Engravings Of The Arteries | by Charles Bell
Illustrates The Anatomy Of The Human Body, And Serving As An Introduction To The Surgery Of The Arteries
By Charles Bell, Surgeon.
To Sir Charles Blicke,
Senior Surgeon Of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, These plates of the arteries are inscribed, as a tribute of respect to his professional talents, and eminent skill as an operator; and in acknowledgment of his attention and civilities to the author, while yet a stranger in London.
Preface To The First Edition- To facilitate the acquisition of the leading principles ought to be the first object of an elementary book, and most of all ought we to study simplicity in a work treating of Anatomy. When the way is ...
Preface To The Second Edition- IN this edition. I trust, I have shown my regard for the approbation of the public, already bestowed upon this little work, by endeavouring to improve it. I have added a Plate of the Aortic System,...
Fore And Back Views Of The Heart- Is the view of the Heart, nearly in the Situation in which it is seen when the Breast is opened. a. The Superior Vena Cava, returning the blood from the head and arms. b. The Inferior Cava, tied...
Back View Of The Heart- The Arteries and Veins, which are attached to the Spine, are seen in this View. a. The Left Ventricle of the Heart. b. The Trunk of the Pulmonary Artery. c. The Right Branch of the Pulmonary ...
Scheme Of The Arterial System- Principal Divisions of the Arteries. Branches of the Arteries. a. Valves of the Aorta. B. The Ascending Aorta 1. The Lef...
Diaphragm, the Situation of the Heart, the Blood-vessels of the Breast, and the Abdominal Aorta- Explaining the Diaphragm, the Situation of the Heart, the Blood-vessels of the Breast, and the Abdominal Aorta. (Bell's Anat. Vol. II.pages 245—252, and 408.) (Wistar, pages 258—261,276—277, 280,an...
Carotid Artery- This and the following Plate illustrate the Text of Bell, from pages 242—294; and Wistar, pages 241—254. a. The Common Carotid Artery.* * To cut down for this artery, I would turn the chin towar...
Branches Of The External Carotid Artery- 1. The Lingual Artery.* 2. The Fascial Artery or Labial Artery.+ 3. The Submental Artery. 4. The Upper and Lower Coronary Arteries. 5. The Inosculations of the extreme Branches of the Fasc...
Vertical Section Of The Head- Being the Distribution of the Internal Carotid, the Vertebral and Internal Maxillary Arteries, as seen upon making a vertical Section of the Head. a. The Upper Jaw Bone; part of it is torn away. ...
Internal Maxillary Artery- This is a Plan of the Internal Maxillary Artery. 1. The Meningeal Artery, or great middle artery of the dura mater.* 2. The Lower Maxillary Artery.+ 3. Irregular Arteries: the Pterygoid Arter...
Arteries Of The Brain- Divisions and eminences of the brain. a. The Anterior Lobes of the Cerebrum. b. The Middle Lobes of the Cerebrum. c. The Posterior Lobes of the Cerebrum. which rest upon the tentorium. ...
Arteries Of The Arm- a. The Scapula. b. The Pectoral Muscle held up. c. The Deltoid Muscle. d. The Biceps Muscle. e. The Coraco-brachialis Muscle. f. The Triceps extensor Muscle. g. The Teres Major. h...
Arteries Of The Arm. Wrist- A. Arterna Radialis. b. Ramus Lorsalis. c. Pulmaris Profunda. d. Ramus ad Indicem. e. Ramus ad Pollicem. ...
The Distribution Of The Cellic Artery- a. The Liver raised so as to show its concave surface, b. The Gall Bladder. c. The Stomach laid down to the left side. d. The Omentum. e. The Colon. p. The Small Intestines. 1. The A...
The Mesenteric Arteries- a. The Omentum held up, aud bearing the great Arch of the Colon. b. The termination of the Intestinum Ileon in the Caput Coli. c. Caput Coli. d. e. The Arch of the Colon, which stretches acro...
Arteries Of The Lower Extremity- a. The Tendon of the External Oblique Muscle. b. The Sartorius Muscle. c. The Gracilis. d. The Triceps Muscle. e. The Rectus Femoris. f. The Vastus Interims. g. The Vastus Extern as....
Arteries Of The Lower Extremity. Posterior- a. The body of the last Lumbar Vertebra sawn through. b. The Sacrum. c. Ischiatic Ligaments. d. The Lumbar Muscles. e. The Great Gluteus Muscle. f. The Lesser Gluteus Muscle. g. The ...