Recipe 25. Fruit Compote

Cut 3/4 cup Apricots and 9 Dates in small pieces and add to 1 1/4 cups shredded Pineapple. Heap in sherbet glasses and garnish with 3 tablespoons Marshmallow Cream which has been beaten with 1 teaspoon Milk and 1/4 teaspoon Lemon extract. Other fruits as plums, grapes, red and white cherries are delicious in compotes.

Recipe 26. Apple Whip

Add 1/8 teaspoon Salt to 3 Egg Whites and beat until stiff. Add, a little at a time, 3 cups Apple Sauce sweetened and flavored with teaspoon Lemon extract and grated Nutmeg to taste. Serve in sherbet glasses. A custard sauce made with yolks of the eggs may be poured over the top, if desired. Other fruit pulp may be used, or jam (3/4 cup to 3 egg whites).

Recipe 27. Lightning Cake

Sift together 1 1/2 cups Flour, 2 teaspoons Baking Powder, 1/4 teaspoon Salt and 1 cup Sugar into a mixing bowl. Melt 1/4 cup Shortening in a measuring cup, break in 2 Eggs, fill cup with Milk and add 1 teaspoon Almond extract. Stir the liquids into the flour and beat until well mixed and light. Bake in a moderate oven. This may be baked in layers and served as a cocoanut or banana layer cake (for frosting see recipe 29).

Recipe 28. Chocolate Coconut Cakes

Sift together 2 cups Prepared Flour, 2 tablespoons Sugar, 3 tablespoons Cocoa. Add 1/3 cup Coconut, 1 cup Milk or water and beat well. Bake in muffin tins. Cover with frosting and sprinkle coconut over the top.

Recipe 29. Quick Frosting

Mix to thick paste 1 cup Confectioner's Sugar, 2 tablespoons Water and 2 teaspoons Lemon or Almond extract. Spread on cake. Grated chocolate, finely chopped raisins, nuts and coconut may be added to give a different flavor. Ginger sirup (2 tablespoons) can replace the extract and part of the water.

Recipe 30. Pudding Sauces

(a) Whip into 3 stiffly beaten Egg Whites 1/2 cup Powdered Sugar, 1/8 teaspoon Salt, 1 teaspoon Vanilla extract. Add gradually 1 cup Boiling Water and serve at once.

(b) Melt 1 cup Currant Jelly with 1 1/4 cups Water. Add 2 tablespoons Lemon Juice.

Recipe 31. Quick Cherry Cobbler

Strain fruit of 1 can Red Cherries (2 cups) from sirup. Put fruit in greased baking dish. Sift 2 cups Prepared Cake Flour and mix with 2/3 cup Water. Beat well and pour over fruit. Bake in a moderate oven 20-30 minutes. Serve with sauce made from thickened cherry sirup and flavored with lemon extract.

Recipe 32. Maple Nut Pudding

Dissolve 1 1/2 cups Brown Sugar in 2 cups Boiling Water, using double boiler. Mix 1/3 cup Cornstarch in 1/3 cup Cold Water, add to sirup. Cook for 8 minutes, stirring constantly until thick and smooth. Add 1/4 teaspoon Salt to 2 Egg Whites, beat until stiff and pour the hot mixture on, gradually. Add 1/2 cup chopped Nuts. Serve very cold with cream or custard sauce.