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Time Saving Cookery | by Sarah Field Splint

TO reduce cookery to the least possible amount of work is not the sign of a lazy or shiftless housekeeper. Time-saving cookery has another use. In every home, no matter how well it is run, emergencies arise necessitating a quick change of menu. Perhaps one's husband brings home an unexpected guest, or at the busiest time of the morning a neighbor drops in "for a minute" and stays an hour, or small son is sent home ill from school and must be put to bed and dosed. At such moments as these, quick catering is thrice blessed.

TitleTime Saving Cookery
AuthorSarah Field Splint
PublisherMcCall's Magazine
Copyright1920, Sarah Field Splint
AmazonTime Saving Cookery
Time Saving Cookery.


A woman mast take short-cuts to those necessary three meals-a-day if she wants time to enjoy friends, books, music and clubs, an occasional motor ride, an hour or two in the open. So plan to serve ...
-How To Make Use Of This Book
THIS booklet tells you what supplies to keep on your shelves, how to combine them into appetizing, nutritious dishes and how to plan menus using them. Not all the prepared or semi-prepared products on...
-What Time-Saving Cookery Costs
Are an extravagance there is this practical answer: Any meal costs time, money and labor. If the homemaker saves time and labor she may have to spend more money, though this is a point about which the...
-General Supplies That Make Food Taste And Look Better
THE housekeeper who is wise in her day and generation sees to it that the dishes she prepares are attractive in appearance and interesting in flavor. Flat-tasting food, prosaically served, is one of t...
-How To Make Quick Appetizers And Relishes For Giving Style To A Meal
ALL the foods listed here you can purchase anywhere. There are many others, too. which you will find on the shelves of large, well-stocked grocery stores. Pickles And Relishes As olives (plain, ...
-How To Make Five Simple Appetizers
Recipe 1. Grilled Sardines Cut Bread in thin oblongs. Place a Sardine, split through the center, on each slice, the split side up. Sprinkle with Paprika, brown under broiler. Garnish with slice of ...
-Where Soups Come In
NUTRITIOUS, fine-flavored soups of almost any variety can be purchased in cans. Among the most popular that are carried at practically all grocers are: Clear Soups As bouillon, consomme, clam. ...
-How To Make Soups, Home Made But Time Saving
Recipe 6. Cream Of Consomme Melt 4 tablespoons Butter or fat, add 4 tablespoons Flour. When bubbling add 3 cups Canned Consomme and 1 cup Milk gradually, stirring constantly. Season with Onion and ...
-How To Cook Meat For The Main Dish
PREPARED and semi-prepared meats mean freedom for the housewife. When you are too busy or too weary even to plan a meal consult your supply shelf for the best way out of your difficulty. Listed below ...
-How To Cook Fish
Codfish flaked and shredded, salmon, tuna, crab, lobster, shrimps, clams, oysters, codfish balls. You can make canned meats go farther by combining them with such foods as potatoes, rice, macaroni,...
-Recipes To Follow Or Adapt According To Your Needs
Recipe 9. White Sauce Melt 4 tablespoons Butter or Cooking Fat, add 4 tablespoons Flour. When bubbling add 2 cups Milk gradually, stirring constantly. Cook 5 minutes and add 1 teaspoon Salt and 1/4...
-How To Cook Vegetables For The Main Dish
FOR supper and luncheon you can often fall back on canned vegetables for a quick main dish if you enrich them just a bit. Among the vegetables to be found in any grocery store are: Asparagus, beans (s...
-Four Appetizing Ways Of Serving Vegetables
Recipe 16. Creamed Vegetables On Toast Make a White Sauce (for method see recipe 9) with 5 tablespoons Fat, 5 tablespoons Flour, 1 cup Milk and 1 cup Water. Add 2 cans Vegetable Soup. Season to tas...
-When Salad Saves The Day
INSURE your peace of mind by keeping always in the house materials for making salad. A plate of cool, inviting salad saves the day when all other plans go awry, or you feel the need for a free afterno...
-Easy Salads To Prepare
Recipe 20. Special Salad Dressing Bottled mayonnaise, or boiled salad dressing can be varied by adding to it tomato catsup, chopped pimiento, chopped green pepper, drained chili sauce, capers, hors...
-How To Make Desserts To Please Every Taste
OF ALL easy conjuring tricks, none is quite so simple for the housewife, as to whisk an instantaneous dessert on to the table. Stock your shelves with some or all of the following articles, then rest ...
-Clever Ways To Make Desserts Seem Elaborate
Recipe 25. Fruit Compote Cut 3/4 cup Apricots and 9 Dates in small pieces and add to 1 1/4 cups shredded Pineapple. Heap in sherbet glasses and garnish with 3 tablespoons Marshmallow Cream which ha...
-Who Doesn't Like Hot Breads?
PROBABLY your family likes hot breads. Most families do! We hope you'll find a few practical suggestions here for further pampering of that already pampered family of yours�but with less effort to you...
-How To Make Quick Hot Breads
Recipe 33. Drop Biscuit Mix 3 cups Prepared Flour, 3 tablespoons Shortening and 1 1/4 cups Milk into a dough that will drop without spreading. Drop by teaspoons on a greased pan. Bake in a hot oven...
-How To Make Breakfast Fruits And Cereals
TODAY it is not necessary for the homemaker to arise while it is yet night in order to prepare a satisfying, inviting breakfast for her family. She cooks her cereal the night before in the double-bo...
-How To Make Quick Beverages
WHEN callers drop in in the afternoon or evening, don't you often wish you had some light refreshment to offer them? A few modest purchases and a little planning will enable you to refresh your gues...
-Unusual Drinks Made In A Moment
Recipe 38. Pineapple Rickey Mix 2 cups Grated Pineapple and juice with 2 tablespoons Lime Juice and 2 cups Carbonated Water (1 pint). Serve with cracked ice. Juices left from canned fruit can be co...
-Menus That Really Save Time And Work
THE following menus are merely suggestions for well-balanced meals which can be prepared quickly. They may fit your needs just as they stand; on the other hand there may be reasons why you cannot use ...
-McCall's Service Booklets
Beauty For Every Woman By Elsie Waterbury Morris, head of New York's smartest beauty shop. Complete instructions for the care of skin, hair, hands and figure, giving, simply, the scientific princ...

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