IN this edition. I trust, I have shown my regard for the approbation of the public, already bestowed upon this little work, by endeavouring to improve it.

I have added a Plate of the Aortic System, by my young friend and pupil, Mr. Charles Cheyne, whose steady pursuit of that science to which I am devoted, has gained my esteem and confidence. I have added some other Plates, in illustration, as of the foot, hand, and jaw, where I thought the smallness of the original scale precluded the possibility of fully disclosing the anatomy.

I have also added some schemes of arrangement, of the more intricate branches, in foot notes.

The most essential addition, however, which I have made, is the introduction of some rules for cutting down upon the Arteries, in cases of dangerous bleedings. They were taken by a pupil, from my public lectures on the Arteries, when I had the subject before me, and was describing and measuring the depth of parts, previous to my entering upon the rules deduced from the projecting points of bone, and the course of the tendons and muscles in the living body.

London, Leicester Street, Leicester Square.