This section is from the book "Progressive Cookery", by E. M. Hinckley. Also available from Amazon: Progressive Cookery.
Cut bread in thin slices, trim off the crust, spread with butter and any chopped meat, nicely seasoned, with salt, pepper and mustard. Lay another slice on top. Sardines make a good sandwich. Lay a damp cloth over them to keep moist.
Between slices of thinly cut white bread spread a mixture of Deviled ham, finely chopped, hard-boiled eggs and cream sauce. Stamp out in round, oval, square or oblong shapes. Butter the tops. Sprinkle on one-half the number of sandwiches, finely chopped parsley and hard-boiled yolk of egg rubbed through a sieve, and on the other half parsley and white of egg chopped very fine. Arrange tastefully and serve on small plates.
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