Mixed Vegetable Soup

One quart of stock. Chop one small carrot, one onion, one turnip, one parsnip, one tablespoon of parsley, one stalk of celery, one cup of strained tomatoes. Cook vegetables and tomatoes together, add a quart of hot stock. Some people prefer the onion fried, as it gives a richer flavor. Season.

Split Pea Soup

One-half pint of split peas, one quart of cold water, a speck of soda, one small carrot, one small turnip, one small onion, a stalk of celery. Pick over and wash the peas, put on, with the water and soda; cook on the back of the stove one hour. Then add the vegetables, which must he cut small and previously boiled until tender in another saucepan, seasoning with one-half teaspoon of sugar, one teaspoon of salt and a speck of pepper; simmer one hour more, or until soft. Rub through a strainer. Heat again, and stir into the soup one-half tablespoon of butter mixed with one-half tablespoon of flour. Serve with fried croutons of bread, or toasted crackers.

Lentil Soup

Make the same as split pea soup, using more water. This excellent vegetable is not generally known, but is much superior to beans or dried peas. Most of what we receive here comes from Germany. Many persons consider them more expensive than beans or peas, not knowing that they swell three or four times their size when soaked.

Noodles For Soup

Break one large egg into a bowl. Beat into it one cup of flour. Work with the hands until like putty. Dredge a bread board slightly with flour. Put the noodle mixture on the board, sprinkle the rolling pin with flour, and roll as thin as possible. It should be so thin you can look through it. Let it dry for ten minutes, then roll it up and cut with a sharp knife into very thin slices; spread on the board and dry again for one-half hour. Cook rapidly fifteen minutes in boiling water, with one tablespoon of salt. Put half the noodles into soup. Fry the others in browned butter, and use as a vegetable.

Italian Soup

Any dark stock will answer. Cook vermicelli or spaghetti; put in hot tureen, grate on some cheese and stir. Pour over the boiling stock and serve.

Ox Tail Soup

Four ox tails, one onion, two tablespoons of butter, or beef drippings, four quarts of cold water, a bouquet, four cloves, six whole peppers. Have the ox tails separated at the joints. Fry chopped onion in hot butter or drippings; when brown put into soup kettle with bouquet, cloves, whole peppers and ox tails; pour over the four quarts of cold water, and add one tablespoon of salt. Simmer five hours. Select the nicest of joints to serve in soup; strain, put away until cold, remove fat, add the joints and heat. Put in hot tureen one tablespoon of wine and one slice of lemon. Season the soup to taste, pour into tureen and serve.


One sprig each of thyme, sweet marjoram and summer savory, two leaves of sage, one bay leaf, tied with a sprig of parsley.