ALL the foods listed here you can purchase anywhere. There are many others, too. which you will find on the shelves of large, well-stocked grocery stores.

Pickles And Relishes

As olives (plain, stuffed or ripe) gherkins, onions, mixed pickles, mustard pickles, chopped relish.


As catsups, chutneys and chili, Worcestershire, tabasco, cocktail sauces.


As canned and maraschino cherries, pineapple, apricots; pickled and spiced fruit for fruit cocktails.


As sardines, anchovies, fish pastes, fish roe, smoked herring, lobster, crab, shrimps, tuna fish, oysters, clams.


As canned, potted and deviled ham, tongue and chicken; bologna sausages.


As pimiento, chili, Neufchatel, American, cream, Imperial.

Green Salad Vegetables

In season—as tomato, cucumber, radishes, celery, water-cress, cabbage, green pepper.

Appetizers, or hors-d'ceuvres, or canapes taste as good as they look and add the element of novelty to a meal. Guests will be sure to appreciate them served as the first course for luncheon, supper or dinner.

These delicate morsels can be quickly prepared from eggs, cheese and all kinds of canned meat, chicken and fish. Serve canned shell fish in cocktail glasses with a prepared cocktail sauce. Be sure it is icy cold. Savory creamed meats, fish, chicken or mushrooms served piping hot on toast, in scallop shells or ramekins, are delicious.

A small serving of salad on a lettuce leaf makes a good beginning—meat, fish, chicken, deviled egg or mixed vegetables with mayonnaise. Tomato, cucumbers and cabbage thinly sliced are served with French dressing.

Garnishings for this type of dish are simple and quick. Thin slices of lemon, strips of pimiento, beets cut in cubes, capers, pickles and olives—in short anything offering a pleasing color and flavor—make an appeal to the appetite.

The imaginative cook will see possibilities for appetizers in almost any food. The main requirement is plenty of seasoning to produce a savory, piquant effect. Left-over bits in the refrigerator can be used to advantage.