This section is from the book "Indian Cookery And Confectionery", by I. R. Dey. Also available from Amazon: Indian Cookery And Confectionery.
Make a thick paste with fine flour 1/2 seer, curd 1 powa, entire seeds of big cardamoms 1 tola, and an adequate quantity of water. Boil ghee (or oil) 1 powa or a little more till the bubbles die out. Fry in it 1/2 powa of the paste at a time till light brown and keep immersed in a syrup of sugar till saturated. Malpoas are of flat circular shape of moderate thickness.
Make a thick paste with 1/2 seer of hard chhana, pasted with the hands, 1/2 seer of sabeda, powdered pepper, powdered cubebs, entire seeds of big cardamoms, entire aniseed 1 tola each and adequate quantity of water. Fry as before 1/2 powa of the paste at a time in plenty of boiling ghee and keep immersed in a syrup of sugar till saturated. Solid curd from which water has been squeezed out through a bag of a piece of linen may be substituted for chhana in which case it is called Malpoa with curd.
Mix I powa of milk with 1 1/2 powa middlings and keep aside for about an hour. Then mix it with 1/2 seer of thoroughly pasted, khowa kheer and adequate quantity of milk-to make the mass a moderately thick paste. Also mix powders of aniseed, cardamom and pepper. Then fry as before and drop into a syrup of sugar.
Mix 1 powa of water with 1 powa of middlings and keep aside for 5 or 6 hours. Then mix with 1 seer of sabeda, a pinch of saffron and an adequate quantity of water making a thick paste. Boil 1/2 seer or 3 powas of ghee in a pan till vapour rises. Then put the paste in a cocoa-nut shell or a linen bag with a small hole at the bottom and drop it in the pan in a thin stream. Suitable designs may be made by manipulating the hand, the common one being a spiral of two circumferences crossed by one straight line; Fry both sides till hard and red. Then take them out and keep immersed in a syrup of" sugar till saturated.
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