In many oriental poems, such as the "Rubaiyat" of Omar Khayyam, there is found a reference to the favorite oriental analogy of the Potter and the Pots-the Creative Power being the Potter, and the human creature being the Pot which has been molded by the hand of the Potter. When a diseased or deformed body is seen, then it is said that "the hand of the Potter slipped." And, indeed, this figurative picture is in close resemblance to the truth; for the hand of Nature at times does seem to "slip" in its work, although in many cases the slip is caused by an interference of the human creature with Nature's own well-laid plans and established machinery of operation. Nature being in this case merely the Corporeal Mind, it is seen that the slip is one of that wonderful mental organization, and one which may at least, to a great extent, be .•emedied by appealing direct to it, as in the case of scientific Mental Healing as set forth in these lessons.

While have said that I did not purpose holding before the minds of my students any pictures of diseased conditions, yet for the purpose of aiding them in their work of practicing Mental Healing I have thought it well to present in this lesson a general classification of the ways in which "the hand of the Potter slips," in order that the practitioner may see clearly and plainly the nature of the task of reparative work which he must impose upon the Corporeal Mind (in some of its phases) to perform, so that the patient may regain health, strength and normal unctioning. It will, of course, be understood that the following is not a complete list of physical ailments, nor is it a lesson on pathology. It is merely a general classification, with general suggestions as to treatment of the "slips" in such class.

General Treatment. In most cases it will be found well for the practitioner to give the new patient a General Treatment, i. e., a treatment for general physical health and strength. This is accomplished by treating each general function or activity of the body in turn, beginning with the main organs of nutrition, then proceeding to the organs of elimination, and then the organs of circulation, the heart and the arteries and veins, etc., not forgetting the lungs in this connection. Then follow with the reproductive system, and then the muscles, joints, etc. In this way a general improvement of the whole system is started under way, and a firm foundation thus laid for subsequent special or local treatments for specific complaints. In very many cases, as I have said elsewhere in these lessons, such a General Treatment, particularly the treatment of the main organs of nutrition and elimination, will cure the patient of his local and specific complaint, the latter being really but a symptom of the main trouble which has been removed. A patient in whom perfect nutrition and perfect elimination is effected generally manages to throw off the special complaint without much more trouble. The practitioner will do well to always bear this fact in mind, for it will explain many strange and rapid cures, and will also "give him a line" on the course of treatment in many puzzling cases which have defied other kinds of treatment.

Troubles of the Organs of Nutrition. The chief troubles in this class are mal-nutrition (imperfect nourishment), and dyspepsia, indigestion, etc.; these several troubles usually being associated and existing at the same time. The course of treatment here is obvious, i. e., treatment should be directed toward energizing the stomach and intestines into activity and normal functioning. The stomach should be urged to perform its work properly, and the patient should be instructed to furnish it with wholesome food only; the small intestine should be urged to resume normal functioning, and to aid in the work of digestion and assimilation, in order that there may be created rich nourishing blood which will build up the entire system. The stomach of a dyspeptic is generally found to be in a state of panic-this must be relieved by proper suggestions, and confidence restored. The stomach and intestines are quite intelligent, and will respond quickly to the right kind of suggestion. The Liver, as I have said, is a stupid, slow, stubborn organ, and requires the most vigorous and positive kind of suggestions, orders, commands and general "scolding" in order to be made to resume normal functioning. It must be approached in a positive mental attitude, much the same in which one would approach a pig, mule, or goat-mastery must be asserted and maintained. A little actual practice will show the practitioner the best line of suggestions and commands to use in such cases-but the general rule is to be firm and positive in dealing with the liver.

Troubles of the Organs of Elimination. The bowels, kidneys, and bladder are quite receptive to suggestion, and will respond to and co-operate with the efforts of the practitioner who approaches them in the right spirit and manner. There is but one general rule, and that is to tell the organ plainly and kindly just what is required of it, and how it must behave itself. Train it just as you would an intelligent dog. You wrill be surprised at first to see how rapidly and intelligently the organ will respond. In the case of constipation, the patient should be instructed to make and keep his or her engagement with the bowels each day, i. e. to go to stool at a set thne whether or not an inclination is felt. The bowels will quickly respond to this confidence, and will be felt to be actually and earnestly endeavoring to keep its part of the agreement. Where purgative medicines have been employed, and the pill habit established, it will take a longer time than otherwise to neutralize this old habit and to establish the new and normal one. Tendency to urinate too often may be checked by the proper suggestions, and the muscles controlling the bladder may be taught to contract tighter and to maintain the contraction better and longer. The words "tighten" or "loosen," respectively convey a strong suggestion to this class of muscles-the sphincter muscles which surround, and by their contraction tend to close, the various openings of the organs of elimination. In treating diarrhea and "loose bowels," simply reverse the suggestions given in the case of constipation, of course.