirit...
George Washington. Part 2- August 14, 1882: We are not permitted, for prudential reasons, to tell you how the new system is to be fashioned. To do so would not facilitate its accomplishment, but might possibly operate detr...
George Washington. Part 3- August 18, 1882: It is the duty of government to foster, uphold, and defend labor in its unequal struggle against the greed of capital to the end that capital may not utterly crush it beneath its...
George Washington. Part 4- It is nonsense to talk about the absence of constitutional power over the subject. Your national legislature has ample warrant, under the constitutional provision conferring authority upon Congress ...
Chapter XIII. Communication From My Son Emil About Ex-President Garfield—Greetings From Madam Ehrenborg—Letter From Rev. Goddard, And Swedenborg's Answer- On the 26th of September, 1881, at the hour of 9 o'clock, forenoon, it being the same memorable day on which the body of the late lamented Garfield was buried, I went to Mrs, Green, 309 Longworth stre...
Chapter XIV. Communications From President Garfield, Madam Ehrenborg, Governor J. D. Williams, President Abraham Lincoln, Judge Edmonds- Nov. 21. Among other things during this sitting with Mrs. Green I received the following: Good morning friends of truth. On passing out of the physical form and awakening to the consciousness of t...
Chapter XV. New Years' Greetings From Many Of My Dear Spirit Friends And Near Relatives- The 29th of December, 1881, I received with many others the following communication : Good morning, my dear friends, for such I will call you, although I have never had the pleasure of seeing you...
Chapter XVI. A Prayer From Madam Ehrenborg- Jan. 26,1882. And the following came on the slate, which I then copied word for word, and herewith reproduce verbatim et llteratum: My dear old friend. According to promise I am here, and I will ...
Chapter XVII. Greetings From Horace Greeley, J. G. Bennett, And Henry J. Raymond, To F. B. Plimpton, Associate Editor Of The Cincinnati " Daily Commercial."- During the visit of the celebrated medium, Henry Slade, to Cincinnati, recently,'a reporter of the Cincinnati Daily Enquirer visited him and secured a sitting, during which Mr. F, B. Plimpton, ass...
Chapter XVIII. Communications From Horace Greeley, Governor 0. P. Morton, And A. P. Willard- On the 7th of April, among other things, I received . the following: Unless some changes are made in the conduct of your government direful consequences are to be apprehended. Under the present m...
Chapter XIX. Communications From The Drunkard, A Miser, William Gailard, William Lloyd Garrison, Wilberforce, Tecumseh, A Suicide- On May 25, 1882, came the following communication from a spirit, who declined to give his name, for reasons which he claimed to be prudential and personal to himself. It is here given in his own words...
Communications From The Drunkard, A Miser, William Gailard, William Lloyd Garrison, Wilberforce, Tecumseh, A Suicide. Part 2- I remember that the new light of spiritual truthfc came to me first, and I was the humble instrument in the hands of higher intelligences to assist you in obtaining it. I was a medium for exalted sp...
Tecumseh- On the 4th day of August, 1882, between the hours of 9 and 11 a. m., came the following, which can not fail to be of interest to all who feel that our Indian policy has been either wrong or ineffectiv...
An Unknown Suicide- August 28,1882, the following was received, viz: I lived in the body thirty-five years and eight months. I went out by my own hand into the great beyond. I was a singularly constituted man, and a ve...
Chapter XX. Communications From Thomas Paine, Margaret Fuller, And Thanks Of Spirits- Aug. 31, 1882. The following from the spirit of Thomas Paine, on capital punishment, was received: I am here to-day, sir, to say a few words in opposition to capital punishment. What is the argum...
Margaret Fuller- Sept. 1, 1882, came the following writing from the spirit of Margaret Fuller: True prayer is the yearning of the soul for something it feels the need of. It need not be expressed in silent words ...
Appendix. Chapter XXL. Mrs. Green's Medial History- The following is a partial history of the development and mediumistic experiences of Mrs. Lizzie S. Green, the medium chosen by the spirits in transmitting the matter contained in this volume: She ...
Appendix. Chapter XXL. Mrs. Green's Medial History. Part 2- In 1869 while holding a circle at Aurora, Ind., composed of a few intimate friends and neighbors, a gentleman—a stranger to all of us—applied for admission, stating that he had been left by the east...
Appendix. Chapter XXL. Mrs. Green's Medial History. Part 3- On another occasion I saw a fire raging. I saw it was a two-story brick house. I saw men rolling barrels out of the burning structure, and from the rapidity of their movements and the ease and facil...
Appendix. Chapter XXL. Mrs. Green's Medial History. Part 4- My wife and myself, by invitation, were present on Thursday night, January 26th, at a seance given to a select circle of ladies and gentlemen by Mr. and Mrs. Green, at No. 309 Longworth street, this...
Chapter XXII. A Visit To Split Rock, Kentucky—Christmas Greetings From Ida To Her Parents—Annie Winterburn To Her Brother John Winterburn, And His Testimony And Her Farewell To The Medium, Mrs. Green- Mrs. Green's home proper, is at Aurora, Dearborn county, Indiana. Aurora is a beautiful and enterprising little city of live or six thousand inhabitants, and is located on the western bank of the Ohio...
Independent Slate Writing, By Edwin Stebbins- On Christmas evening myself and wife secured an independent slate-writing sitting with Mrs. Lizzie S. Green, at 309 Loilgworth street, Cincinnati, Ohio, and we received the following communication fro...
A Visit To Split Rock, Kentucky—Christmas Greetings From Ida To Her Parents—Annie Winterburn To Her Brother John Winterburn, And His Testimony And Her Farewell To The Medium, Mrs. Green. Continued- Good night, good night, to all that's here, I leave and go to a brighter sphere. Wishing you all success in the new year, dear pa and ma, ever hold sacred the Christmas gift I present you to-da...
Annie Winterburn- Dear Brother: Oh, how happy I am to-day to be able to write you on the inner surface of a double slate with your own precious hands holding it with the medium. You did not need this as a test, for yo...
Chapter XXIII. A Spirit Peels A Bonana, And Eats Some Of It, And Divides The Rest In Four Equal Parts—Reports Of Cincinnati Enquirer About Spirit Seances At Mrs. Green's- I desire to speak of a recent manifestation, which baffles my ability to understand, and proves that spirits by some chemical process are enabled to operate upon material substances and cause them to ...
Chapter XXIV. Extracts From Each Of Two Funeral Discourses By Bishop Simpson And Rev. W. H. Thomas, D. D., With Conclusions Of C. G. Helleberg- In closing it has been deemed advisable and proper to append an extract from each of two funeral discourses delivered by two eminent divines—one the eminent Methodist Bishop, Mr. Simpson, and the othe...