Brandy Sauce

Two eggs, two tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of brandy. Beat the yolks ten minutes, add sugar and brandy, then well beaten whites.

Madeira Or Rum Sauce

Melt two tablespoons of butter in a saucepan; add one tablespoon of flour, stir until rather yellow, add gradually one pint of water, one cup of sugar and a few drops of caramel sugar; boil gently ten minutes. Stir in one-fourth cup of Madeira wine or rum.


Melt one cup of sugar in a saucepan, stir until it melts, and is of a dark brown in color. Add one cup of boiling water, boil ten minutes. When cold, bottle. This gives a rich, dark brown color to coffee, custards, etc.

Cream Sauce

One egg, one-half cup of sugar, three tablespoons of milk, one-half teaspoon of vanilla. Beat yolks and sugar together, add beaten whites, lastly the hot milk and vanilla. Serve soon as made.

Lemon Sauce

Two cups of hot water, one cup sugar, three heaping teaspoons of cornstarch, grated rind and juice of one lemon, one tablespoon of butter. Mix the sugar and cornstarch thoroughly, add to the boiling water. Cook eight or ten minutes, stirring often; add the lemon rind and juice and the butter. Stir until the butter is melted, and serve at once. If the sauce becomes too thick add more hot water. One-half cup of juice of stewed strawberries, apricots or any fruit may be used instead of lemon.

Whipped Strawberry Sauce

Whip one pint of cream to a stiff froth, and beat into this about one-half cup of preserved strawberries that have been rubbed through a fine sieve; or add one-half cup of strawberry juice. Sweeten with powdered sugar.

Hard Sauce

One-quarter of a cup of butter, one cup of powdered sugar, one-half teaspoon of lemon or vanilla, or a little nutmeg, teaspoon of water. Rub butter to a cream, add sugar gradually, then the water, then flavor. Pack smoothly in a small dish, and stamp it with a butter mould. Grate over nutmeg.

Molasses Sauce

Boil one cup of molasses, add the juice and grated rind of one lemon and one tablespoon of butter.

Snowdrift Sauce

One-fourth cup of butter, one cup of sugar, one-half cup boiling water, two tablespoons of wine or brandy, whites of two eggs. Beat the sugar and butter to a cream, then add the boiling water, then the brandy or wine, lastly the well beaten whites.

If you wish a yellow sauce, cream the butter and sugar, then add the beaten yolks, and proceed as in above receipt.