This section is from the book "Progressive Cookery", by E. M. Hinckley. Also available from Amazon: Progressive Cookery.
New England beans are baked in a brick oven, and baked over night. The results cannot he the same when baked in a stove oven, as it is impossible to have the oven of an even temperature.
Pick over and wash one quart of pea beans, soak over night in cold water. In the morning put into fresh water, and simmer until soft, but not break. Turn into a colander, and pour cold water over. Put one-half of the beans in pot. Pour hot water over a quarter of a pound of salt pork, part fat and part lean ; scrape the rind. Cut the rind in one-half inch strips. Put into the pot, and then add the rest of the beans, leaving the rind exposed ; cover with hot water. Bake in slow oven nearly all day. (If you like, put one small onion in the bottom of bean pot, or one tablespoon of molasses, or one-half teaspoon of mustard, or all.) Cover the bean pot for the first six hours, then bake without. Add a little hot water from time to time.
Soak one pint of beans and one pint of samp over night in separate dishes. In the morning pour off the water from beans, put on to cook in fresh water. Cook samp in another pot. Let both cook for two days, or until nearly soft. Add samp to beans, also one-half pound of salt pork, a grain of pepper and a speck of cayenne. Cook until the pork is tender. Replenish with water when necessary, but not so as to boil over. There should not be too much liquid when done. They are better the oftener they are warmed.
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