This section is from the book "Progressive Cookery", by E. M. Hinckley. Also available from Amazon: Progressive Cookery.
Meat glaze is made by reducing to one-third by simmering, water that such meats as chicken, mutton, etc.. have been boiled in. When properly made will keep for three or four months in a cold place. Put into air tight jars until needed.
Brown a tablespoon of butter in a saucepan, one chopped onion, with about one tablespoon of raw ham cut into dice shape, half a green pepper cut into small dice, half a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of pepper. Moisten with three pints of stock, add one tablespoon of raw rice, six sliced gumbos and one sliced tomato. Let all cook thoroughly for half an hour.
One quart of fresh peas, or a can of French beans or corn, one quart of boiling water, one tablespoon of butter, one quart of milk or cream. Cook until soft in the boiling water, then rub through a puree sieve, moistening occasionally with water in which they were cooked. Put into a double boiler the pint of cream or milk, add one saltspoon of white pepper and one teaspoon of salt. Heat your sauce pan, put in the butter, add a teaspoon of flour, be careful not to burn, pour in a part of milk gradually. Return to double boiler, adding sifted vegetable; cook all together for five minutes; serve hot. If not salt enough add more.
Two quarts of spinach cooked one-half hour without water, chop, pound to a paste, rub through a sieve, add one quart of hot stock, melt three teaspoons of butter, stir in three tablespoons of flour, pour over the stock; cook ten minutes, add one pint of hot cream or milk.
Make a good soup stock of veal, rabbit or chicken; when tender remove and set aside white meat. Chop one Chili pepper, sour apple, two onions, melt one table-spoon of butter or dripping in a saucepan, fry the onions brown, then add apple, then one tablespoon of curry powder, one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of sugar. Have "two quarts of stock hot; pour a little over mixture, then put all in soup kettle and cook five minutes; have ready four tablespoons of cooked rice, also white part of meat cut in small pieces; now add to soup one-half cup of cream, strain, add meat and rice, return to stove, heat but not boil. Cream may be left out. More salt may be needed.
Wash thoroughly one head of lettuce; chop. Place in hot saucepan two tablespoons of butter; add lettuce; cook five minutes. Have one quart of white broth in soup kettle, add hot lettuce, season with one teaspoon of salt, one saltspoon of pepper, one-quarter saltspoon of nutmeg, bouquet; add four tablespoons of well-washed rice; cook forty-five minutes; strain through puree sieve, return to well-cleaned soup kettle and heat. Pour in one-half pint of sweet cream, heat again. Be careful not to boil. Serve.
Put one bunch of sorrel in one pint of water; stir until soft with wooden spoon. Fry one chopped onion in one tablespoon of butter to a light brown, season, add one pint of good gravy or stock. Boil up once, then put in one cup of hot cream.
If stock is used, add two tablespoons of flour to butter.
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