The Art Of Naming Dishes On Bills Of Fare | by L. Schumacher
This little work is written for the progressive element in the hotel and restaurant profession because of the fact that the menus and bills of fare are, to a great extent, neither intelligible to the server nor the served. Therefore, a method of naming dishes will be offered in the following pages, which I hope will be satisfactory to all concerned — proprietors, employees and guests.

To Henry C. F. Gosslep.
Preface- There is no doubt that this way of naming dishes is the only effective method of reforming and doing away with the medly that now generally exists. It must be understood that a plain and intelligible ...
Intelligible And Unintelligible Names Of Dishes. Advantages Of Having Intelligible Names On Bills Of Fare- In almost any restaurant complaints regarding slow service are often heard. Some of these complaints are undoubtedly unjust, as there are certain dishes which cannot possibly be as hastily prepared as...
Short Names- When abbreviating the names on the bills of fare, it has been customary to omit many words that have a necessary and direct bearing on the meaning of the term. Consomme with shredded vegetables is see...
Names That Are Too Long- That menus and bills of fare sometimes bear names which are too elaborate and detailed can often be noticed. There is really nothing to say against this practise, but it quite frequently happens that ...
Rules For The Naming Of Dihess- In naming dishes two main factors are recommended: to mention their main ingredients and the way they are prepared. Secondary designations, such as geographical or personal names can then follow. Let ...
Foreign Names On English Menus And Bills Of Fare- The names on menus and bills of fare have often called forth sarcastic comment and indeed, much of this criticism has been justified. Several reasons for applying foreign names have been given. It has...
Are Foreign Names Of Dishes Easily Understood?- Next to the excuses already mentioned, for using foreign names one often hears the statement made that most of the guests understand them. If we consider that there are even domestic names, peculiar t...
Are All Domestic Names Understood?- In the following clippings from an original bill of fare of a high class and prominent restaurant in New York Ave find several names Avhich will not be understood by the most English speaking people. ...
Are All Domestic Names Understood?. Continued- Vegetables Artichock in Dutch Sauce ....................................................----------.25 Creamed Yellow Turnips .....----------------.....---------.20 Fried Egg Plant ..............
Bills Of Fare In More Than One Language- In these days of international travel, much more knowledge has been required of persons employed in the different international hotels and restaurants than was formerly the case. Along with many other...
Bill Of Fare To Order- Specialties 1. Consomme. 2. Clam Chowder. 3. Chicken Cream Soup. 4. Fried Brook Trout. 5. Boiled Breast of Beef, Horseradish Sauce, Bouillon Potatoes. 6. Goose Giblets, American. 7. Stewed La...
Bill Of Fare To Order. Part 2- Poisson 36. Eperlans frits. 37. Eperlans frits, Sc. Remoulade. 38. Hareng roti. 39. Blanchaile frite. 40. Dorade bouillie. 41. Barbeau bouilli. 42. Croquettes de Poisson. 43. G...
Bill Of Fare To Order. Part 3- Gefliigel 68. Gebratener Puter #9. Gebratene Taube. 70. Gebratenes Kticken. 71. Uebersulzte Huhnbrust. 72. Huhn-Frikassee. Gemiise 73. Blumenkohl 74- Weisskohl. 75. Rotkohl. 76...
The Abbreviation Of Names- The abbreviation of menu terms, so largely adopted by the French, is typical of that Avhich is found in any line of trade where certain short expressions are indispensable. A cook has no time to bothe...
The Meaning Of The Personal Nouns, Geographical Names, Titles, Etc- On scanning the menus and bills of fare it strikes one as peculiar to see so many proper names and other ones used. Guests are often puzzled by such names and invariably ask what they signify. The ...
Style Designations- The following lists are abstracts from the dictionaries to follow, which contain more than 1000 names, with explanations of their meaning used in the culinary languages as style designations or in con...
Concluding Words Mainly For The Compilers Of The Bills Of Fare- In the foregoing chapters it has been proved that many dishes are unsatisfactorily named, and a way is shown whereby dishes can be given names, which are intelligible to everybody. Since indeed the ch...
Concluding Words Mainly For The Compilers Of The Bills Of Fare. Continued- But if the four dishes are simply called Cochon de lait, russe then it is unintelligible and not correct. And if all the following for the same chestnut pudding are called Pouding am-bassadrice, Poudi...
Rules Of Grammar Of Four Languages- The grammar for the culinary languages is easy enough and given in such a simple manner that it will take but a short time for all to understand. We will quote the items of the French language first, ...
Rules Of Grammar Of Four Languages. Continued- As to the naming of styles, the following must be observed. If we write American Cheese then we understand the well known store cheese, but if we write Cheese, American then it is a cheese made in the...
The Plural Of The French And Spanish Words- French The plural of nouns is formed mostly by adding an s to the singular. Nouns with the ending s, a?, or z do not change. Nouns with the ending au, eau, and the Word chou form the plural b...
Punctuation- As to the punctuation, much care should be taken because it often leads to misunderstandings, especially on bills of fare on which the dishes are not classified. The following instances give an idea a...
Using Big And Small Capital Letters- Except in German the writing of certain words with big initial letters, has come into use such as nouns, adjectives and others. Both ways of writing are correct but one or the other should keep its ch...
The Singular And Plural On Table Cards- Kegarding the writing of singular or plural on menus and bills of fare the following should be kept in mind. Such items and pieces of food of which a guest may have only one for a certain price, •m...
The Naming Of Table Cards In Four Languages- One distinguishes three different kinds of table cards: the bill of fare, the menu, and the list of beverages. The bill of fare is a list of dishes with prices for each dish and from which the gues...