Mental Therapeutics Or Just How To Heal Oneself And Others | by Theron Q. Dumont
In these lessons the author shall give the readers the essence and substance of the best scientific knowledge regarding the prevention and cure of physical ills by the power of the mind
By Theron Q. Dumont, Author of "Personal Magnetism"; "Practical Memory Training"; "Power to Concentrate"; etc., etc.
Including The Latest And Best Methods Of Present And Distant Mental Healing
Lesson I. The Science Of Mental Healing- In these lessons I shall give you the essence and substance of the best scientific knowledge regarding the prevention and cure of physical ills by the power of the mind. But in presenting the theor...
Lesson II. The Corporeal Mind- One of the first things that the student of Mental Therapeutics should learn is this: That the human body is not a mass of mindless matter, but is, instead, as truly an organ of the mind as is the bra...
Lesson III. The Cells Of The Body- The student of physiology and of psychology cannot expect to have a sound base and foundation for his structure of knowledge unless he becomes thoroughly familiar with the nature and character of the ...
Lesson IV. Mind In The Cells- In the preceding lesson we have seen the wonderful work performed by the cells of which the human body is composed. Can there be any doubt that these cells are alive and have mind within them? Any oth...
Lesson V. The Sympathetic Nervous System- Nature, or the Power that is behind Nature, has built up an intricate system of nerves, nerve centers, and nerve connectives, by means of which the Corporeal Mind is able to perform the manifold and c...
Lesson VI. Mental Causes Of Disease- Before proceeding to the consideration of the subject of the healing of disease by the power of mind, it will be well for us to pause for a moment that we may realize the potency of the mind in the di...
Lesson VII. The Fundamental Principle Of Cure- It is a fundamental principle of Mental Therapeutics that all forms of cures of diseases are really but different phases of mental cure. That is to say that in all healing processes the active princip...
Lesson VIII. The History Of Mental Therapeutics- The history of Mental Therapeutics is as old as the history of healing of any kind; for from the very beginning of the practice of healing there is found to have been practiced some of the manifold fo...
Lesson IX. Disguised Mental Healing- As the student has doubtless already surmised, there are many cures wrought by the underlying principle of Mental Therapeutics which, however, are not attributed thereto, but which are placed to the c...
Lesson X. Three Methods Of Mental Healing- While there are countless methods and processes of manifesting Mental Healing under the general principles of Mental Therapeutics, still these methods may be grouped into three general classes or prin...
Lesson XI. Mental Suggestion- The principle of Mental Suggestion is based upon the fundamental fact that the mind of all human beings manifests a far greater range of activities on the subconscious plane than on the conscious plan...
Lesson XII. Principles Of Suggestion- There are certain leading principles connected with the effective use of Mental Suggestion, which should be carefully studied by the practitioner of Mental Healing, or the person who wishes to fit him...
Lesson XIII. Therapeutic Suggestion- It is a common occurrence for students to ask me for a formula for Mental Suggestion adapted to the requirements of Mental Healing. They seem to imagine that there is some particular grouping of wor...
Therapeutic Suggestion. Continued- The practitioner of Mental Therapeutics will find that the patients who come to him for treatment may be grouped into the following general classes, viz.: (1) Those who incline to the belief that Divi...
Lesson XIV. What To Suggest To Patients- The first thing that the practitioner should suggest to the patient is, of course, the fact that he is going to get better, and then still better, and eventually get well. He should be told that the h...
Lesson XV. Therapeutic Auto-Suggestion- As these lessons are designed to teach self-healing by the principles of Mental Therapeutics as well as the healing of others by the employment of the same principle, I have thought it advisable to in...
Lesson XVI. Thought Induction- The second and third general classes of the methods of applying Mental Healing are (a) Personal Thought Induction, and (b) Distant Thought Induction, respectively. These two methods are based on the s...
Lesson XVII. The Practice Of Thought-Induction- In giving treatments along the lines of Personal Thought Induction, the practitioner should always bear in mind this one fundamental principle of practice, viz., Thought Induction is silent Mental Sug...
The Practice Of Thought-Induction. Part 2- Remember, always, that you are actually and really addressing the Corporeal Mind of the patient in these silent treatments, just as truly as when you address the conscious mind of the person in an ord...
The Practice Of Thought-Induction. Part 3- In giving actual treatments by Personal Thought Induction, you should instruct the patient to sit quietly in a comfortable position- have a cozy, comfortable chair in your treating-room for this purpo...
The Practice Of Thought-Induction. Part 4- The method, or general idea, above referred to is simply this, viz.: The practitioner must take the mental position, and assume the mental attitude, that the physical body of the patient, in its entir...
The Practice Of Thought-Induction. Part 5- There are those who while fully accepting the fact that Thought is radio-active, and that our mental vibrations surround us with a mental atmosphere, and that this mental atmosphere constitutes our fi...
Lesson XIX. How Thought Travels To A Distance- In practicing Distant Thought Induction, the practitioner should proceed along the same general lines that I have laid down in the instructions regarding Personal Thought Induction; that is, at least,...
Lesson XX. How To Heal At A Distance- In preparing the patient for your distant healing currents, he should be instructed to place himself in a receptive mental attitude toward such treatments. He should be taught to mentally open himself...
Lesson XXI. The Physiology Of Mental Healing- In the earlier lessons of this course, I explained to you that all Mental Healing is really the effect of Mind over minds-of the higher Mind over the minds in the organs, parts, and cells of the body....
Lesson XXII. The Nutritive Processes- First of all of the important processes of Nature in her work of building-up, repairing and sustaining the human body, are the processes of Nutrition. The processes of Nutrition are those by which the...
Lesson XXIII. The Eliminative Processes- Second in importance only to the nutritive processes of the body are its eliminative processes. And some would deny even this relegation of the latter to second place, for they plausibly maintain that...
Lesson XXIV. The Blood Is The Life- Although the discovery of the circulation of the blood is of comparatively recent date, yet from the earliest times thoughtful men have recognized the all-important offices of thè blood in the vital p...
The Blood Is The Life. Continued- The returning venous blood reaches the right auricle; when the latter is filled to its capacity its walls contract and expel the blood through an opening into the right ventricle; this in turn contrac...
Lesson XXV. The Bepboductive System- As we have seen in previous lessons, Nature has as her two principal ends (1) the preservation and maintenance of the body of the individual being, in health, vigor, and normal functioning; and (2) th...
The Bepboductive System. Continued- (2) The Uterus, or womb, is a hollow pear-shaped muscular organ, about three inches long, two inches broad, and one inch thick. It is the organ of gestation which receives the fecundated ovum in its c...
Lesson XXVI. When The Hand Op The Potter Slips- In many oriental poems, such as the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, there is found a reference to the favorite oriental analogy of the Potter and the Pots-the Creative Power being the Potter, and the huma...
When The Hand Op The Potter Slips. Continued- Troubles of the Heart and Circulation. The heart, and the arteries and veins, are very amenable to suggestion, and will respond very intelligently to it when properly given. As I have stated elsewhere...
Lesson XXVII. Magnetic And Spiritual Healing- Although I have finished this course of lessons as originally planned, I haye thought it advisable to add to it a brief consideration of two forms of healing which while scientifically included in the...